Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Striving for Progress NOT Perfection

It is so easy to get caught up in the super model bodies out there.  I encourage you to measure your own progress each month through pictures and measurements and gauge your progress based on that.  Comparing yourself to others makes us feel defeated and downplays your success!!!  Give yourself credit for coming this far!  Making healthy choices are hard and your efforts should be celebrated.  Especially when we live in a world of fast food and drive thru's.  I am celebrating the fact that I haven't seen my abs in years, but I'm starting to see definition again...after 4 kids!!!!  It's all about celebrating the non scale victories, the fact that you went down a pant size that you can do more push ups than last week, that you tried Quinoa and LIKED it or that you have gotten up to exercise 5 out of 7 days last week! 
No one, I MEAN NO ONE is PERFECT!!!  Everyone has slip ups and falls off track every once in awhile.  We are normal and human but the key to being successful in your weight loss is to have more good days than bad days.  I sometimes get out my calendar and put an X for every bad day and a smiley face for every good day! Then at the end of each week reflect on the choices you make!  How can you make next week better!!  Identify where your slip ups were?  Were they due to emotional eating, binging, cravings, social events or lack of planning?  Then, be proactive at creating a better plan of attack!!

Remember that your weight loss journey is not a SPRINT it's a MARATHON of creating a new lifestyle for you and your family!!!

Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

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