Sunday, August 2, 2015


Happy Sunday!  Today is a sincere time for reflection.  I hope that my powerful message 
today will inspire you to DREAM BIG and CREATE a vision for your life. 

You have the choice to either believe or not, but the only person you have to blame for your success or failure is yourself.  The topic of my personal development is discipline.  One of the
things I have been studying is visualization.  Visualize your goals before you achieve them.  
You want to act as if you have already achieved it every day of your life.  
When I started my business a year ago my only goals for myself were to help 1 person 
transform their lives and start an eating clean book club.  I had absolutely no idea what this Beachbody opportunity was that I had signed up for.  I could see other coaches rising to the 
top on our weekly team calls and I started to envision my name on those leader boards.  I 
wanted to be 2 star diamond.  As other coaches advanced in rank I could feel myself wanting 
it just as much!  I started to seek out leadership and assistance in how to grow my business.  
I surrounded myself with others that were successful.  I asked lots of questions, I sacrificed 
my favorite TV shows and afternoon naps for personal development books, blog building and 
social media trainings.  I not only transformed my own body but I developed a sense of 
confidence and accomplishment that no one could take away from me.  I created a vision 
board for the next 12 months and put dates on those goals.  I started to make them come true 
when I started making public statements about what I was going to achieve.  I made it public 
last fall when I said that I was going to qualify for the success club trip.  Which I did!!  There 
was something to me telling others that I was going to make it happen that forced me to step 
out of my comfort zone and actually make true on what I said!  I advanced in rank to Diamond 
and I'm quickly approaching 1 star diamond! 
I will be completely honest there are goals on my dream board that I have not accomplished.  
Quite a few actually.  But one thing that I have learned along the way is that I will not be 
defined by the failures that I have.  Just because I didn't achieve 2 star by summit and qualify 
for leadership doesn't mean that I am just going to throw my hands up and quit.  Because 
where would that get me?  No where?  I would be in the exact same place that I am right now 
but with less inspiration and income.  My long term vision for my business is to be 15 Star 
Diamond, to be debt free, and to HELP OTHER PEOPLE SUCCEED!  When I started it was 
to help people lose weight and gain that confidence in themselves that I was able to feel.  But 
now it is not only helping people lose weight but helping my coaches be successful as well!  I honestly feel no greater joy than seeing my coaches reach success and feel amazing about 
what they are doing!  I want to share my passion and excitement for my DREAM job!  I hope 
to inspire those around me to be more positive, encouraging and caring!  When you can 
create that long term vision for your life it keeps you from being frustrated by short term 
failures.  For example, when I didn't reach my 2 star diamond goal by the date I wanted to 
there were absolutely a few moments where I sulked and felt sorry for myself.  Then, I 
reached out to my mentor, gave myself a quick swift kick in the rear and kept on going!  I am 
exactly where I should be in my business right now.  The only person I have to blame for my success/failure is myself! 

I BELIEVE IN MYSELF!  I believe in the fact that I will achieve what I want in life!  I have proven to those around me that I am consistent, motivated, disciplined and excited 
about my life's work!  I promise that wherever I am going it will not be boring!!!


I am excited to say that I finally reached my personal goal for myself to earn a specific dollar 
amount in one week!  Today is a day of gratitude and thanks because I could not have done it without the team of coaches above and below me.  I am a part of a family that is willing to 
accept me for my strengths and weaknesses and is willing to help me face my weaknesses 
and grow my business and my own personal self!!! 

My motto in life 24/7------------->WHATEVER IT TAKES!!!!

Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

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