Tuesday, March 29, 2016

What do you have to lose, besides FAT?

April is almost here and most of us are ready for the winter weather to be gone.  I truly feel like this winter has been one of the longest that I can remember.  I am more than ready for the spring showers, chirping birds and spring flowers.  What I know that most of you are not ready for is the wardrobe  that comes along with the warmer weather.  Everywhere you go there are subtle signs that warm weather is approaching.  The swimsuits hanging in the front of the store, the beach bags, the sunglasses, the appearance of shorts and tank tops.  It is a constant reminder that you are going to have to bare your legs and arms before you know it.  Now, you can boycott the warm weather and vow to wear pants all summer long.  You can absolutely do that, but that results in sweaty, sticky clothes and a bad attitude because you are uncomfortable and hot.  All of this because of the decision to ignore that you have put on a few pounds or the ability to have self control over the decisions you make. 
So it's not to late at all.  It's the PERFECT time to make a commitment to your health.  Maybe your short term goal is to lose a few pounds before the summer.  I want to eventually see your long term goal be to live a healthy and fulfilling life.  I would like nothing more than to see you become a positive influence on those around you, to share what you will learn and to truly make this a lifestyle change and not another fad diet.

So now what?!  Here is my invitation to you! I will be starting a new challenge group this month.
On April 18th you can join my 30 day health and fitness program.  During the 4 weeks (longer if you need), I will teach you how to make exercise a part of your daily routine by matching you up with a Beachbody fitness program like
P90X, Insanity, Turbofire, Chalean Extreme and more to meet your needs.  I will recommend a program that fits your ability level and that you feel works with your time commitments as well. 

I will also require that you replace 1 meal a day with Shakeology.  Shakeology is a meal replacement shake that is all natural, helps you lose weight, controls your cravings, keeps you full and gives you energy to get through your workouts and the other responsibilities of the day.  You are only required to drink Shakeology during the 30 days, afterwards you can decide what to do.  The reason I require Shakeology is because when you are learning to change your eating habits and are adding in exercise this is one meal a day that you know you are eating the right portion size, the right food combination and that you are fueling your body for just plain good nutrition.  I will teach you how to plan out your meals, how to pair foods together to give you energy and lose weight, and give you a plethora of recipes to help make your meals easy and delicious.  Every recipe I share has been kid tested and husband approved! 
As part of the Challenge Group you will be enrolled into my closed online support group.  In this group I will help you to set your health and fitness goals, I will post daily tips, motivation and accountability.  You will be required to check in each day and post your daily activities.  It's a great place to feel connected to other people who are going through the same life situations as you! 

Does this sound like something you would like to do?  Then don't delay.  There are a limited number of spots available.  I do this to keep the groups small and allow me to provide you with the individual attention that you deserve!!!

So now is the time, DO IT!!  60 days until summer....We have work to do!

Your second option:  Maybe you are not quite ready to do a complete challenge group but you want to learn more about how to Eat Clean.  Maybe you want to try Shakeology but are nervous about the investment and whether or not you will get the results you want.  I am going to be running a 30 day Shakeology and Clean Eating group starting on April 15th as well.  In this group you will receive meal planning, recipes, tips, basics on clean eating, support and motivation to make eating healthy a lifestyle change and not a crash diet.  We will incorporate Shakeology and I will teach you exactly how to get the results you are looking for.  Then, after the 30 days is up you will have a great base of knowledge to continue on with what works best for you.

Does this sound like something you would be interested in?   Then, ask me now!!
There are some great options for you to get started.  If you are someone who enjoys mixing cardio and weight training workouts then check out the Hammer & Chisel challenge pack! This month only you can score the Hammer & Chisel Challenge Pack which is the entire 60 day fitness program, program guide and nutrition manual plus 30 day supply of Shakeology, free shipping, 30 day trial of the club membership which has a meal planning feature and printable grocery list and my support group as your coach!! 

Other options include becoming a wholesale customer or Coach and saving 25% off of everything you order. No minimum requirements to become a coach!

Maybe you are already into health and fitness and would like to run groups like these on your own?  Ask me how you can become a Beachbody Coach and help other people set health and fitness goals and reach them plus earn an income. 
Ask me how!
Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Pinto Beans and Rice with a MicroGreen Salad

This is by far one of the easiest meals to add to your meal plan.  There is literally no prep at all and you can make it in bulk for the entire week.

Just portion it out in Tupperware put in the fridge and grab and go all week long!


1 cup cooked brown rice
1/2 cup canned pinto beans (with liquid)
1 teaspoon smoked paprika
1/8 tsp. cumin
1/4 tsp coriander
1 tsp. extra virgin olive oil
1 tsp. Bragg liquid aminos
Himalayan salt to taste

Heat beans gently in saucepan over medium high heat until simmering.  Drain and return to pan.   Add oil, spices, aminos, and salt.  Stir well.  Gently fold cooked rice into beans.  Serves 1.

If you are thinking about doing the Ultimate Reset, this lunch is served with a microgreen salad.

1/4 cup shredded carrot
1/4 cup chopped cucumber
1/4 cup red bell pepper
1/4 cup sprouts like radish, alfalfa or broccoli
1/4 cup chopped tomato
1/4 cup chopped jicama
fresh herbs like basil, cilantro, parsley, dill
1/3 cup toasted seeds and nuts like cashews, pecans, pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds (all unsalted).

Then top with your favorite home made dressing.  Try the creamy garlic it's fantastic!!!
Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

Creamy Garlic Dressing

I LOVE homemade dressing.  One thing that I will never go back to is commercial salad dressing.  There is nothing like enjoying your salad and knowing that you aren't ruining it by the dressing you put on top.
This is quick and easy to make!  Trust me, the whole family will rave about it!

1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
3 to 5 cloves garlic, crushed
3 tbsp fresh lemon juice
2 tbsp chopped fresh parsley
1 tsp. Himalayan salt
1/2 tsp Dijon Mustard
1 tbsp unfiltered honey or raw agave nectar

Place all ingredients in blender and blend on medium high for 30 seconds or until well mixed.  Store in airtight container in refrigerator.  If dressing solidifies when cold, let sit at room temperature until liquid.  Makes 8 to 10 servings.

Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Lemon Chicken Scallopine

I love lemon and I love chicken so what better than to put the two of them together and make a lemon chicken scallopine!

Here is the recipe and I hope you enjoy!  It is super easy, which I always like!

  • 5 boneless skinless chicken breasts
  • 1/4 cup lemon juice
  • 2 tsp garlic powder
  • 2 tsp onion powder
  • 2 tbsp capers, drained
  • 2 tbsp whole wheat pastry flower
  • 1 cup chicken broth, low sodium no sugar added
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • salt to taste
  1. Begin cooking the chicken in a large pan with olive oil over medium heat.
  2. When the chicken is no longer pink on the outside, pour half of the lemon juice and continue cooking.
  3. In a small bowl combine the chicken broth, rest of the lemon juice, garlic powder, onion powder and capers.  Whisk in the whole wheat pastry flour and set aside.
  4. When the chicken is almost done pour the sauce overtop and cook until it thickens 
  5. Add salt if needed!
Serve with whole wheat brown rice and broccoli.

Renee Smith

Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

Sunday, March 20, 2016

How to eat clean with minimal food in the house

Happy Sunday!  As you know, Sunday is meal planning and prep day!!

My goal yesterday was to hit up the grocery store and start my week off right but I spent the whole afternoon at work, doing laundry and going to a play at church.

By the time that was said and done I was too tired to go to the grocery store.  So I was determined to wing it and do my best!  Some people say that is the worst for a clean eater.  But for me there is one thing that you can always find in my house.  That is RICE and BEANS.  Add a little spices and you have a meal that is packed with protein and your good complex carbs.

So what does a clean eater eat when there is not much in the house!!!

Breakfast:  1 cup oatmeal, 1 tbsp wheat germ, flaxseed, 1 scoop vanilla protein powder, 3/4 cup frozen blueberries and 1/4 cup skim milk.
Black mocha coconut coffee!!!

Snack:  almonds and baby carrots (weird combo but it works)

Lunch:  Pinto Beans and Rice with hummus and veggies

Snack:  Shakeology w/water and ice

Dinner:  Chicken Scallopine, brown rice, and roasted asparagus.

Then we went to the grocery store so my evening snack was 1/2 cup of greek yogurt, 1 tbsp honey, 1/2 cup strawberries and 1 tbsp slivered almonds.

Drinking lots of water and green tea today!  My workout was Resistance 1 from 22 Minute Hard Corps today! I can already feel the soreness coming on!  Yes I am glad to be back in my routine!!!! 
Stay tuned for more tips on how to battle a holiday weekend, my weekly meal plan and more clean eating recipes!

Have a fabulous week!!!
Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Finding Healthy Alternatives to the Foods you Love, Shamrock Shakeology

The biggest drinking holiday is happening this week!  St. Patricks Day is marked with parades followed by a mess of drunk people all day long.  I can honestly say that I have never taken part in the festivities although it sounds like a GRRREEAAATTT TIME (sense my sarcasm)  There are other temptations on St. Patricks Day also!  The McDonalds Shamrock Shake and Shamrock sugar cookies.
You could suck down a large Shamrock shake so quickly that you would get an intense brain freeze but love it!!!

So while these two things are foods that I used to associate with St Patricks Day I now have found another replacement for my cravings.  At first I thought this whole Shakeology Shamrock shake was a crock of crap!  I thought there was no way Shakeology could taste like a milkshake!  Oh but let me tell you that it can and it DID!  It totally met my expectations!!!

So now I can not only have a Shamrock Shake but I can have 70+ superfood ingredients, the equivalent to 6 salads in one meal, not feel bloated, not kill my diet and still lose weight and have energy!!!  Enjoying food is one of those things that I love to do!  I enjoy sweets and this is another way I can make it healthy!

I can actually make these for the whole family!  Kid approved!!!

So what are the ingredients?

  • 8 oz Skim, Rice, Almond or Soy Milk
  • 4 oz ice and water
  • splash of peppermint extract or some mint water (don't over do the extract or it will taste nasty!!!!)
  • 1 tsp all natural pb
  • 2 tbsp vanilla sugar free instant pudding mix
  • 1 packet of Greenberry Shakeology
  • Blend and enjoy!!!

Do you want to try your own Shamrock Shakeology?  Do you want to know more great tips to turn your own health and fitness around?  80% of your weight loss comes from your nutrition!  Learn the tips and tricks that have made me successful in my own health and fitness journey!  Join me on a 30 day Shakeology and Clean Eating Support Group.  30 day money back guarantee!  Ask me how to get started now!
Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Tips to Improve Body Confidence

So body confidence is always a subject that is on every womans mind!  We are constantly comparing ourselves to others, wishing our boobs were bigger, butt was smaller and that are abs were firmer.  Why is it that we have this ability to turn any compliment that is given to us into something negative!

We constantly set ourselves up for failure by the negative self talk that we use each and every day.

So today I want to arm you with some really great ways that you can help to get rid of that Debbie Downer mentality about your body.  It is a gift and you should celebrate it, even if you aren't quite where you want to be just yet!  It will happen and it will take time.  Keeping a positive outlook in the meantime is key to your emotional well being!

1.  Redirect talk about dieting or body bashing with your girlfriends. When body bashing comes up as a topic of conversation, you have several options. You can change the subject. You can find someone else to talk to. Or you can kindly say, “Talking about dieting makes me a little neurotic right now. Can we talk about something else?” By speaking up, you may find an ally, a source of support.

2.  Avoid looking at fashion magazines or catalogs that endorse emaciated women as the beauty ideal. If you’re an alcoholic in recovery, it makes sense to limit your exposure to alcohol. Similarly, if looking at skinny, airbrushed women makes you nuts, let them go for now. You can add these back in your life as you are feeling more confident.

3.  Weigh yourself less. When the number’s up, you feel bad. When it’s down, you feel good. Constant weighing can create obsession and breed anxiety.  Plus the scale is actually the worst measure of progress. There are so many different factors that determine your weight each day.  These factors include horomones, water weight, sodium, that time of the month and more.  The scale is actually the least accurate measure of progress.  So stop tying yourself to a number.  It does not define your worth and should not determine whether or not you have a good day!

4.   Eat until you’re satisfied. It’s hard to be your best self if you’re starving.  Dieting can lead to food obsession, depression, eating disorders, and a negative body image. Don't use the excuse, "Oh well I binged last night, so I'll skip breakfast and lunch and be back on track!"  Don't do it!  That only slows down your metabolism, makes you grouchy and can lead to further binging.  It actually does you more justice to get back on track with your 5 to 6 small meals a day and work through the slip up.  When you are not eating consistently through the day with quality food it leads to irritability, lack of attention and fogginess.  So never ever starve yourself, you only make matters worse.

5.  Buy clothing that fits. Have you, like me, bought something a size too small, because you don’t want to buy a larger size and admit you’ve gained weight? Or buy a smaller size with the intention of dieting to fit into it? If you’re wearing clothing that pinches, you’re going to feel fat. Period. Be kind to yourself, and wear flattering clothing that fits the body you have today.

6.  Ignore the latest fad diets. There’s something magnetic about the women’s magazine at the grocery store checkout line that proclaims, “Lose 10 pounds in 10 days.” Resist taking a peek. A constant drive for self-improvement is one way our egos keep us away from the present moment, separated from the love and appreciation we feel for the body we have today.

7.  Focus on your body’s abilities instead of its size. I know I feel more loving toward my body when I am enjoying its physical pleasures:  going for a run, or taking a walk with my children. View exercise as a chance to move and play, as honoring your need to move.  Think about the progress you have made.  The fact that you can walk up the steps without being out of breath or the 1 push up you can do now vs the failed attempts last week.  Celebrate your successes in other ways than the scale!

8.  Limit mirror exposure. If you are constantly checking your appearance throughout the day, you will most likely end up obsessing about your weight — or negatively comparing yourself to other women. Looking at your butt in a mirror doesn’t make it any smaller:  I know. I’ve tried.

Lastly, plug in for support!  If you or someone you know struggles with weight loss, body confidence or finding the motivation to make a lasting change then get support!  I mentor women just like you each and every day!  We work to identify the problem, set goals, and introduce exercise and clean eating into your lifestyle.  My goal is to give you a fit family to help you make it through the ups and downs of body transformation.  It's not an easy job and yes there are days when you want to quit.  But when you have someone there on the other side telling you it is going to be ok and that you can do it.  It honestly makes a huge difference!!!

This is your formal invite to join my 3 week health and fitness group starting on March 7th.  Reserve your spot now by contacting me today!  Limited availability so that I can truly customize my support to meet your needs!

Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach