Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Gym vs Home Workout

When it comes to working out, people either prefer to workout from home or at the gym.  I fitness ballhappen to enjoy both.  There are, however, advantages and disadvantages to both and more and more people are dumping their gym membership in lieu of working out from their own home.  Let’s compare working out at the gym VS. working out from home.


Gym: To join a gym there is usually an upfront fee, plus a monthly fee of $10 to sometimes $30 or more per month.  
Home Workout:  Working out from home is free after making a small investment in weights and/or a workout DVD.


Gym:  People sometimes underestimate the time it takes to workout at a gym.  When you calculate getting dressed, packing a bag, driving there and back, and showering, a big chunk of time has been used.  Oh yeah, then there’s the time spent working out!
Home Workout: So much time is saved by working out from home because we can roll out of bed, throw on some workout clothes and start working out immediately.  Takes the “I don’t have time” excuse away that we’ve all probably used.


Gym: Most gyms offer a variety of weights, machines, and classes that is hard to duplicate at home.
Home Workout:  The variety of exercises you can do are only limited by the space in your home and budget that you have.  People do find different workouts to try through videos like P90X and Insanity.


Gym:  Since most people have a hard time staying consistent in their gym routine, results seem to suffer or plateau. Also many people aren't quite sure what to do at the gym or which weights/machines to use and often give up if they cannot afford a personal trainer.
Home Workout:  There is less money, time and steps involved in working out from home so it is easier to stay on track.  It’s easy to skip the gym, but since the “gym” is right at home, it’s easier to stay committed.
I have done both, and I enjoy working out from home as well as working out in a gym.  Just depends on the day for me.  Which do you prefer?
If you need help staying committed to a program or need help deciding on which program is best for you, then contact me.  I can help!
Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

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