Saturday, January 10, 2015

Motivation to change

It just amazes me how many people out there don't want you to succeed. Everyday we are surrounded by people who don't exercise and eat garbage all day long. When you pull out your salad for lunch with your measured out home made salad dressing you get all sorts of crazy stares. WHY? Why wouldn't you want to take care of the body God gave you so that you can keep up with your kids for another 50 years? Why wouldn't you want to fit in that pair of skinny jeans neatly folded in your closet that you haven't been able to wear for a couple of years? Why would you want to feel bloated and gross after every meal because you put over processed, fatty, greasy foods into your body? Every day we are met with resistance when trying to change our bodies for the better. We are constantly surrounded by negativity in this world. Which makes it even harder to stay focused on our goal because we already have low self esteem about our body image. I know that when I started working out, everyday I would look in the mirror and hate my body. Even after a workout I would catch a glimpse in the mirror and think, my body is never going to change. Even after 3 weeks I was still doubting that the Insanity workouts were going to make a difference. I was surrounded by people telling me that, I needed to wear a "sucker inner" around my waist or take pills to lose the weight. I also got, "I thought you would loose this weight quicker". I would just beat myself up day in and day out about my body. Everyday, I would push myself harder! Every time someone would shift their gaze to my stomach while talking I would work harder! I wasn't going to let other people's negative comments stop me from reaching my goal.

Now several months later I have lost 35 pounds and I still wake up and look at myself in the mirror and say I need to tighten my stomach or I want to gain some muscle, but at least I can now fit into those skinny jeans in my closet that I haven't worn in 2 years! I can put on a shirt that was once to tight and say, "I did this!" I worked hard so that this shirt looks awesome! I can honestly say that the help of my beachbody coach, Miranda Asmussen was priceless! Without her support, the support of the team and the support of my husband, I couldn't have done this! I spent every evening reading other peoples posts and researching recipes and motivation so I would stay focused. My husband would make fun of me for spending so much time on the computer but it kept me in check! Because of that I am a better wife, mother, and friend! I hope that I can help other people change their lives too, because I see what an awesome effect it had on me!

It wasn't an easy road and I still have a long road ahead but at least I feel like I can live with the person I am now when I look in the mirror!

What's your motivation!
Renee Smith
Independent BeachBody Coach

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