Saturday, August 15, 2015

Results From My 3 Day Refresh

Well I finished the 3 day cleanse and YES I am blogging about it!  

3 Day Refresh, What Is It? Beachbody, Shakeology, Fiber Sweep, Healthy Cleanse, High Protein Cleanse

I truly feel like I owe it to you to be completely honest!  I truly and deeply "SUCK" at cleanses!  It's not that I can't do them, it's just that I have this issue with someone telling me what I can and can't eat!  I eat clean, I like eating clean, I don't care what the scale says and honestly I don't weigh myself because I know when I'm off track!  I can tell when my food choices are slacking because I feel bloated, my skin isn't vibrant, my energy level is down the tubes and I just over all feel blahhh!

I choose to do the 3 day refresh quarterly as a way to really regain quick control of my out of "controllness" and to jump start myself back into my routine.

It worked of course, but I went down kicking and screaming of course.  It wasn't a pretty site in our house those 3 days.  I had a headache, I was grumpy and the mental fog was ridiculous.  So what did I learn:  Food truly does affect your mood and just about everything around you! When you eat like crap you truly feel like crap as well.  Plus it is going to take you a few days to get back on track again.  It for sure doesn't just happen overnight.  But at the end of the cleanse, I was feeling much more like myself.  I believe that it is important to let your hair down and to enjoy yourself and to not go overboard.  That is for sure hard! But it's one of those things that if you can manage to follow the 80-20 rule you will have a much easier time.   

So over the course of that 3 days, I lost 4.2 pounds and 5 inches from my waist and hips.  I wasn't as concerned with the pounds as much as I was about how I felt.  I got my energy level back, the cravings for carbs and sugar to the normal level and the carb coma was gone!  It was a great way to kick start myself into the Insanity Max 30 group starting Monday.

So what is the 3 day refresh?  It's a 3 day cleanse that is designed to help you lose weight, to help you regain control of your nutrition and to give your body that fresh clean slate it needs to continue making healthy lifestyle choices.

The Refresh is a calorie restricted 3 day diet but it will not kill your metabolism or harm your body.  You are eating nutrient dense foods that will give your body the proper nutrition that it needs to function properly each day over the 3 day period.

Why Refresh?
  • You need a break from a period of unhealthy eating.
  • You used to eat pretty well but have recently fallen off the wagon and need some help getting back on.
  • You want to jump start healthy eating habits for a new workout program.
  • You want to quickly lose a few pounds for an upcoming event.
  • You've never been a healthy eater, but are ready to kick start better nutrition for the first time.
  • You want your clothes to fit better.
  • You want more energy.
  • You love food and want to be satisfied while you lose weight and get healthier
  • You've tried liquid fasts or other fad diets and they simply don't work.

What does a day look like while refreshing?
  • Water, lots of water!  In addition to the water you drink in your shakes and teas, we recommend you drink at least half your body weight in ounces of filtered water each day.
  • Breakfast:  Shakeology, plus one fruit option
  • Morning Tea (optional):  1 cup of unsweetened herbal or green tea
  • Late Morning:  Fiber Sweep, a digestive health drink
  • Lunch: Vanilla Fresh shake, plus 1 option from the fruit list, 1 option from the vegetable list, and 1 option from the healthy fats list
  • Afternoon snack: 1 option from the vegetable list, and 1 option from the healthy fats list
  • Afternoon tea (optional): 1 cup of unsweetened herbal tea (caffeine free)
  • Dinner:  Vanilla fresh shake, 1 option from the dinner recipes, and 1 cup of organic vegetable broth (optional)
  • Evening tea (opitonal):  1 cup of unsweetened herbal tea (caffeine free)
3 Day Refresh, What Do You Eat, Cheat Sheet, Melanie Mitro, Beachbody, Healthy Cleanse

Dinner: Stir Fry Veggies & Vanilla Refresh 

What can you expect when refreshing?  Its about 900 calories per day but because the shakes and food selections are high in protein and fiber they  help keep you satiated throughout the day.  If you get a little gas or bloating that is a sign that you need to up your fiber level in general.  Fiber promotes satiety, balances blood sugar, promotes cardiovascular health, and keeps your digestive tract functioning.  Mild to moderate exercise during the 3 day refresh because the program will be more effective if it can focus on cleansing.

If you would like more information on the 3 day refresh please contact me or check out the site for details.

Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

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