Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Break Free from the Fibromyalgia Fog

Fibromyalgia SHakeology

Break free from the Fibromyalgia Fog

“It’s amazing! Yes, I have Fibromyalgia, and Shakeology gave me my life back! I no longer need to take medication, and I was able to take care of my three kids under the age of five while my husband was going through chemotherapy for cancer! I don’t know what I would have done without it!” raves Emilee who, like many others, feel the nutritional benefits of Shakeology have helped them with the symptoms they’ve experienced from fibromyalgia.
Fibromyalgia is a hard condition to pinpoint, as it’s easily confused with several other disorders including rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. (In fact, it may accompany either or both of these health issues.) But, it’s widespread musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, sleep difficulties, memory issues (the fibro fog) and mood problems are serious business. Scientists describe the disease as incurable and one that permanently alters how the brain processes pain signals, amplifying them and causing the patient great discomfort.

Women are more likely to be affected by it than men, with over 5 million Americans suffering from the disease, according to the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases.

Lisa Clark, who used to be a long-distance swimmer and active athlete, was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 1992. Her pain caused her to use a forearm crutch and resort to short-term wheelchair use. However, when she started drinking Shakeology, all of that changed. “My number one dream and prayer had happened: one day, and I can’t remember when it happened, I woke up without a single ounce of pain! This was one of the single most happiest moments of my life! And since I started drinking Shakeology I have stopped taking all medication. No more pain medications, my mood was better, my energy was incredible. And NO FLARE UPS!”

Like most fibromyalgia patients, Lisa was on several medications to control her symptoms. Typical prescriptions include pain medications, antidepressants and anti-seizure drugs. But, many Shakeology drinkers find themselves either reducing their meds or kicking them to the curb all together!

How do they do this? What is so amazing about Shakeology that it can have such a powerful effect on an incurable disease?

Several ingredients contained in Shakeology lend themselves to helping the condition and its symptoms:
  • Camu Camu Berry: Not only is that Amazonian fruit ridiculously high in Vitamin C, it also contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce joint pain and elevate moods.
  • Sachi Inchi: This ingredient consists of extremely high levels of tryptophan, which is associated with the production of serotonin in the body. Many scientists believe that low levels of serotonin contribute to the severity of fibromyalgia symptoms. When your levels are naturally boosted, fibromyalgia symptoms are decreased. Additionally, according to the Mayo Clinic, 80 to 90 percent of the body’s serotonin is found in the GI tract. There are so many ingredients within Shakeology that help aid digestion, it ensures that your body’s GI tract is as healthy as possible. This will help provide the best possible chances for your body to produce and maintain sufficient levels of serotonin.
  • Goji Powder: Containing 18 amino acids, goji is known for being an anti-inflammatory agent and for helping enhance memory, thus reducing effects of fibro fog.
  • Cordyceps: A type of mushroom, it has several intriguing benefits for the body, but the most beneficial one for fibro patients is that it is an energy restorer.
  • Reishi Powder: Another form of mushroom, it’s an anti-inflammatory so it may help reduce joint pain.
  • Schisandra Powder (berry:) This ingredient is a vine found in Asia that works as a stimulator for the central nervous system. It may help re-wire the way your brain functions to analyze pain signals.
  • Maca Root: Derived in the Andes mountains, this vegetable may reduce chronic fatigue.
Nykee swears by her regular dose of Shakeology: “Three months ago I started it for weight loss … and within three weeks my fibro was GONE!!!!  It’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. My entire life is saved. I had it BAD. I was sleeping up to 30 hours at a time, I couldn’t tell you my phone number if you asked, the cat felt like it had horse hooves when she tried to sleep or walk on me. I was in a comatose state most of the time: unable to move and in so much all-over body pain. The wind stung my skin like bees. It was a nightmare for over eight years. It’s not called the suicide condition for nothing. And, now it’s GONE. GONE. GONE!”

Whether Shakeology is the answer for you or not remains to be told. But, as it is jam packed with over 70 superfoods that are nutritional multi-taskers, it’s very possible a daily shake could diminish your symptoms.

~Results may vary. Please consult your physician before beginning any supplement or meal replacement product, particularly if you have any unique or special needs or conditions, such as food allergies, dietary restrictions, or if you are pregnant or breast feeding. The content on this site is for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide any medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.


Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

Striving for Progress NOT Perfection

It is so easy to get caught up in the super model bodies out there.  I encourage you to measure your own progress each month through pictures and measurements and gauge your progress based on that.  Comparing yourself to others makes us feel defeated and downplays your success!!!  Give yourself credit for coming this far!  Making healthy choices are hard and your efforts should be celebrated.  Especially when we live in a world of fast food and drive thru's.  I am celebrating the fact that I haven't seen my abs in years, but I'm starting to see definition again...after 4 kids!!!!  It's all about celebrating the non scale victories, the fact that you went down a pant size that you can do more push ups than last week, that you tried Quinoa and LIKED it or that you have gotten up to exercise 5 out of 7 days last week! 
No one, I MEAN NO ONE is PERFECT!!!  Everyone has slip ups and falls off track every once in awhile.  We are normal and human but the key to being successful in your weight loss is to have more good days than bad days.  I sometimes get out my calendar and put an X for every bad day and a smiley face for every good day! Then at the end of each week reflect on the choices you make!  How can you make next week better!!  Identify where your slip ups were?  Were they due to emotional eating, binging, cravings, social events or lack of planning?  Then, be proactive at creating a better plan of attack!!

Remember that your weight loss journey is not a SPRINT it's a MARATHON of creating a new lifestyle for you and your family!!!

Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Consider Adaptogens for Crash-Free Energy and Coping with Stress

Our busy lives often lead to stress and fatigue.  Many of us cope by reaching for caffeine and sugar. Both are a quick pick-me-up but come with a quick crash, leading us to start the cycle all over again. There are better ways to manage stress and fight back fatigue.  One healthier approach is the use of adaptogens, which are a mix of medicinal herbs that work with your body to adapt to stress and fatigue.

Most of the herbs and fungi that qualify as adaptogens grow in higher elevations with thinning oxygen and rocky soil.  They have had to adjust to less than optimal growing conditions allowing them to become nutrient dense.  It is this dense concentration of nutrients that improve the function of the adrenal system, which is tasked with the responsibility of managing your body’s hormonal reaction to stress, fatigue and anxiety.  Adaptogens can help you to manage stress and anxiety more evenly without the jolts or crashes you may experience with sugar and caffeine.  They’ve earned the name adaptogens because of their uncanny ability to adapt their role to the needs of the body.  It does take some time to reap their benefits, but in the end, they look like a better option.

Recently, their abilities have reached the mainstream, making them seem new and exciting. The fact is, adaptogens have been used for centuries by Indian Ayurvedic medicine for their known ability to boost energy and improve stress management.  Evidence from recent studies is supporting what the holistic wellness community has said for years. Adpatogens appear to be a safe and positive alternative.

Adaptogens  seem to be able to regulate the body in much the same way a thermostat regulates room temperature.  When the body needs a boost of energy, they are there to supply it without the highs and lows that come with stimulants. They keep the body in harmony and balance the adrenal system, while helping it to respond to the negative effects of stress.  Additionally, adaptogens help cells to function more efficiently. Cells are able to use oxygen more effectively, rid themselves of the toxic byproducts of the metabolic process, and access energy more readily.

If you are considering adding adaptogens to your routine, consider that all the adaptogens your body needs are found in Shakeology.

Maca Root

This rare and powerful member of the radish family boasts over 60 phytonutrients. Each of them helps to increase energy, and endurance.  They promote memory, learning and improve mental ability. It also helps to strengthen the endocrine system, and may improve libido.


Holistic practitioners have used this potent herb for centuries for its known ability to support a healthy immune system, improve cognitive functions, fight off stress and better your mood.  It also balances blood sugar, lowers cholesterol and helps with brain cell regeneration.  This multifunctional herb helps the body’s natural anti-inflammatory response too.


The use of this Chinese herb dates backs almost 2 centuries when it was first discovered to aid in healing and the promotion of a stronger immune system.  It helps the body to achieve ideal energy levels to improve physical endurance and performance.  It also helps to achieve perfect blood sugar levels and blood pressure.


One of the most revered herbs in Chinese medicine, this herb aids in the maintenance of a healthy immune system while protecting the body from physical, mental and emotional stress. Its high levels of antioxidants aid against damage caused by free radicals. Its nutrients help, especially during the winter months, to protect the immune and respiratory systems.

Maitake Mushrooms

This large mushroom grows in Japan, North America and Europe.  It is highly prized for its medicinal benefits, which include helping to lower cholesterol, improving blood sugar as well as treating and preventing cancer.


This is another fungi that has been used in herbal medicine for centuries. It’s benefits include the ability to aid in respiratory health, increase oxygen uptake, improve heart health, slow the aging process, detoxify the body, and increase energy. It may also prevent some cancers.

Reishi Mushrooms

These are one of the most popular edible mushrooms in the world. They have been widely used in eastern medicine for thousands of years.  They only recently came to the attention of the Western world. They have amazing health benefits including the ability to reduce blood pressure, rid the body of inflammation, improve cognitive ability, boost energy and slow the aging process.

Would you like to benefits from the adaptogens found in Shakeology?  Try it for 30 days and see for yourself. 

Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Sweet Potato and Roasted Red Pepper Bisque

I promised to share my favorite recipes from the reset with you!
Here is one to add into your meal plan

  • 1 sweet potato (aka yam)
  • 1/4 red pepper
  • 1 cup vegetable broth or water
  • 1 tsp finely grated peeled ginger root
  • 1 1/2 tsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 tsp. miso paste, diluted in 1 tsp. hot water
  • Tamari or Bragg liquid Aminos, Himalayan salt and herbal seasoning to taste.

Peel and cube sweet potato.  Cook in boiling water until tender.  Drain and set aside.  Meanwhile, roast a whole red bell pepper on gas stove top or grills, turning frequently until evenly charred on the outside OR in your oven at 400 degrees for 15 to 20 minutes, turning every 10 minutes or until skin is charred.

Put pepper in bowl and cover with towel for 10 minutes to steam.  Clean off skin and seeds by running under cool water.  Remove seeds, cut into quarters, and chop one quarter into 1/2 inch cubes.

Place sweet potato, pepper, broth or water, ginger, oil, and miso in blender.  If you want chunky soup, set aside some chunks of pepper.  Blend thoroughly, adding more liquid to achieve desired soup consistency.  Transfer to pot and gently heat on low until hot.  Add tamari or aminos, salt, and seasoning if desired.
Serves 1.


Renee Smith

Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Day 13 & 14 Ultimate Reset Journal

Day 13 and Day 14!!  These two days mark the last of the 2nd phase.  Let's talk about the real deal, what am I feeling!

So of course you may think that I will sugar coat things because I am a Beachbody Coach and I want you to have a good experience with the cleanse.  But that's not me!  I am down 6.5 lbs since I started, I have natural energy, not caffeine induced energy, my skin feels great, my joints don't hurt and the food tastes great.  I wake up in the am and can focus without needing any caffeine.  Fruit tastes like candy!! The downside is that I am such a sucker for sweets!  I literally love eating cookies and ice cream.  I usually would allow myself 1 day a week where I had something unclean.  But with the cleanse there is no cheating at all.  I find myself asking what will I do after the cleanse is over!  Will  I need caffeine, will I eat ice cream and will I have a few chips?

It's hard because I don't want to gunk up my body again because I feel so awesome.  I do believe that having a balance between the two is key!  I plan on maintaining my lifestyle this way 95% of the time.  Then once a week I will allow myself a cheat such as cake, or a little ice cream!  I can't imagine life any other way.  I certainly don't feel like I am starving either!

Day 13 was interesting for sure.  I started out with my usual fruit plate for breakfast.

It is Friday and a CRAZY day at work!  I set my alarms on my phone to keep me on schedule but I was beginning to notice that the hunger pains were really strong by about 10:30am.  I had my microgreen salad.  It's so filling and full of flavor.  The best part is that it's beyond easy to make!
By the time my snack rolled around I could hardly wait to drink my shake.  Chocolate Shakeology to the rescue with my Power Greens!  

So now here is where it gets interesting! 
I must say that the smell of pizza and the thought of frozen yogurt were making me crazy!  I seriously wanted to all out pig out on bad stuff.  Ice cream just made me foam at the mouth.  In the past this would of never even phased me.  I managed to get back home and have my own healthy snack.
Now onto the last day of the 2nd Phase! 

It's Day 14 and it's Saturday!!
It is a busy day...we have Pre-K graduation with the Gbaby and then we are off to Shreveport so lots of planning.
I just can't get enough of my Shakeology!  I seriously crave it!
Snack time was a salad!
Tonight is the last of detox, YES!!!  Today I had supper for my snack then my chocolate Shakeology for my chocolate fix.
Ending Day 14 with lots of energy and lots of new recipes!  Tomorrow starts Phase 3 which is Restore!!!
Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

Monday, May 9, 2016

Oh Day 9!

So now this brings us to DAY 9- Oh day 9!  How I loathe you!!!

I am a meat eater!  So today I'm starting to miss the meat in my diet.
I started out my day with a wonderful fresh fruit plate that was amazing!  I must say that the strawberries and pineapple are like candy!
Then for lunch ANOTHER salad.  I have to admit I'm not a big vegetable fan so although the salads are good, I'm ready for something different!  My Shakeology saved me again today for my snack.  This week I also added the detox packet which is not very good.  I have learned to mix it with cold water and shake the snot out of it, then just down it!

For supper I had a sweet potato and mixed veggies.  It was wonderful and very filling!  I'm pressing through to Day 10!

Renee Smith

Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Week 2: Release Ultimate Reset

Welcome to week 2: It's called Release!  

This week we add in the lovely DETOX!!!  And exactly what is detox?  It is helping to cleanse your colon and clear out your intestines.  But it's not in a gross glued to the toilet kind of way!  It's a very gentle cleanse that you really can't tell a difference!  I also like to classify this week as the emotional week!  It also could be emotional for me because for the past 2 days I have been bombarded with pizza, cake and ice cream!  So the will power is in full force!!!  Not even 1 sweet!  Plus I really really want to get the full benefits of the cleanse!
So on day 8 you begin you start eating a fresh fruit plate for breakfast.  You can eat a maximum of 2 cups of fruit.  So I loaded up on some of the yummiest fruits in season right now!  Totally delicious.  But I was really hungry about 2 hours later!
Lunch was my favorite the microgreens salad!  I was really hungry today so I added in some extra veggies to fill my tummy!  Dinner was absolutely amazing!  Kelly made me a veggie mix open face sandwich.  I felt totally fulfilled! 
When reading through the Reset they did say that the detox week can release some emotions and stress!  I'm exhausted and I definitely need to hit the hay!!!

Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Day 5 Ultimate Reset Update

Day 5 has come and gone!  YAY!!!  Today I was off so I made a few adjustments to my schedule.

I actually feel good.  I thought I would be dragging butt without doing my cardio workouts but I am not at all!  Breakfast was awesome, OATMEAL!!!  I was able to add in an apple, walnuts and a little maple syrup!
I was definitely starving by lunch because I did do some yoga this morning.
Lunch was quinoa salad, 1/3 cup hummus and raw vegetable plate.  When I first saw the items listed on here I thought there is no way that I am every going to get full from this.  And sure enough, I was full!!  I even had extra hummus left over after I ate all of my veggies.  The quinoa salad was really really good too!!!
Afternoon snack was my 1/2 scoop of Vegan Chocolate Shakeology with distilled water and Power Greens!  Today, I actually had a lot of energy to keep on trucking!!!

Dinner was stir fried veggies 1/2 cup cooked brown rice and nori gomasio.  But honestly I skipped the nori gomasio!!!  Dinner was great, but I was seriously ready for bed by 9 pm.

Another day down, looking forward to tomorrow!  I was supposed to try Tempeh, but substituted chicken instead.  I will go to Fresh (Whole Foods) this weekend and see if I can find Tempeh (none of the stores in our area carry it).  We shall see how this goes!!!  :)

Make sure you head over to my facebook page, www.facebook.com/melaniejmitro and instagram @lindalevet and follow my progress!!!

Have a wonderful night!
Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

Cinco De Mayo Healthy Recipes

Happy Cinco De Mayo

I'll be honest that Mexican food is one of my favorite types of food! Queso, chips, salsa, tacos, fajitas and of course we can't forget Margaritas!!!  But, let's be totally honest.  Every one of those is far from clean eating and living a healthy lifestyle.  Sodium galore and way more servings and grams of carbs that anyone should eat in an entire day! Then you add on even 1 drink and you are over in your sugar and an additional carb for the day!  So there truly isn't a way to have a festive Mexican meal without setting yourself back.  BUT, when it comes to balance and the 80-20 rule here is what I say!

You should allow yourself at least 1 meal per week that you enjoy!  You exercise proper portion size and you are mindful of what you want to spend your calories on but you ENJOY it without guilt.  Because you know that the other 6 days out of the week you are going to be on track!  

So here is what I typically do!  I skip the chips and queso.  Unless you want chips then a good option is the "food should taste good" tortilla chips. 

Make your own guacamole because it's super easy to make and tastes great.
Just mash up some avocados, red onion, garlic, cilantro, add in some chopped tomatoes, salt and pepper and enjoy!!!  

For the main dish.  I pick and choose between the taco shell, the black beans or rice.  But all 3 of those are carb overload.  I usually go with 2 corn tortillas so it's only 1 yellow! Then, if I do 1 drink which is another yellow, I'm still on track for that day!  I also have zero other carbs during the day, I sorta save it up for that meal.  If you want more than 2 tacos or fajitas then just do it without the shell/tortilla.

Those are my tips to surviving cinco de mayo without crushing your goals.  Oh and lastly, don't get on the scale the next morning!  No matter how hard you try, Mexican food has sodium.  You will retain water, feel a little puffy so keep guzzling water and get back on track the next day!  When you decide to have a cheat meal always do your workout that day.  I never schedule a cheat meal and rest day together.  It's just a mindset thing and I like to break even!  

So Kelly and I love Mexican food and we put together a menu and/or options for you! We have found some really really tasty recipes that do the trick for us.

Check them out and you can even stop and pick up a few things today for your own cinco de mayo party at home with your family!

This is right from the 21 Day Fix Extreme Nutrition Guide.  If you want to even skip the taco shell you can do lettuce wraps which actually are pretty darn tasty!
Here are 21 day fix Chicken Fajitas

Another great 21 day fix approved recipe is the pork Carnitas!  They are just melt in your mouth awesomeness!

Here is a great appetizer.  The bean salsa is festive and it's perfect for vegans that want to still participate in the festivities.  

Cinco De Mayo Healthy Recipes, Clean Eating, Healthy Tacos, Healthy Appetizers, Mexican Food,Melanie MItro

Black Bean and Quinoa Bake:  Oh here's a vegan option too!  The best part is that when I make these recipes people don't even know they are healthy!  

Shrimp Tacos are another great one! You could literally have a buffet of different taco and fajita styles that are all clean eating!

Let's not forget drinks!!!  We love margaritas and we have found a great recipe that everyone loves!
Check out our skinny Margarita!!

So now that we have your party menu or your Mexican night menu covered you have to share with us which one is your favorite!!!  Enjoy your Cinco De Mayo and have a great time!!!  CHEERS!!!!  
Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

Skinny Margarita Recipe

The secret to the skinny margarita is actually the orange juice.  You want to use orange juice that is just natural oranges and no added sugar.  Or you can use fresh squeezed oranges.  

So to make your drink more tart add more lime juice.  If you want it sweeter add more orange juice and simple syrup.  You can play with the recipe to get it to your liking.  The tip to keeping your calories in check is to drink 1 full glass of water in between your drinks and limit yourself to 2.  Even though it's LOWER calorie its still high in sugar and if you are really focusing on results then you are going to have to be very careful.  

Makes 2 drinks.


  • 1/4 cup Lime juice
  • 1 cup Fresh Squeezed Oranges
  • Splash of simple syrup (organic)
  • 1/4 cup Tequila Milagro
  • Splash of LaCroix Sparkling Water in Lime Flavor

 Mix it in a shaker cup and pour of ice!  ENJOY!!!

Renee Smith

Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

Shrimp Fajitas Clean Eating Style

There have been many times that I attempted a clean recipe that we took right to the trash and made scrambled eggs instead.  But we live and we learn right!!

So this week I found a recipe online that I tweaked to make it my own.  It was shrimp fajitas.  I am a Mexican food lover through and through so this made my taste buds twitch just thinking about it!  I had everything in the fridge and freezer so it was a no brainer of a meal.

I have to say hands down this was a winner and I actually thought to myself, when can I eat it again!!


Fiesta Lime Seasoning

  • 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 lb of shrimp peeled and deveined
  • Fiesta lime seasoning to taste (Mrs. Dash-salt free)
  • 1/4 tsp himalayan sea salt
  • 1 small onion thinly sliced
  • 1 red pepper thinly sliced
  • Hard or soft whole grain tortillas or you can use leaf lettuce instead of the shell

Then I had topping to go with it.  Greek yogurt instead of sour cream, black beans, avocado, tomato, cheese for the kids, lettuce, salsa, brown rice and steamed corn.

Place oil in pan and heat on medium.  In a small bowl combine the shrimp, fiesta lime seasoning, sea salt and stir.  Then place in pan and cook 4 minutes or until done.
Remove shrimp from pan and add in the onion and peppers and brown.  Stir in shrimp and toss to combine then spoon into whole grain tortillas hard or soft!

This was a fabulous dinner that we all enjoyed!  You must try it!

Renee Smith

Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

Black Bean and Quinoa Enchilada Bake

This dinner WAS ONE TO WRITE HOME ABOUT!! Thank goodness there are leftovers because I am literally drooling them!  Your family will give their stamp of approval.   You definitely have to put this in rotation!!!


1 cup uncooked quinoa, rinsed
2 cups of water
1 tbsp of olive oil
1 small onion diced
3 garlic cloves minced
1 Jalapeño seeded and minced
1 red pepper seeded and diced
1 cup frozen corn
Juice of 1 small lime
1 tsp of ground cumin
1 tsp of chili powder
1/3 cup chopped cilantro
Salt and pepper to taste
2 15 oz cans of black beans drained and rinsed
2 cups of red enchilada sauce
2 cups of shredded mexican cheese
Toppings (optional):  Greek Yogurt, Avocado, Olives, Green onions


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees and spray a 9x13 in pan with cooking spray.
Quinoa Recipes

Add quinoa and water to medium saucepan and bring to a boil.  Boil for 5 minutes then turn the heat down and simmer for 15 minutes or until the water is absorbed. Fluff with a fork and set aside.

In a large skillet over medium high heat up the olive oil, add onion, garlic and Jalapeño.  Saute until soft, about 5 minutes.

Add peppers and corn and saute for 5 more minutes.
Add lime juice, cumin, chili powder and cilantro.  Stir and combine and season with salt and pepper.

In a large mixing bowl stir quinoa and black beans.  Add the veggie mixture and combine, stir in 1/2 of the cheese and all of the Enchilada sauce.

Pour the mixture into the 9x13 pan, sprinkle remaining cheese on top. Then cover with foil and bake for 20 minutes, remove foil and bake for 10 minutes longer until cheese is melted and bubbly.  Remove and cool!

Serve and enjoy!!!

If you are doing the fix I measured out 1 yellow and also counted it as 1 red.
I served with a side of steamed green beans which is a green.
Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

Sizzling Summer Bean Salsa Recipe

Sizzling Summer Bean SALSA RECIPE!!!---AMAZINGLY GOOD!!
This is great to take to parties and it is refreshing but you can still maintain clean eating.  I also am finding that parties offer NO nutritional value at all! So instead of throwing up my hands and eating whatever is served and feeling like crap afterwards because my body doesn't like the food I bring my own!  So instead of starving every time I go to a get together I have learned to bring an appetizer I can eat or eat before I go!!

Here is a great appetizer that you can serve with chips or in my case just a scoop on my plate as a side dish!!  
Clean Appetizer for summer parties

1 Red onion finely diced
1 can of Black Beans drained and rinsed
1 can of Kidney beans drained and rinsed
1 avocado sliced into chunks
1 tomato diced
1 TBSP apple cider vinegar
2 TBSP salsa
1 1/2 cups of frozen corn thawed and drained
3 TBSP Greek yogurt
Olive Oil

Mix all liquid ingredients together first then add in the rest and stir.  Serve with Food Should Taste Good Tortilla Chips
Clean Tortilla Chips
Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

21 Day Fix Port Carnitas Recipe

I might have found one of the most amazing concoctions ever!!  It also makes killer left overs.  So if you are like me and you need to plan for the week, throw this in the crockpot for dinner and have lunch for the next few days as well.

  • 3 lbs of Pork Loin
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 1/2 cup of water

To make the rub combine:

  • 2 tbsp of chili powder
  • 2 tsp of cumin
  • 1 tsp of ground coriander
  • 1/2 tsp cloves
  • 1 tsp onion powder
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 tsp sea salt
  • 1 tsp oregano


Mix all spices together except the bay leaf in a bowl.
Rub down the entire pork loin with the spices and place in your slow cooker.
Add the bay leaf and water and cook on low for 6-8 hours.  Keep an eye on the pork just to make sure the water doesn't absorb and it dries out.  If you have to add more liquid please do.
Your pork should pull apart easily so you can shred it.

Once you it is able to be shredded take it from the crock pot, shred and then place back into the crock pot.  Stir the meat to coat with the juices.

You can fill a red container with this for the 21 day fix!

For the Carnitas you will need:

  • Corn Tortillas
  • Black or Pinto Beans in a can
  • Romain Lettuce
  • Diced Tomatoes
  • Diced Avocado
  • Shredded cheddar cheese

Cilantro Lime Topping (Do not omit this, it is what makes the whole thing just amazing)

  • Greek yogurt
  • 1/4 Cup Fresh Lime Juice
  • 1/4 Cup Fresh Cilantro Chopped
  • 1 lime cut into wedges for garnish

Combine these ingredients in a bowl for the dressing and set aside.

Add the drained beans with 1/2 of a cup of water to a pot on the stove over medium heat. Cook until heated through.  Gently mash with a fork until they reach your desired consistency.

Lightly spray your corn tortillas with cooking spray and place on a foil lined baking sheet.
Crisp in the oven on 350 degrees for 8-10 minutes until desired crispiness.

Next step is to assemble the goods!

So take your corn tortilla and add your fixings to make yourself a pretty sweet Carnita.
Add a dollup of the dressing on top and enjoy!

Measure out a red, a yellow, a green and a blue for this recipe!
Your beans and tortilla are your yellow.
Your cheese is your blue
Tomatoes and lettuce are your green
Pork is your red.


Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

21 Day Fix Extreme Recipe: Chicken Fajitas

I LOVE the 21 Day Fix Extreme!  I absolutely love the workouts!  Sore definitely means that it's working but hot dog it's hard to push through that muscle soreness!  You need to drink lots of water, biofreeze on sore muscles and an Epsom salt bath is always nice after Dirty 30 Extreme!  But I'm not complaining because anytime your body is sore from a workout it means that it's challenging your body in a whole new way.  I will take it!!!  

We also experiment with the recipes on the Fix Extreme and so far there has not been 1 recipe that we haven't loved!  We made the chicken Fajitas and we actually made extra so we would have lunch for the next day.  Not only was it really delicious, it made great leftovers too!  This is something you could make in bulk and portion out for the entire week and have lunches for a few days.  If you have non clean eaters in your family you can still do the chicken fajitas but just give everyone else shells to use instead of lettuce!  

So please put this in rotation, it's quite awesome!  Make sure to let me know what you think!

This recipe makes 4 servings and 2 fajitas each

1tsp chili powder
1/2 tsp. sea salt
1/2 tsp ground cumin
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp olive oil, divided, use
4 (5-6oz) raw chicken breast, boneless, skinless, cut into 1/2 in strips
1 medium red or green red bell pepper, cut into thin strips
1 medium onion, thinly sliced
1 tbsp fresh lime juice
8 large romaine (or butter) lettuce leaves
1/2 medium avocado, thinly sliced
1 cup fresh salsa
lime wedge for garnish optional

Combine chili powder, salt, cumin, garlic powder, and 1 tsp oil in large resealable plastic bag.

Add chicken, bell pepper, and onion; mix gently to coat.

Refrigerate for 15 minutes.

Heat remaining 1 tsp. oil in large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. 

Empty contents of bag into skilled; cook stirring frequently, for 5 to 6 minutes, or until chicken is cooked through.

Remove from heat.  Add lime juice.

Evenly top lettuce leaves with chicken mixture, avocado and salsa.
Garnish with lime wedges if desired.

Containers:  2 Green, 1/2 purple, 1 red, 1/2 blue

You gotta try this!  It's amazing!!!

Renee Smith

Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Day 4 Ultimate Reset

Well hello amazing breakfast!!!  I woke up this morning a little tired but otherwise feeling much better! 

So this morning I had a great fruit plate for my breakfast, then off to work I went.  I was a little concerned about my energy level later in the afternoon, but I was determined to push through.  My alarms saved me today at the office.  I get so busy that I forget to eat, so setting the alarms really keeps me on schedule.  I drank my water and took my supplements then enjoyed my Nori rolls and salad for lunch.
For my snack I needed something sweet!  I pulled out the Chocolate Shakeology, mixed it up with some water, and my Power Greens!
Now to dinner!  This is by far my absolute favorite meal so far! I was running late coming home from work so my wonderful husband made my stir fry and it was fantastic!!!! I drank my water and took my supplements then sat down after a long crazy day and ate.
I am not feeling tomorrow nights dinner so I may be repeating this one!
Everything I ate today was full of flavor and really filling.  Man you can really eat a lot of food on this reset and feel awesome!  Love it!!!

So now it's time for some relaxation!
It's been a long day!  I'm about to hit the sheets!!
Hoping tomorrow I wake up feeling great!!!!
Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Day 3 Ultimate Reset

Well it's officially the end of day 3!!  I can now say that some weird things are happening to me today!

First I am freezing!  Not all the time but it comes and goes.  It is like my body temperature is changing, very unusual.  I read that it is supposed to happen so I'm just bundling up!  Yesterday I was working and had a jacket on while sitting at my computer!  Then, I started having these weird muscle aches that come and go.  It's actually all the toxins being pulled from your body and that can last 1-2 days.  So I'm trying to just bear with it, but it is rather uncomfortable.

Now energy wise I feel great!  I didn't even have the urge to take a nap today.  Let me tell you, that doesn't happen very often!!  I am absolutely someone who would love an afternoon nap!  Also, I haven't been hungry at all today!  I actually wasn't even hungry for an evening snack either!  So it's a bonus!!!!

Also, I weighed myself this morning just for giggles and I am down 4 lbs.  Let me tell you I am not doing this for the weight loss by any means, absolutely 100% for the health benefits!  But for someone who is looking to lose weight, this is a great start!

So I am all about sharing awesome meals and recipes because that is my thing!  The ultimate reset is like the motherload of the most amazing clean eating recipes that you can find!!  One of our favorite fish is salmon.  The first night of the reset was Baked Salmon in this amazing marinade.  I want to share it with you because it is just that good!  You can also marinate chicken in this as well.  I fed this meal to my entire family and they loved it!


1 clove garlic, minced
2 tsp, extra virgin olive oil
1 tbsp fresh chopped basil
1/4 tsp himalayan salt (pink)
1/2 tsp herbal seasoning
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 tbsp chopped fresh parsley
1 6 oz salmon fillet

In a medium glass bowl, prepare marinade by mixing garlic, oil, basil, salt, seasoning, lemon juice, and parsley.  Place salmon in a medium glass baking dish and cover with marinade.  Marinate in the refrigerator about 1 hour, turning occasionally.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Place fillet in aluminum foil, cover with marinade, and seal.  Return sealed salmon to dish and bake 20 minutes, or until easily flaked with a fork.  Serves 1.

I just doubled the batch for 2 adults and 2 kids.
Serve with 1 cup steamed asparagus and 3/4 cup boiled baby red potatoes!

Meals for the day!!  
Breakfast was 2 eggs, steamed spinach and 1 piece of whole grain toast.

Lunch was a microgreens salad and the lentil lime salad (not my favorite).

Before your snack and every meal you have to take supplements.  Not a ton, but a few to help your body detox.  This weeks afternoon supplement is the Power Greens! 

My tip for the Power Greens is to take an empty water bottle, pour in the Power Greens and distilled water and shake the crap out of it!  It takes the grittiness away and is so much easier to drink!! Remember pinch your nose and close your eyes, bottoms up!!! (I also mix with 1/2 scoop of Shakeology and 1c distilled water)
Snack was 1 apple and 12 almonds
Dinner was Nori Rolls, Japanese Cucumber Salad and Miso Soup.
And lots of water!!!!  I drank an entire gallon and then some yesterday!!

Now I'm off to take a warm epsom salt bath!  It will help soothe my achy muscles and just relax a little!  The whole point of the reset is to stop and just take life in, slow down and listen to your body.  So that is my focus for the next 19 days.

I can't wait to share the rest of my journey with you as well, until tomorrow....Commit to Being Fit!!!

Thinking about doing the
Ultimate Reset?  I would be glad to mentor you along in the process!  Add me as your Coach and we can talk about whether or not the Reset is right for you!

Renee Smith

Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Ultimate Reset Day 1

Well I have officially completed day 1 of the Ultimate Reset.  It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be but I can tell I'm going to have to make some food substitutions.  Unfortunately, I was not supposed to workout, but I did yoga this morning!

During the Reset you are supposed to be letting your body heal and restore.  It is important to take the time to focus on you health and nutrition instead of your energy going to repairing your muscles.   The good thing is that it was only day 1, so I was just starting. I can honestly say that is very hard for me not to workout!!  But I promise to follow the rules!

So here's the low down on day 1!
Here are the supplements I have to take each day for week 1!


Woke up at 7 am, my usual time to get some work done.  I held off on breakfast until 8am. So I took my first supplements at 7:30 am.  Mineralize& Optimize.  Then waited 30 minutes before breakfast.  Breakfast was 1 slice whole grain toast, 2 scrambled eggs and a generous portion of steamed kale or spinach. 
After Breakfast I mixed up my microgreens salad and made the homemade dressing!  Beachbody gives you a great little tote to carry all of your supplements so I had everything in one place.  I threw in my shaker cup and the shakeology for a snack in the afternoon and off I went to run some errands.

I drank a ton of water.  I had my salad for lunch and then about 3 pm I was absolutely exhausted.  I drank a huge glass of water and then had my Shakeology and Power Greens.   It wasn't my favorite recipe, but I'm determined to get this done!!!

So now we are at dinner time.  Salmon and boiled baby potatoes.  Honestly, it is totally how I would of eaten dinner before! The marinate was delicious and the food was filling.  I left dinner feeling completely satisfied.  I even made the exact same dinner for the rest of the family!!  It was awesome!

Now the hard part for me begins!! The evening.  This is where I have always struggled.  I am a late night snacker through and through.  I plan to go to bed before 11pm and wake up rested!!  I did have a small headache but overall not a bad day!!!

What is the Ultimate Reset?  It is a 21 day cleanse to help you restore your body to normal functioning.  In the world that we live in, everything is processed, convenient, high fat and just plain unhealthy.  A lifetime of eating poorly has caused us to feel run down and tired constantly.  Our bodies can't process food efficiently because they are sorting through the crap first.  We live on caffeine to get us through our busy days instead of feeding our bodies good food to give us natural energy.  Also, many people are plagued with high blood pressure and cholesterol as well as a body weight that is unhealthy.  The cleanse is meant to really teach you a whole new perspective on life. It teaches you how to cook food with flavor and how to eat for energy and satisfaction.  It teaches you how to be mindful of the foods you eat and the choices you make!  The results vary from drastic weight loss to lowered cholesterol to amazing energy and vibrance!  

I am really looking to cut body fat and to restore my body from the intense workouts that I do!  I really want to aid my digestive system in getting back to normal as well!  I can hardly wait to see how the next 21 days play out!!  Myself and my challengers are all doing this together and the support we have created is great!  I know that with the group of us working together we can make it to the end!!
Stay tuned for more....
I'll keep you posted!!
Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach