Sunday, May 1, 2016

Ultimate Reset Day 1

Well I have officially completed day 1 of the Ultimate Reset.  It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be but I can tell I'm going to have to make some food substitutions.  Unfortunately, I was not supposed to workout, but I did yoga this morning!

During the Reset you are supposed to be letting your body heal and restore.  It is important to take the time to focus on you health and nutrition instead of your energy going to repairing your muscles.   The good thing is that it was only day 1, so I was just starting. I can honestly say that is very hard for me not to workout!!  But I promise to follow the rules!

So here's the low down on day 1!
Here are the supplements I have to take each day for week 1!


Woke up at 7 am, my usual time to get some work done.  I held off on breakfast until 8am. So I took my first supplements at 7:30 am.  Mineralize& Optimize.  Then waited 30 minutes before breakfast.  Breakfast was 1 slice whole grain toast, 2 scrambled eggs and a generous portion of steamed kale or spinach. 
After Breakfast I mixed up my microgreens salad and made the homemade dressing!  Beachbody gives you a great little tote to carry all of your supplements so I had everything in one place.  I threw in my shaker cup and the shakeology for a snack in the afternoon and off I went to run some errands.

I drank a ton of water.  I had my salad for lunch and then about 3 pm I was absolutely exhausted.  I drank a huge glass of water and then had my Shakeology and Power Greens.   It wasn't my favorite recipe, but I'm determined to get this done!!!

So now we are at dinner time.  Salmon and boiled baby potatoes.  Honestly, it is totally how I would of eaten dinner before! The marinate was delicious and the food was filling.  I left dinner feeling completely satisfied.  I even made the exact same dinner for the rest of the family!!  It was awesome!

Now the hard part for me begins!! The evening.  This is where I have always struggled.  I am a late night snacker through and through.  I plan to go to bed before 11pm and wake up rested!!  I did have a small headache but overall not a bad day!!!

What is the Ultimate Reset?  It is a 21 day cleanse to help you restore your body to normal functioning.  In the world that we live in, everything is processed, convenient, high fat and just plain unhealthy.  A lifetime of eating poorly has caused us to feel run down and tired constantly.  Our bodies can't process food efficiently because they are sorting through the crap first.  We live on caffeine to get us through our busy days instead of feeding our bodies good food to give us natural energy.  Also, many people are plagued with high blood pressure and cholesterol as well as a body weight that is unhealthy.  The cleanse is meant to really teach you a whole new perspective on life. It teaches you how to cook food with flavor and how to eat for energy and satisfaction.  It teaches you how to be mindful of the foods you eat and the choices you make!  The results vary from drastic weight loss to lowered cholesterol to amazing energy and vibrance!  

I am really looking to cut body fat and to restore my body from the intense workouts that I do!  I really want to aid my digestive system in getting back to normal as well!  I can hardly wait to see how the next 21 days play out!!  Myself and my challengers are all doing this together and the support we have created is great!  I know that with the group of us working together we can make it to the end!!
Stay tuned for more....
I'll keep you posted!!
Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

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