Saturday, November 28, 2015

10 Popular Diet Tips to Ignore - LIGHT BULB MOMENTS ALL OVER THE PLACE!

Crackers with Spread

10 Popular Diet Tips to Ignore

By Kara Wahlgren If you've ever tried to lose a few pounds, you've probably been inundated with diet tips. But take them all with a grain of salt—some advice may sound legit but can actually derail your diet. Here are 10 tips you don't want to follow.

BAD ADVICE: Choose fat-free or sugar-free foods

BETTER ADVICE: Don't believe the hype. "They usually use fat and sodium to replace sugar, and sugar to replace fat—or chemicals to replace both," says Denis Faye, Beachbody's nutrition expert. And Rania Batayneh, MPH, a nutritionist and author of the upcoming book, The 1:1:1 Diet, adds, "Removing fat from a food makes it less satiating, so you ultimately may end up eating more." Stick with the original versions, and watch your portions or better yet, eat more unprocessed foods.

BAD ADVICE: No cheating ever!

BETTER ADVICE: Relax your diet rules, and you'll be more likely to stick it out long-term. "If 80% of your diet is tight, then 20% can be a party," Faye says. "It keeps you from getting stressed—and stress is a huge obstacle in weight loss." Just plan your splurges ahead of time so you're not giving in to every temptation that crosses your plate.

BAD ADVICE: Stop snacking.

BETTER ADVICE: Choose snacks that offer a balance of protein, fiber, and healthy fats—like apples with peanut butter, or carrots with hummus. "A healthy snack can help maintain steady blood sugar levels, which keeps your appetite in check and your energy stable," Batayneh says. Skipping a snack can cause your blood sugar to dip, leaving you moody and famished—and more likely to overeat at mealtime.

BAD ADVICE: Don't eat fruit—it's full of sugar. 

 Man Eating GrapesBETTER ADVICE: Let fruit satisfy your sweet tooth. "Yes, fresh produce is full of sugar and carbs," Faye says. "But sugar itself is not the enemy. Fruit is packed with vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals; it's also rich in fiber, which slows the absorption of sugar. I've never met a human being who got fat because of bananas." When you're craving sugar, there's no debate that a handful of grapes is healthier than a hot fudge sundae.

BAD ADVICE: If it's organic, it's good for you.

BETTER ADVICE: According to the USDA, organic food is produced without antibiotics, growth hormones, conventional pesticides, and synthetic ingredients.1 The problem is that many people assume organic foods are all low in calories, too, which isn't necessarily true. Don't get us wrong—we'd rather eat food that doesn't resemble a science experiment. But, Faye cautions, "You need to use common sense. If it's bad for you with conventional ingredients, it's still bad for you when it's organic." A cookie is a cookie, no matter how all-natural it is.

BAD ADVICE: Calories in, calories out—it doesn't matter what you eat.

 Salad with CakeBETTER ADVICE: What you're eating matters. Compare a 100-calorie candy bar to 100 calories of avocado—the latter is packed with nutrients and has healthy fats and fiber to keep you full. Or compare 50 calories of spinach (about seven cups) to 50 calories of ice cream (about two tablespoons). To feel full when you're cutting calories, look for foods loaded with water and fiber, like veggies or broth-based soups. Plus, "Hormones have a huge impact on our health. Junk food can trigger bad hormonal responses that, over time, can lead to all kinds of problems, including weight gain," Faye says. Occasionally, someone will pop up in the news claiming they lost a ton of weight while eating nothing but Subway®, Starbucks®, or Snickers® bars—but don't put too much stock in those success stories. "When you go that route, you're not educating yourself," Faye says. "It's like the teach-a-man-to-fish adage. If you give someone a gimmicky diet, they might lose weight for now; but provide them with knowledge, and they can be healthy for life."

BAD ADVICE: Try XYZ Extreme Diet—it works for everyone!

BETTER ADVICE: Find a plan that works for you. Gender, age, genetics, metabolism, and lifestyle can all play a role in weight loss—so even if a fad diet has worked for others, that doesn't mean you'll get the same results. "There's no single diet that works for everyone; our biochemical needs are different," Faye says. Talk to a dietitian or nutrition consultant to find a long-term eating strategy that is tailor-fit to you.

BAD ADVICE: When in doubt, order the salad. 

BETTER ADVICE: Choose your greens wisely. Leafy greens and vegetables may be virtuous, but not if they're slathered in creamy dressing and topped with bacon, candied nuts, croutons, deli meats, or cheese. "Fatty fixings can add hundreds of calories to your meal, and sometimes contain more calories than that juicy burger!" Batayneh says. Salad can be a healthy choice, but order dressing on the side and limit the add-ons.

BAD ADVICE: Don't exercise—it'll only make you hungrier.

BETTER ADVICE: Get moving—an hour-long workout isn't going to make you suck down calories like Michael Phelps. "Exercise isn't just for losing weight—it improves your cardiovascular health and strengthens your bones," Faye says. You might feel hungrier while recovering from a grueling workout, but that doesn't mean you're going to pack on pounds. "As long as you're eating clean, your body is amazing at self-regulating," Faye adds. "It should crave the calories you need to fuel your workouts, not to get fat."

BAD ADVICE: Treat yourself for a job well done!

BETTER ADVICE: Rethink your reward system. After an intense workout, you may feel like you've earned a cocktail or cupcake. But splurging after every workout can quickly undo all your hard work. If you've been good all week, go ahead and grab a guilt-free beer on Friday. But, Faye says, "Don't let every workout become a Pavlovian thing where you need to eat cake afterwards." After all, the best reward for a killer workout is getting one step closer to the body you want.
Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

Monday, November 23, 2015

Holiday Survival Guide

So this time of the year is exceptionally hard.  You have holiday parties, family gatherings and FOOD everywhere!  The Christmas cookies are calling your name and you have no will power to say no!  So how do you combat what I would like to call the Holiday 15 (Freshman 15)???  Last year was the first year in my entire life that I ended up losing weight at the end of the holiday season instead of gaining weight!  I want to teach you how to do the same thing!  I want to arm you with the tools, the tips, the recipes, the motivation and the support to have energy this holiday, to fit into your favorite outfit or even go out and buy a new one that flaunts your features instead of hiding them!

Tell me more...

The holiday survival guide group will all be done through a closed facebook group.  You never have to leave the comfort of your home.  You must be a current Beachbody Customer of mine, which you can do by going to my site and creating an account with me as your Coach.  You must also invest in a 30 day supply of Shakeology HD and replace 1 meal a day with it for the duration of the group.   

Why??  I require you to invest in Shakeology for a couple of reasons.  The first and the biggest is that it is 1 meal of the day that you KNOW you are getting the VERY BEST nutrition that you can possibly find.  Especially when you are learning to eat better and make good choices it can be completely over whelming.  So Shakeology takes the guess work out of planning your meals.  You have 1 less thing to think about!  Then, at the end of the group you can decide to continue or discontinue drinking your Shakeology.  But I'm pretty sure you will love it!  In fact, I guarantee it!  If you aren't 100% satisfied I will personally help you return it even if the bag is empty for a full refund!
The next reason is because during the holidays sugar and sweets are everywhere.  It is a known fact that the more sugar you eat the more you body craves it!  Shakeology helps to reduce your cravings to sugar!  So, instead of having a milkshake in the evenings or cookies I grab my shake mix it with fruit, peanut butter, milk and ice and voila a healthy, low calorie treat!  I never feel like I'm missing out on something!  Oh and I the feeling of guilt that you have when you indulge in something naughty is gone!!!  I feel confident, healthy and I look lean!

When does the group start?

It will start on Monday the 30th and will run until the 31st of December!!  During this month we will set small goals for you to help you focus on what is most important.  Maybe you want to learn how to make better food choices, how to resist temptations, handle emotional eating, find healthy alternatives to your favorite foods, cut the soda and caffeine or just have energy to get through your day without crashing?  You may or may not have weight to lose, whatever your individual reason I will work with you to have the success that you want! I promise at the end of the 30 days you will have the tools to make better choices and live a healthier lifestyle!

Do I have to exercise?  

Exercise is optional although it will improve your results.  The only requirement is that you log into the group each day, contribute to the discussion and drink your Shakeology.

Why would this group be a good fit for me?
Maybe you have a significant amount of weight to lose and exercise is not an option right now.  Then, starting with Shakeology and healthy eating will help you get the initial pounds off so that you can begin an exercise program.

Maybe you already are at your goal weight or close to but have very poor diet.  Maybe you lack energy to get through your day.  Maybe you have no idea how to cook or what foods are good vs. bad.  Then, this group will teach you  to make better choices and be mindful of what you are consuming and what it is doing to your body.  I will be giving you meal plans, recipes, teach you what healthy snacks are.  You will NOT be counting calories.  You will be choosing foods based on their nutritional value.  You will be eating 5-6 times a day!  No starvation!   

The biggest key is that YOU are not ALONE!  You have MY support and MY experience as your guide!!!  There is power in numbers and this holiday season you will not be alone!!

How can I get started?!

Go to my site, create an account.  Then, I will contact you with more information!  If you are already my customer, then send me a mesage via email or facebook and I will get you hooked up with the group!

Or you can click the link to the facebook page and request to join the group!

We will begin our preparation for the group next week with the official kick off on the 30th!!!  

This is your time to shine!  Your time to make a change!  It's your time to do it the right way!  No starving yourself, no crash diet, just good healthy, nutritious foods!!!

Follow me on FACEBOOK for even more inspiration and motivation!!!

Are you the next success story?!?!
She did Shakeology and a walking program!
Shakeology and Les Mills Pump
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Click follow to show your support for my blog!!!!
Thanks a million!  :)

Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Baked Apples



  • 2 apples
  • 2 tsp agave and/or maple syrup depending on personal taste
  • 1/4 cup walnuts
  • 1/4 cup raisins
  • Ginger, cinnamon, cloves to taste


Preheat oven to 375
Core apples
Mix agave, maple syrup, walnuts and raisins
Stuff into cored apples
Put 3/4 cup boiling water in shallow baking dish
Place apples in dish
Bake uncovered for 30-40 minutes

I had extra stuffing so I put it in the oven in a separate dish for the last ten minutes then poured it on top when I was plating. Delicious!

Yield: 2 servings
Preparation Time: 5 minutes
Cooking Time: 30-40 minutes 

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Clean Eating Pasta Sauce

I am looking to spice up my meal plans for the upcoming week!  I am looking for quick easy meals!!!  And I absolutely love my crock pot so this is a must!
So this is one that is going on the list!!!! 

Who doesn't love a great Italian Dinner?!?!

This recipe is just as easy but a few ingredients are changed/added to give it an Italian flair!!!  You can add some extra pasta sauce, sliced veggies, and/or quinoa pasta noodles to have a deliciously healthy spaghetti dinner ready in minutes!

3-4 lbs of boneless, skinless chicken breasts
5 medium tomatoes
3/4 cup chopped onion (we use Vidalia/Sweet)
3 Tbsp minced garlic
2 Tbsp tomato paste
2 Tbsp olive oil
1 Tbsp honey

Dry Ingredients/Spices:
1 Tbsp basil
1 Tbsp thyme
1 Tbsp red pepper flakes
1 Tbsp oregano
1 tsp rosemary
1 tsp parsley
1 tsp sea salt
1 tsp black pepper
1 tsp bay leaves

1.  Mix all ingredients (not including the chicken breasts) together in a blender/food processor (must hold at least 5 cups) and blend for about 30 seconds until ingredients are mixed well.

2.  Place blended pasta sauce in sauce pan and simmer on low/medium heat for about 10-15 minutes until sauce takes on a thicker consistency and a dark shade of red.

3.  Mix chicken breasts and pasta sauce in crock pot and cook on low heat for at least 7 hours.

4.  After 7 hours, you will notice the sauce looks very runny, this is normal.  Remove crock pot from heating base, shred chicken with a wooden spoon or spatula and as it cools, the shredded chicken will absorb the juices from the pasta sauce.

Macros (based on a 6 oz serving):
Calories: 160
Fat: 2g
Carbs: 2g
Protein: 36g

  • I like to make my own pasta sauce at home so that I can avoid the added sugars and other unwanted ingredients.  You can use the store-bought pasta sauce but try to avoid the brands with a lot of added sugar, preservatives, etc.  Muir Glen is usually a pretty good choice if your store carries it.
  • This recipe is very versatile so we sometimes add chopped zucchini, celery, red bell pepper, and sliced onion.
  • I haven't tried it yet, but you can add some red wine to the sauce.
  • You can simplify this recipe by adding 3-4 Tbsp of Italian seasoning rather most of the individual spices listed above...I just like to experiment with different ingredient amounts.
Enjoy and keep it clean!
Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach