Thursday, January 8, 2015

Committed to Getting Fit

9 months ago I was at a very different point in my life than I am today. I was 30+ pounds overweight and very depressed about my body. I knew I had to do something but going to the gym everyday just wasn't practical for me and my family. I needed something I could either do with the kids or at home while they were sleeping. I started doing the Insanity workouts and was immediately hooked. I could hardly get up off the floor at the end of the workouts and I was sweating profusely but I loved it! Every day I would get up before the kids and go to play room and do my workout. My husband was very supportive and watched the kids when he was home so I could workout. It became a routine and I was just watching the numbers drop on the scale. I started to have more energy and I was doing all right.

Unfortunately, I hit a point about 30 days in where I stopped losing weight. When I took my 30 day pictures I was sad that I didn't see more of a change. I was discouraged and frustrated with it. I was working out so hard and watching what I ate but I couldn't drop the pounds. I was introduced to the principle that your weight loss is 80% nutrition, 10% exercise and 10% genetics. Then, out of no where a friend of mine messaged me on Facebook and told me about her slim down challenge and asked if I wanted to be a part of it. I agreed to give it a try. I signed up with a free account on and started my profile. I took pictures of myself so that I could have something to compare to. I didn't share the pictures with anyone, but I kept them to myself for motivation. I was added to the slim down challenge Facebook group where I was provided with tons of motivation and support from other people who were doing the same challenge. I am addicted to eating clean and when I don't eat clean my body feels sluggish and heavy. I have totally changed the way I shop for food and cook my meals. After 60 days I could tell a huge difference in my body.  I had finished Insanity and I chose to start the 21 Day Fix and Shakeology. I completed 2 rounds and lost 32 pounds!!  I have gained my self confidence back.

Because of the great support I got from the group I decided that I wanted to do the same thing for other people. It is so hard to make the choice to commit to changing your life and exercising. I did it and I want to help others do it too. I want to be your support system and motivation to stay focused. I love helping other people and this is just another way I can share the knowledge I have gained about weight loss and nutrition with others. If you are interested in getting fit and healthy please email me at and I can help you set up an exercise program and meal plan to meet your needs.

Team Beachbody also has a "Beachbody Challenge". You can win prizes for the biggest transformation. All you have to do is create a free account at and choose me as your coach. Enter your goals and your before picture and choose a workout program (P90X, Insanity, ect). Then log your workouts into Wowy supergym weekly to earn prizes. If you would like additional information on workout programs that Beachbody has to offer let me know and I'd be glad to help you customize your workouts to meet your specific needs. Beachbody has a long list of programs to target all areas of the body. They also have a great product called Shakeology. You can either use it as a meal replacement or a snack. So far I love it and I am going to use Shakeology to help me lose those last few pounds. Check out my site for additional information on Shakeology,

I hope that you can make the choice to get fit because you will feel amazing! It's totally worth the blood, sweat and tears!
Renee Smith
Independent Beachbody® Coach

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