Monday, April 27, 2015

30 Days of Insanity and Lives are Changing!

Today is a very special day!  I am officially 30 days into my "Summer Slim Down Challenge Group".  These women are amazing!  Not only are most of them moms but they have their own struggles that they are going through as well. I usually post final transformations on my blog but this one really hit true to my heart.  Brandy is actually one of my customers in which I have never met!  She was given to me through Team Beachbody's customer lead program.  She lives all the way in MI and we connected through email and facebook!  She purchased Insanity and her goal is to get off the weight she gained from her 3rd pregnancy.  Brandy really is an amazing mom and individual.  She truly cares about her family and really never put herself first!  She is super shy but I'm working on busting her out of her shell!  She always adds value to the group and I couldn't be more proud of her so far!  She has lost 12 lbs and 15 inches in 30 days by doing Insanity, replacing 1 meal a day with Shakeology and learning the clean eating principles.

Here is a background on Brandy:

I am a mother of 3 very active children: Two girls and the middle child is a boy , I also have been married for 7 years. I am getting ready to start Insanity and I want to do this challenge to motivate me to get to my goal weight and to start working out on a regular basis again (because nothing feels better than a great workout). I also would like to create healthy eating habits that I can share with my family to help them to make wiser food choices.

Why are you doing this challenge?  I am doing this challenge to lose the unwanted pounds that packed on during my 3rd pregnancy. I gained about 100 pounds during this pregnancy and had never been overweight as child/teenager so this was a new place fore me to be with my body (although I can never remember being completely comfortable with it). My daughter is now 6 years old and I have been trying to loose this weight since her birth. I have lost and gained many times that past six years. I have recently had some major medical issues and I feel I am to young for these types of health issues. So NOW is the time to loose it and keep it off. I would like to loose a total of 55 lbs. and keep it off. I also would just like to be comfortable with my body (maybe one day see abs) and teach my daughters how to be comfortable with themselves. As a family we also like to run and being active comes naturally to us but I dont feel that we fuel our bodies properly and If I can learn to eat clean I can defintlely interpret that into our family meals and snacks. I also feel that if I can teach my children this now, by example, they wont struggle with it as adults. Overall I just want to feel good about myself, my food choices and what I feed my family.

Choose a goal to reach one week from your start date: I will be on track with my nutrition plan and loose around 3 lbs.

Now break it down into a 30 day goal: I will be in a routine with food preparation and journaling and also be down 10 lbs.  

What’s your 60 day goal: I will be working out daily; start running again. Give up diet coke and down 17 lbs.

What’s your 90 day goal: I will be able to run 6 miles, complete Insanity, know what clean eating is and introduce it into the family menu and  be down 25 lbs.

What is the biggest challenge for you: My biggest challenge is nutrition and being able to comfort myself with something other than food. I also struggle with being able to say "no" when in family situations (such as family gatherings, going to grandmas for dinner...)  and feeling "ok" when I reject food that my hinder my progress.

Can I just tell you that Brandy is blowing her goals out of the water!  By no means is it an easy process but with the support and motivation of the challenge group she is breaking down walls, building a more confident self esteem and doing amazing things for her body and her family!  It's so important that we set a good example for our kids and family because these are the tools that they are going to someday teach their own children!  So it's never to early or too late to start taking care of yourself and setting a good example.  I promise to keep you posted on her progress and the end result of the 90 day challenge!

If you would like to receive support like Brandy is then please message me to find out when my next challenge group is starting and together we can transform your health and fitness one day at a time!!!
Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

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