Sunday, February 21, 2016

Challenger Success Stories

Customer Success Stories

Today I want to take the time and just reflect on the impact that Beachbody Coaches can have on the people that they work with!

Every day I check in to my challenge group, post recipes, tips, meal plans and questions to make people reflect and think about why they are working hard to change their bodies and their nutrition.  Yes it is hard and sometimes you just down right don't want to do it!

You may not always see the changes on the scale happening as quickly as you would like, but you don't give up.  You don't give up because you TRUST and BELIEVE in your COACH!  You know that if you follow the meal plan and the workout schedule you will get the results that you want!  WHY, because you see that other people just like you are doing it too!  You know that you are no different than them.  You know that if you put your mind to something you can make it happen!  You WANT TO CHANGE!!!

As a COACH I always seek to find things to inspire, spark discussion and create vision for my challengers future.

I love more than anything to hear their responses to the questions that I ask!  Sometimes it moves me to tears to just see how far they have come in their thought process and the way they view TRULY living a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE.

Insanity & Pump Hybrid
Check out what some of my challengers said!

Question: I just want you to know that YOU ARE ALL GREAT IN MY EYES! I know that each and every one of you have struggled to make exercise and eating healthy a routine! I know that you may not be exactly where you wanted to be at this place in time but I want you to spend today reflecting on where you were 5 weeks ago? I want you to think about what you have changed in your life, I want you to tell the group at least 2 things that you did on day 1 that you no longer do TODAY!! I want you to give yourself a pat on the back for working hard and doing your best! THIS IS ONLY THE BEGINNING OF THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!!! I'M SO PROUD OF YOU! 

Challenger A:   I no longer make excuses for my packed schedule. I fit in a work out no matter what. I also gave up my 5 cups of coffee per day during the Ultimate Reset and haven't had a cup since. My addiction to caffeine is over - I still crave it, but so far... So good.

Challenger B:  I no longer use cream in my coffee! I am starting to look at my body as "hot" not I have a flabby butt etc. I'm not saying I'm not working to improve my look but I'm starting to love my body. I've never done this!

Challenger C:  I used to drink pop/soda and now that I've given it up, it doesn't even sound good to me anymore! Also, we used to stop at mcd's everytime we went out but now we bring our own snacks!  

Challenger D:  Two things I no longer do: 1) I no longer skip/eat cookies for breakfast. I make it a priority to eat a healthy breakfast. 2) I no longer make excuses for not working out. I used to always say I didn't have time. Now, no excuses ... I'm actually feeling like I accomplish more, even with workouts squeezed into my day.

This post from one of my challengers also totally moved me!  It's amazing to see that they are realizing their food addictions or their emotional connections to food.  They are holding themselves accountable by posting in the group.  Then, everyone in there lifts them up and encourages them to make a change and be strong!

"I, Jessica, vow to stop sabotaging myself with too many stupid little cheats. I work my ass off & then shoot myself in the foot because my emotions lead me to the pantry. I'm ready for a new week and; a clean slate. Last week of Turbo Fire, then onto BBL."
Challenge groups are more than just purchasing a challenge pack and drinking Shakeology every day.  It's more than just doing Turbofire, P90X, Insanity, Chalean Extreme or Body Pump.  It's more than a facebook group!  
A challenge group is:
  • A support system
  • A family
  • A place to feel secure and comfortable talking about your struggles.
  • A place to get motivation when you want to quit.
  • A place to improve your body and your mind.
  • A place to learn about fueling your body for energy and not comfort.
  • A place where you can get support from the comfort of your own home.
  • Challenger Transformation
   So you can see that not only are their minds changing but their bodies are too.  I have challengers of every shape and size.  Moms, single ladies, working women, stay at home moms, college students and women who just want to be healthy and live longer!  No matter what your body type or your history it is in the past!  This is a new day and this is your chance to change your future.  To create a healthier lifestyle and to be the best version of you that you can be!  

So what are you waiting for?!

Why would you waste another day feeling BLAH, FAT, SICK and TIRED!  (Maybe a little harsh but I know that is how some of us feel)  

My Spring 21 Days to Love Yourself Challenge is FORMING NOW!

Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Valentine's Shakeology Pudding Dessert

Make this for someone special this Valentine's Day!

Chocolate Shakeology Pudding:
1½ scoops Chocolate Shakeology
1 ripe avocado
1 large banana
1 cup almond milk
1 tsp. lemon juice

PREPARATION: Mix all ingredients in blender until smooth. If pudding is too thick, add a bit more almond milk. Pour into 4 small individual dishes and refrigerate for an hour. OPTIONAL: Garnish with strawberries and raspberries.

I am definitely someone who loves chocolate.  But I also love the definition in my body from eating healthy and clean.  I also love that I can have something that is rich and creamy but also is healthy at the same time!  Honestly, why wouldn't you want the best of both worlds.

If you have never tried Shakeology but are curious about how it could benefit you then contact me and I can always give you the scoop!  You can decide for yourself if you feel it is worth the investment!  

If you want to give Shakeology a try, please contact me to purchase!  Then I can explain the best options to get you the most bang for your buck!  LOL

A little info on Shakeology from NONE other than the MAN himself!  Tony Horton, P90X!

Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Beachbody Coaching

We're a FAMILY, We work TOGETHER, We train together and we grow from each others strengths! I’m not a fitness expert or professional trainer but these programs and products have helped me CHANGED MY LIFE!! And I am PASSIONATE about sharing them with others! HOW COULD I NOT?!?! I help people…I CHANGE LIVES…like mine…like YOURS…We are Team Better Body...TOGETHER we are BETTER! Together we are UNSTOPPABLE!! Join our team…Join our FAMILY!

Why Become A Beachbody Coach with Team Better Body?

I hate to boast but I think we are the BEST..LOL. All kidding aside, I truly think of our team as FAMILY! The best part about this is we have developed an easily duplicatable system that can get you results. Coaches who have followed our system went from making nothing from being a Beachbody Coach to replacing their full-time income!  

I truly love helping people reach their personal health and fitness goals. There is nothing more rewarding than seeing the joy in their eyes when they conquer that mountain.

Are you beginning to wonder what all of this Beachbody Coach buzz is all about?  Well, if so then this is the place to be.  

Team Better Body is a group of motivated individuals who provide support, motivation and encouragement to people on a daily basis to help them achieve their health and fitness goals.  I  provide free coaching advice and support to people who are enrolled as my customer or coach with a free Team Beachbody account.  As a coach my job is to help you set realistic health and fitness goals.  Then, together we create an action plan.  I never focus on the big picture, instead we break it down into manageable smaller chunks.  We work to overcome things like emotional connections to food, traveling, meal planning, healthy snacks, and just plain motivation.  Everything that we need to be successful is right here.

I really love running challenge groups.  They are truly my passion.  Challenge groups have been the best way for me to get to know my customers and to help them on a daily basis.  A challenge group is all done through facebook.  Each participant purchases a Beachbody fitness program and commits to drinking Shakeology for at least one meal a day.  In return I will help you with meal planning, grocery shopping, planning and staying on track. The small group environment really works! 

Now that my business is growing I also help my coaches that have joined my team to duplicate my success.  I do this through weekly mentoring calls, our coach closed facebook support group, and events all over the United States.  There is no greater feeling in the world than seeing your coaches succeed!!!


Being a Beachbody Coach ISN’T a Get Rich Quick Scheme. It is hard work and you get out the effort you put in. So if you aren’t willing to put in the time and effort you aren’t going to succeed. All my coaches can tell you I live by the MOTTO “Be Here in A YEAR”, that means give this business 100% for a year and you will be AMAZED! Are you ready to change your life and the lives of countless others? What are you waiting for?

I have done INSANITY, P90X3, 21 Day Fix, 21 Day Fix Extreme, MAX30 and Hammer and Chisel and I currently drink Shakeology every day and follow the clean eating lifestyle. I do not SELL anything except for a healthy lifestyle that is based upon the principles of eating whole natural foods and regular exercise!  Of course I do promote Beachbody Fitness programs and supplements because they work!  I have tried them and if you follow X,Y,Z then you will get the results that you are looking for!  I not only have transformed my own life physically but I now have a more positive outlook on life and I LOVE being surrounding by people who want more out of life! 

Want to know more about Team Better Body and exactly what you are going to get if you sign up with me as your coach?  

You don't have to start coaching alone!  It is my job to provide you with the tools to succeed!  Check out the Back Stage Pass Event!


Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

Monday, February 1, 2016

Are you Struggling to Stick with Your Resolution to Lose Weight and Get Healthy?


February is here and I can't believe it is here already! So now is the moment of truth.  What were your New Year's Resolutions?  What did you want to accomplish in 2016?  

Have you made any progress towards that goal?  
Did you have losing weight, getting healthy, learning to eat healthier on that list??  
Is it happening the way you envisioned it?  
Are you losing steam, feeling frustrated, lacking results?  

I am HERE TO TELL YOU THAT IT IS TOTALLY NORMAL!!  You are not alone!  Chances are that you have really good intentions.  You just have a few hiccups in the road and don't know how to turn yourself back around.  So that's why I am here.  Honestly it's hard to lose weight.  It's even harder to pass up on the CONSTANT temptations that are placed in front of you everyday.  You go to work, there are donuts for the staff meeting.  You go to your desk and the girl next to you has a bowl of Hershey kisses on her desk.  You go to lunch and the options are pizza, french fries, chicken fingers and Diet Coke.  Then, you come home and it's dinner time!  You are running late because the traffic was bad, the kids have evening events and you don't have time to cook.  So you pile the kids in the car, hit the drive thru and think you are making a good choice by getting a grilled chicken sandwich.  But you don't say no to the fries and the Diet Coke is diet so it's better than the regular!  You come home at night and are frustrated because you aren't losing weight even though you think you had a good day!

IS THIS YOU?!?!?!  

I know how you feel.  Life is beyond busy, our calendars are jam packed and we just don't have enough hours in the day.  But I am here to tell you that it is an excuse!  If you really truly want to make a change.  If you truly want more energy, want to lose weight and feel more alive then it's time to make a CHANGE!!!

Every change does not come without a CHALLENGE!  That is where I can help.  There is power in NUMBERS!  There is power in knowing you are not alone.  There is power in knowing that you have 5 other women that are in this with you.  The power lies in the fact that you can workout on your own, in your own home at whatever time works for you.  I can customize the workout to fit your needs and restrictions.  I can help you create a meal plan to fit your life, give you simple quick easy meals and snacks to avoid the diet pitfalls and the scary drive thru.  Plus the support that you will receive is priceless.  I will keep you accountable 7 days a week without fail.  I promise that if you commit to the next 12 weeks your life will change!!!

Starting NOW I commit to YOU!  I commit to being your personal cheerleader.  I commit to lifting you up when times get tough and you want to give up!  I commit to finding your inner strength and growing your character.  


What's next? Go to my site and join to create a free account with me as your coach.  Send me an email at and tell me that you want more information on participating in my 12 week health and fitness program.  Then, together we will determine whether or not this program is right for you!  Don't delay because Summer is less than 4 months away.

   Now is your time!  Don't waste another month doing something that isn't working!

What is a challenge group? 

Are you ready?!?!
Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach