Saturday, December 3, 2016

3 Day Refresh & Nursing

So, if you've been following me over on my Facebook page, you'll know that this past week, I did a 3-day refresh and had great results!  My bloat went down and I was happy to break through my plateau.

I've had several questions about doing the refresh while pregnant or nursing.  So... as promised, I'm going to share what I recommend to modify so both momma and baby are happy. 😃

The Meal Plan
The refresh is VERY low calorie. 900 calories a day to be exact. So, this is what I recommend WITH modifications so you will maintain your milk supply.

*First and Foremost... whether you are nursing or not, you MUST drink TONS AND TONS of water throughout the refresh for several different reasons... Water regulates EVERYTHING so in order to get the fiber properly working and keep your system "in flow" it NEEDS water. Also, you are detoxing which means your body is working hard so you don't want to get dehydrated. We want to flush out those toxins and help control our hunger so in order to do that, you need water... A LOT of water.

*Helpful tip! Prep EVERYTHING like I did pictured here. You'll be less tempted to reach for something that isn't in the plan and you'll set yourself up for success!

Day 1:

1) Upon Waking: 8-10 oz glass of water

2) Breakfast: Vegan or regular Chocolate shakeology with FULL Banana (original refresh calls for 1/2 banana but I recommend using  a full one) blended with 10 oz of water and ice.
3) Morning Tea: Mother's Milk tea (to promote healthy lactation) and I add in a snack here...1 cup of strawberries.

4) Mid-Morning: Fiber sweep (blech!) I'm not going to lie, this isn't my favorite. I blended this with 8oz of water and some ice to make it more manageable. The Fiber sweep is really important in the refresh. The whole program is very fiber-dense because that's what eliminates waste from your digestive system.
5) Lunch: Vanilla Fresh Protein shake blended with 10 oz of water, ice and a FULL banana (again, I recommend using a full instead of half.) 1 Cup of sliced cucumber with 2 tbsp. of hummus.
6)Afternoon Snack: 3 cups of mixed greens and 2 tbsp. mashed avocado.
7) Afternoon Tea: Mother's milk tea again and a cup of fruit (blueberries and raspberries).
8) Dinner: Vanilla fresh protein shake blended with 1/2 banana this time (original refresh says don't blend with anything) The coconut steamed veggies meal from the "dinner options" in the book which is basically mixed vegetables sautéed with coconut oil and a pinch of Himalayan salt + pepper is great. You can also modify this too and add in an extra cup of eggplant.
9) Evening Tea: If you aren't feeling satisfied, then you could have mother's milk again OR the optional 1 cup of organic veggie broth that's allowed.

Then you do days 2 and 3 the same way...just use different foods you can pick from the list in the book...

Day 2:

1) Upon Waking: 8-10oz glass of water

2) Shakeology with 10 oz of water, ice and a banana
3) Mother's milk tea and 1 cup of strawberries
4) Fiber sweep blended with ice and water
5) Vanilla fresh with a banana, water and ice, 5-7 baby carrots with 2 tbsp of hummus
6) 1 red pepper with 2 tbsp. avocado
7) mother's milk tea and 1 cup of fruit
8) Vanilla fresh shake with 1/2 banana, ice and water, veggie stir fry from the dinner recipe list PLUS 1 extra cup of veggies
9) Evening tea (if needed)

Day 3:
1) Upon Waking: 8-10oz glass of water
2) Shakeology with 10 oz of water, ice and a banana
3) Mother's milk tea and 1 cup of strawberries
4) Fiber sweep packet blended with ice and water
5) Vanilla fresh with a banana, water and ice, 1 cup sliced cucumber with 2 tbsp of hummus
6) 3 cups greens with 2 tbsp. avocado
7) mother's milk tea and 1 cup of fruit
8) Vanilla fresh shake with 1/2 banana, ice and water, Kale and pinenut dinner recipe from the menu in the book PLUS 1 extra cup of veggies
9) Evening tea (mother's milk)

So, that was it for the meal plan! 😃 Easy peasy, right? WRONG! lol.
Not going to lie... the refresh isn't easy... well, comparing it to most cleanses out on the market it's actually quite nice. You actually get to EAT food instead of putting your body in to starvation mode. This isn't one of those "harsh cleanses." By feeding your body clean foods that it actually uses.. you're more likely to keep the weight OFF post-cleanse. But it is challenging both mentally and physically... especially if you aren't used to eating super clean and you're already eating more than you're supposed to.
BUT... it's only 3 days! YOU can do ANYTHING for 3 days. A lot of the coaches on my team were doing the refresh with me.. so I had plenty of support and accountability to get me through it.  ðŸ˜ƒ Plus... I was reallllly determined to break my plateau and get back on the "clean eating" train. I knew it was the jump-start that I needed! That meant I had to stay FOCUSED!

Working Out
During the refresh, they recommend moderate to mild exercise. By keeping it light you will use your energy more effectively to help clean up your system. I also knew I needed to keep it light because my body was working hard to detox itself AND if you are nursing then your body is working to make milk for your baby... So, instead of my usual crazy Max30 and Insanity HIIT workouts and strength training with P90x3... I opted for T25 on Monday (Core cardio) Piyo on Tuesday (Drench) and T25 again on Wednesday (gamma RIP'T circuit.)

Frequently Asked Questions:
How long do you wait to do the refresh after baby? That depends on you and your baby. Personally, I wouldn't try it (modified) until you have a good supply and nursing routine established and baby isn't having any issues.

If I am prone to nursing supply issues (foremilk/hindmilk imbalance, mastitus, thrush, etc...) can I do the refresh? No, I wouldn't risk it. Just wait until you are done nursing or look into a long-term fitness and nutrition plan like the 21 day fix or 21 day fix extreme to help you get on track.
How did you know what to add in? I should've prefaced by saying I'm not a nutritionist but, I DO know my body very well. I also know how to increase milk supply after you notice a drop (mother's milk tea, fenugreek, pumping, etc...) After nursing 4 children, I just know how much I can restrict my calorie intake so that I remain in the "safe zone." With that being said, what I recommend may or may not work for you. I am just sharing MY experience. This is not a post to "push" anyone to try the refresh while nursing. If you are concerned or worried... the best thing to do is just wait until you are done breastfeeding and THEN give it a shot. 😃
Is there anything in the refresh that's harmful to you or baby? Nope. 😃 The refresh (and shakeology) is full of clean, whole, nutritiously-dense super foods. I don't know about you but that sounds pretty dang good for mom and baby compared to processed foods and GMO's. You're eating an array of fruits, veggies, protein, and healthy fat throughout the day to keep your energy and metabolism going so you don't damage your health and undermine your weight-loss goals.

What if I don't like Veggies? Learn to like them. 😃 And it's only 3 day!!
When you bend over do you still have that extra skin? Yes, I do have a little and I wear it proudly because I am a MOMMA! 😄


So, what do you do post-cleanse? You should *continue shakeology!* Which is why the refresh challenge comes with a 30 day supply of shakeology so you can continue feeding your body good nutrition and so you don't steer yourself off track. Since the refresh, I haven't felt any cravings for any cheeses, quest bars, crackers or any other temptations I was stuffing my face with prior. 😃 I find myself wanting more whole foods - fruits, healthy fats and veggies. I will admit, I'm super happy to eat meat again after being completely vegan for 3 days lol!

It also made me realize how many servings of veggies I TRULY need to eat a day to keep seeing and maintaining my results from my workouts. Once you do the refresh you will finally see that nutrition really IS 80% of the equation when it comes to getting the body you want. I'm making it a goal to make sure I get all of my veggies servings in EVERY DAY. So, I'm not only continuing with shakeology but I will also be following the 21 day fix meal plan from here on out. That will ensure that I'm getting exactly what my body needs, how much of it to eat and when to eat it each day.

Phew! I think that about covers it all. 😃 If you have any questions or want to get started with your 3-day refresh and/or the 21 day fix challenge... make sure you contact me 😃 Hope this was helpful for you!

Talk soon! 😃

Renee Smith

Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

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