Sunday, July 26, 2015

Eating Clean On a Budget

Grocery Shopping on a budget.

When I first started my journey in the world of clean eating I had absolutely none of the basics that you need to have in your pantry.  So I had to start from scratch.  I used to be very good at planning out my meals and grocery shopping in a specific way so that I would be cost efficient and still stay on track.  Lets face it, junk food these days is just as expensive as healthy food.  The key is to plan out your strategy. 

Believe me when I say, there are plenty of broke college students, and struggling fitness models and competitors who  are still able to eat well despite the odds! It just takes a little extra planning and perhaps some saving.. but making it a priority in your budget will help. If your health isn’t a priority in your life.. it should be! You DESERVE to be healthy! =)
  • Stop eating out! Start making all of your own food at home and you will save considerably!  You cannot be certain what your food is prepared with so it's best if you are down to those last few lbs to just play it safe and cook at home!
  • Make a grocery list and stick to it! Don’t buy things you don’t really need.  Every Sunday I sit down with my word document, grocery list and favorite blogs and create my meal plan for the week.  If it isn't on the list, it doesn't go in the cart.
  • Do NOT go to the market hungry.. you will wind up buying things on impulse, not because you truly need them!
  • Some products are smart to buy in bulk at places like Costco or Sam’s Club, because they can be frozen or stored for long periods of time and will not perish. They may also be cheaper at these stores.  Things I buy in bulk are chicken, ground turkey and salmon filets in which I cut into correct portion sizes and freeze. I also get my berries, and Greek yogurt there.
  • If you think you won’t be able to get through all of something like fruit, veggies or lean meats, buy them frozen.. (or if the meat is not previously frozen, you can freeze the fresh stuff and it will keep for quite some time).
  • Replace 1 meal a day with Shakeology.  The healthiest meal of the day and at $4 a serving it beats any fast food meal or latte you can buy!  Plus it has the nutritional value of eating 5 salads in one meal!  It will increase your energy, decrease cravings, help you lose weight and give you the nutrition you need in one glass.  It's portable, convenient and absolutely tastes amazing!!!
  • Always purchase produce in season. When you start buying off-season produce, the price is MUCH higher.
  • Buy generic, not name brands. You might have to double check the labels though to be sure they are of the same quality.  Warning:  Read the labels at Aldi's especially!  I have gone their for some shopping only to realize that their low fat yogurt has high fructose corn syrup!!  So check labels, they sell it cheap for a reason!!
  • Clip coupons and take advantage of sales. If something you eat frequently is on sale, buy more of it. Although the time it takes to clip the coupons and the immediate cost will be higher, in the long run you will save more!  Also, get your weekly circulars and check out what items are on sale at what stores.  It may save you more money to shop at multiple stores in order to get the best deals.  So some weeks I go to Sams, Wal-Mart and Brookshires just to get everything on my grocery list!  But I have saved myself some money!!!
  • Sign up for newsletters about sales and deals at the stores you frequently shop at (including online and supplement stores).  
  • Sign up for the food on the table app!  It allows you to put in your zip code and it tells you what products on on sale at stores near you! 

Other Great tips:
Crock pots are a working girls best friend. Put the food in before you leave for work and when you get home dinner is ready. It’s also good for less expensive cuts of meat to slow cook.

The cheapest breakfast is eggs and plain oatmeal. The bonus is it’s good for you too. Oatmeal can cook in the microwave in seconds. Boil up some eggs while you are cooking dinner and put them in frig for the next morning to save time. Studies show a lean protein and carb combo breakfast is good brain food. Start your day off right.

Be aware of the correct portion size of meat. It should be about the size of the palm of your hand. A boneless skinless chicken thigh is a proper portion instead of the huge chicken breast that we eat. I save money by cutting a chicken breast in half. I’ve found chicken for $5 for a four-pack of boneless skinless breast. By cutting them in half it doubles my meat and saves on the calories.

Low cost lean proteins- You don’t have to eat meat with every meal. Start having Meatless Mondays that include beans as the main protein with lots of veggies. Eggs are another source of good quality protein that are low in cost. Recipes abound on the internet. Remember egg whites are more figure friendly.

There are plenty of ways to eat healthy on a low budget. Like I said before, you just have to make your health a priority!
“What you feed your body can either be the BEST medicine or the SLOWEST form of POISON”

Feed your body right so it can function properly and perform well for you! It’s the only body you’ve got so treat it with respect!!!

Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

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