Saturday, December 3, 2016

3 Day Refresh & Nursing

So, if you've been following me over on my Facebook page, you'll know that this past week, I did a 3-day refresh and had great results!  My bloat went down and I was happy to break through my plateau.

I've had several questions about doing the refresh while pregnant or nursing.  So... as promised, I'm going to share what I recommend to modify so both momma and baby are happy. 😃

The Meal Plan
The refresh is VERY low calorie. 900 calories a day to be exact. So, this is what I recommend WITH modifications so you will maintain your milk supply.

*First and Foremost... whether you are nursing or not, you MUST drink TONS AND TONS of water throughout the refresh for several different reasons... Water regulates EVERYTHING so in order to get the fiber properly working and keep your system "in flow" it NEEDS water. Also, you are detoxing which means your body is working hard so you don't want to get dehydrated. We want to flush out those toxins and help control our hunger so in order to do that, you need water... A LOT of water.

*Helpful tip! Prep EVERYTHING like I did pictured here. You'll be less tempted to reach for something that isn't in the plan and you'll set yourself up for success!

Day 1:

1) Upon Waking: 8-10 oz glass of water

2) Breakfast: Vegan or regular Chocolate shakeology with FULL Banana (original refresh calls for 1/2 banana but I recommend using  a full one) blended with 10 oz of water and ice.
3) Morning Tea: Mother's Milk tea (to promote healthy lactation) and I add in a snack here...1 cup of strawberries.

4) Mid-Morning: Fiber sweep (blech!) I'm not going to lie, this isn't my favorite. I blended this with 8oz of water and some ice to make it more manageable. The Fiber sweep is really important in the refresh. The whole program is very fiber-dense because that's what eliminates waste from your digestive system.
5) Lunch: Vanilla Fresh Protein shake blended with 10 oz of water, ice and a FULL banana (again, I recommend using a full instead of half.) 1 Cup of sliced cucumber with 2 tbsp. of hummus.
6)Afternoon Snack: 3 cups of mixed greens and 2 tbsp. mashed avocado.
7) Afternoon Tea: Mother's milk tea again and a cup of fruit (blueberries and raspberries).
8) Dinner: Vanilla fresh protein shake blended with 1/2 banana this time (original refresh says don't blend with anything) The coconut steamed veggies meal from the "dinner options" in the book which is basically mixed vegetables sautéed with coconut oil and a pinch of Himalayan salt + pepper is great. You can also modify this too and add in an extra cup of eggplant.
9) Evening Tea: If you aren't feeling satisfied, then you could have mother's milk again OR the optional 1 cup of organic veggie broth that's allowed.

Then you do days 2 and 3 the same way...just use different foods you can pick from the list in the book...

Day 2:

1) Upon Waking: 8-10oz glass of water

2) Shakeology with 10 oz of water, ice and a banana
3) Mother's milk tea and 1 cup of strawberries
4) Fiber sweep blended with ice and water
5) Vanilla fresh with a banana, water and ice, 5-7 baby carrots with 2 tbsp of hummus
6) 1 red pepper with 2 tbsp. avocado
7) mother's milk tea and 1 cup of fruit
8) Vanilla fresh shake with 1/2 banana, ice and water, veggie stir fry from the dinner recipe list PLUS 1 extra cup of veggies
9) Evening tea (if needed)

Day 3:
1) Upon Waking: 8-10oz glass of water
2) Shakeology with 10 oz of water, ice and a banana
3) Mother's milk tea and 1 cup of strawberries
4) Fiber sweep packet blended with ice and water
5) Vanilla fresh with a banana, water and ice, 1 cup sliced cucumber with 2 tbsp of hummus
6) 3 cups greens with 2 tbsp. avocado
7) mother's milk tea and 1 cup of fruit
8) Vanilla fresh shake with 1/2 banana, ice and water, Kale and pinenut dinner recipe from the menu in the book PLUS 1 extra cup of veggies
9) Evening tea (mother's milk)

So, that was it for the meal plan! 😃 Easy peasy, right? WRONG! lol.
Not going to lie... the refresh isn't easy... well, comparing it to most cleanses out on the market it's actually quite nice. You actually get to EAT food instead of putting your body in to starvation mode. This isn't one of those "harsh cleanses." By feeding your body clean foods that it actually uses.. you're more likely to keep the weight OFF post-cleanse. But it is challenging both mentally and physically... especially if you aren't used to eating super clean and you're already eating more than you're supposed to.
BUT... it's only 3 days! YOU can do ANYTHING for 3 days. A lot of the coaches on my team were doing the refresh with me.. so I had plenty of support and accountability to get me through it.  ðŸ˜ƒ Plus... I was reallllly determined to break my plateau and get back on the "clean eating" train. I knew it was the jump-start that I needed! That meant I had to stay FOCUSED!

Working Out
During the refresh, they recommend moderate to mild exercise. By keeping it light you will use your energy more effectively to help clean up your system. I also knew I needed to keep it light because my body was working hard to detox itself AND if you are nursing then your body is working to make milk for your baby... So, instead of my usual crazy Max30 and Insanity HIIT workouts and strength training with P90x3... I opted for T25 on Monday (Core cardio) Piyo on Tuesday (Drench) and T25 again on Wednesday (gamma RIP'T circuit.)

Frequently Asked Questions:
How long do you wait to do the refresh after baby? That depends on you and your baby. Personally, I wouldn't try it (modified) until you have a good supply and nursing routine established and baby isn't having any issues.

If I am prone to nursing supply issues (foremilk/hindmilk imbalance, mastitus, thrush, etc...) can I do the refresh? No, I wouldn't risk it. Just wait until you are done nursing or look into a long-term fitness and nutrition plan like the 21 day fix or 21 day fix extreme to help you get on track.
How did you know what to add in? I should've prefaced by saying I'm not a nutritionist but, I DO know my body very well. I also know how to increase milk supply after you notice a drop (mother's milk tea, fenugreek, pumping, etc...) After nursing 4 children, I just know how much I can restrict my calorie intake so that I remain in the "safe zone." With that being said, what I recommend may or may not work for you. I am just sharing MY experience. This is not a post to "push" anyone to try the refresh while nursing. If you are concerned or worried... the best thing to do is just wait until you are done breastfeeding and THEN give it a shot. 😃
Is there anything in the refresh that's harmful to you or baby? Nope. 😃 The refresh (and shakeology) is full of clean, whole, nutritiously-dense super foods. I don't know about you but that sounds pretty dang good for mom and baby compared to processed foods and GMO's. You're eating an array of fruits, veggies, protein, and healthy fat throughout the day to keep your energy and metabolism going so you don't damage your health and undermine your weight-loss goals.

What if I don't like Veggies? Learn to like them. 😃 And it's only 3 day!!
When you bend over do you still have that extra skin? Yes, I do have a little and I wear it proudly because I am a MOMMA! 😄


So, what do you do post-cleanse? You should *continue shakeology!* Which is why the refresh challenge comes with a 30 day supply of shakeology so you can continue feeding your body good nutrition and so you don't steer yourself off track. Since the refresh, I haven't felt any cravings for any cheeses, quest bars, crackers or any other temptations I was stuffing my face with prior. 😃 I find myself wanting more whole foods - fruits, healthy fats and veggies. I will admit, I'm super happy to eat meat again after being completely vegan for 3 days lol!

It also made me realize how many servings of veggies I TRULY need to eat a day to keep seeing and maintaining my results from my workouts. Once you do the refresh you will finally see that nutrition really IS 80% of the equation when it comes to getting the body you want. I'm making it a goal to make sure I get all of my veggies servings in EVERY DAY. So, I'm not only continuing with shakeology but I will also be following the 21 day fix meal plan from here on out. That will ensure that I'm getting exactly what my body needs, how much of it to eat and when to eat it each day.

Phew! I think that about covers it all. 😃 If you have any questions or want to get started with your 3-day refresh and/or the 21 day fix challenge... make sure you contact me 😃 Hope this was helpful for you!

Talk soon! 😃

Renee Smith

Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Holiday Survival Guide

I like to call November and December SURVIVAL MODE when it comes to nutrition and fitness.  This is the time of year when most people make excuses as to why they don’t have the time to workout or why they don’t have the money to eat healthy.  I KNOW for a fact that if you have a strong desire and motivation to DO ANYTHING then you will find a way.  If you are not highly motivated then you will FIND EXCUSES instead!  I hear it all the time.  For the last 3 1/2 years of coaching people to reach their health and fitness goals I see excuses, I see people lose motivation and give up, but I do see people that succeed.  

The characteristics of successful weight loss are this:

1.  A strong driving force or “WHY” to change their nutrition and fitness. You can’t just sorta kinda want to change, you have to REALLY WANT TO CHANGE!  After the novelty of the new program wears off, what is going to keep you going?  It’s internal motivation to change more than you want to stay the same!

2.  Committed.  People that succeed are committed.  They are willing to do whatever it takes to be successful and they are not QUITTERS. They are committed to starting and finishing the fitness program exactly as it is laid out and they will evaluate and tweak their program as they go.  But, once they go in, they go ALL in!

3.  FAITH.  People who succeed have faith!  They believe that without a shadow of a doubt that somehow, some way, they will be successful at this weight loss game.  It’s just that, it's a series of trials, errors and triumphs before you find what works for your body the best.  Those that have faith in the process and believe that I won’t lead you astray succeed.  It is those people that think it's not working fast enough, or that their progress is TOO slow, or that they NEED  MORE cardio or MORE protein and start going off and changing things on their own that get frustrated and FAIL.  The reason is that they didn’t follow the plan!  No one knows better than the trainers and nutritionists that create the program what will work.  So, don’t second guess the program.  It was designed for a very specific reason!

4. Successful people follow the nutrition plan.  Yes, I know this isn’t what you wanted to hear but it’s the truth! The people who have the MOST success are those that really do truly follow the nutrition plan laid out in the program.  If you aim to eat 80% of the time according to your plan you will get results.  If you track your food in a journal, you track your water intake, you allow yourself 1 or 2 treats per week you will make great steady and healthy progress!  You can have your cake and eat it too!

I am on a mission this holiday season to keep people ACCOUNTABLE & MOTIVATED to continue their health and fitness journey.  This time of year I’m not asking you to go 100% strict but what I am asking you is this.  


Imagine how much more energy you would have to get in your holiday shopping, wrap presents, to visit with friends, to get in those extra work hours, and do everything on your holiday wish list if you ate healthier and exercised 30 minutes each day?  

Did you know that just the simple act of fueling your body with really great nutrient dense food can ALONE boost your energy level and metabolism?  
I know for a fact when I do my workout first thing in the morning that I feel more empowered and strong to take on the day!  I find when I fuel my body with healthy foods I’m not starving or craving unhealthy snacks.

It did not happen over night but through support, accountability and daily motivation I have changed my entire life and then passed it on to my family.  We have never felt better, our kids are learning great habits and we are not stressed about the holiday season.  We are planning a healthy Thanksgiving dinner, some fun get togethers with friends but we are staying accountable to our workouts and we are eating on track 90% of the time.  We know that when our treats happen they are earned and they are in moderation!  It is truly just a shift in mindset of taking it one day at a time and not getting overwhelmed by the big picture!

So that’s the game plan!  I feel that it would be super VALUABLE AND HELPFUL to do the same for YOU!!!

Holiday Survival Guide, Holiday Healthy Recipes, tips for eating at restaurants, Thanksgiving Recipes, Christmas Healthy Recipes, Clean Eating for the holidays, Holiday accountability

I am going to run a 4 week HOLIDAY SURVIVAL guide support group starting on December 5th and running until the end of the year!  

Here is what you can expect from this group:

1.  A health and fitness program to fit your needs in 30 minutes or less each day.

2.  Sample meal plans and recipes to help you stay accountable, to help you with quick easy meals and snacks to fit your lifestyle.

3.  Daily accountability through a closed online support group.

4.  Tips on handling holiday parties, a restaurant guide, traveling tips, healthy alternatives to holiday favorites.

5.  Motivation, Accountability every single day to help you end the year stronger than you started.  

What if you could lose a few pounds this holiday season, rock in the New Year feeling confident and not defeated yet HAVE A REALLY GREAT AND ENJOYABLE HOLIDAY SEASON?  

So what are the requirements to participate in this group, because I know that is what you are thinking!!

1.  You must be a customer of mine on TeamBeachbody, which means that I am assigned as your FREE coach.  If you already have a coach please reach out to the person you work with.  If you do not have an account, then contact me.

2.  You must commit to a  fitness program and nutrition plan in which we will discuss options that are best for you, your ability level, your time constraints and your needs.  

3.  You must commit to checking into the accountability group daily and reporting progress.

Are you in?  Does this sound like something you would like to do???  

I am committed to helping YOU END THE YEAR STRONG!  LETS DO THIS!!!!

Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

Shakeology Mug Cake


So I am going to just shoot it straight!  I have a killer sweet tooth and I love anything chocolate! I have a hard time passing it up! I was in dire need of something last night so I whipped up this bad boy! It satisfied the need for something sweet and I didn’t kill my healthy eating! I am very aware that when you heat up Shakeology it does take away some of the nutritional value, but I already had my shake for the day so it's ok!  I’m totally cool with it! You have to give this a try!!!


1/4 tsp baking powder
1 scoop Shakeology
1 Tbsp sweetener of your choice {optional}
dash of salt
1 egg
optional mix in: peanut butter, cocoa powder
2 or 3 Tbsp water/milk


In a mug mix Shakeology, baking powder, salt, cocoa, and sweetener. Next, mix in an egg and 2-3 tablespoons of water/milk. If you want it to be more moist then add a little more water. Mix until dry ingredients are wet. If you’d like to add peanut butter, put one dollop in the center and push it down a bit. Microwave for 90 sec. Personally I do 55 seconds because I like mine a little more gooey on the inside. When it is done the edges will pull from the sides.

 Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach



Yes I said it right, MANCAKES not pancakes!  I saw this recipe and decided that I just had to give it a try!!

I am hooked and there are so many different ways you can make them!  Today I’m sharing one of our favorites. If you are looking for a way to eat pancakes but keep it clean and not overkill it on the carbs this works great.  It's no secret that I LOVE my carbs but I do try to keep them in check.

You can make them ahead of time, let them cool and then store them for later or you can eat them immediately.  Either way they are delicious.

If you try them, definitely let me know what you think!!!!


1/4 c quick oats
4 egg whites
1/2 c berries or 1/2 of a banana
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp cinnamon


Heat pan to medium heat
Combine egg whites, oats, vanilla & cinnamon.  You can blend or put it in a bowl and stir.
Add fruit and pulse blender.
Using a 1/4 cup, pour into pan, cook on each side for about 2 minutes or until edges are firm.
Flip once, let cool and store or eat immediately.

Renee Smith

Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

Sunday, October 2, 2016

21 Day Fix Extreme Recipe: Chicken Fajitas

We are also experimenting with the recipes on the Fix Extreme and so far there has not been 1 recipe that we haven’t loved!  We made the chicken Fajitas on Sunday  night and we actually made extra so we would have lunch for Monday.  Not only was it really delicious, it made great leftovers too!  This is something you could make in bulk and portion out for the entire week and have lunches for a few days.  If you have non clean eaters in your family you can still do the chicken fajitas but just give everyone else shells to use instead of lettuce!
So please put this in rotation, it’s quite awesome!  Make sure to let me know what you think!
This recipe makes 4 servings and 2 fajitas each


1tsp chili powder
1/2 tsp. sea salt
1/2 tsp ground cumin
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp olive oil, divided, use
4 (5-6oz) raw chicken breast, boneless, skinless, cut into 1/2 in strips
1 medium red or green red bell pepper, cut into thin strips
1 medium onion, thinly sliced
1 tbsp fresh lime juice
8 large romaine (or butter) lettuce leaves
1/2 medium avocado, thinly sliced
1 cup fresh salsa
lime wedge for garnish optional


Combine chili powder, salt, cumin, garlic powder, and 1 tsp oil in large resealable plastic bag. Add chicken, bell pepper, and onion; mix gently to coat. Refrigerate for 15 minutes. Heat remaining 1 tsp. oil in large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Empty contents of bag into skilled; cook stirring frequently, for 5 to 6 minutes, or until chicken is cooked through. Remove from heat.  Add lime juice. Evenly top lettuce leaves with chicken mixture, avocado and salsa. Garnish with lime wedges if desired.
Containers:  2 Green, 1/2 purple, 1 red, 1/2 blue
You gotta try this!  It’s amazing!!!

We are experimenting with the recipes on the Fix Extreme and so far there has not been 1 recipe that we haven’t loved!  We are making the chicken Fajitas on Sunday night and we plan to make extra so we can have lunch for Monday.  Not only is it really delicious, it makes great leftovers too!  This is something you could make in bulk and portion out for the entire week and have lunches for a few days.  If you have non clean eaters in your family you can still do the chicken fajitas but just give everyone else shells to use instead of lettuce!
So please put this in rotation, it’s quite awesome!  Make sure to let me know what you think!
This recipe makes 4 servings and 2 fajitas each


1tsp chili powder
1/2 tsp. sea salt
1/2 tsp ground cumin
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp olive oil, divided, use
4 (5-6oz) raw chicken breast, boneless, skinless, cut into 1/2 in strips
1 medium red or green red bell pepper, cut into thin strips
1 medium onion, thinly sliced
1 tbsp fresh lime juice
8 large romaine (or butter) lettuce leaves
1/2 medium avocado, thinly sliced
1 cup fresh salsa
lime wedge for garnish optional

Combine chili powder, salt, cumin, garlic powder, and 1 tsp oil in large re-sealable plastic bag. Add chicken, bell pepper, and onion; mix gently to coat. Refrigerate for 15 minutes. Heat remaining 1 tsp. oil in large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Empty contents of bag into skilled; cook stirring frequently, for 5 to 6 minutes, or until chicken is cooked through. Remove from heat.  Add lime juice. Evenly top lettuce leaves with chicken mixture, avocado and salsa. Garnish with lime wedges if desired.

Containers:  2 Green, 1/2 purple, 1 red, 1/2 blue

You gotta try this!  It’s amazing!!!

Renee Smith

Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Don't Get Lazy THIS FALL!!

September is in mid swing and ahhh a breath of fresh air or fall air I should say!!!  I have noticed everywhere that I go the last thing people are thinking about is their health and fitness.  Everyone is talking about Pumpkin Spice Lattes, Hot Chocolate, Pizza and football party food.  Our families schedules are just jammed full of running errands, being the taxi driver for our kids activities and still trying to maintain our job, our home and our personal sanity.  So if you are like me, the first thing to go is my sanity when life gets crazy!  Thank goodness I have a good fitness and health routine going because that is the last thing that I would give up.  But maybe that isn't the case for you.  Maybe you are the person that rationalizes that you are not important or that we should sacrifice ourselves for our kids.  I have to say that while that sounds so humbling, you are actually doing them a great disservice.  Think about it.  When you don't take care of yourself what happens?

How to Get Rid of your Muffin TopYou feel gross in your clothes, your muffin top hangs over your pants, you are tired, your hair and skin feels blah.  You become irritable because you are not happy with how you look and feel and in turn you take it out on your kids. Then fast forward 10-20 years.  Your kids are grown, maybe grandchildren and you want to play with your grandkids but a lifetime of poor eating habits and being overweight have wrecked your body.  You now have sore joints, high blood pressure and cholesterol.  You are easily winded and your metabolism is slowing!  Now what if you would of made the changes now?  Would you be able to keep up with those grandkids or even just spend time doing fun activities with the ones that you love?  Most likely the situation would be different if you made different choices now!!!
Fitness Motivation Quotes

But WAIT you say!!!!  I don't have money to eat healthy!  It's so expensive and I have to cook 2 meals!!!  I don't have money to buy Shakes!  I don't want to drink my food!  I don't like to cook!  I don't have time to cook!  I'm afraid this will be another thing that I sign up for and FAIL!!!  I just don't want to do it!
Benefits of Healthy Eating and Exericse

STOP for one minute and think about the residual benefits of leading a healthy life!!!  I know for me I want to be around for my kids and I want to teach them how to be healthy.  It's time for me to think about my family too!  It's not just about you, it's about everyone that you come into contact with on a daily basis.

It's crazy to think that 1 person (YOU) can have such a positive influence on others!!!  So instead of thinking about yourself and all that YOU have to DO...think about everyone else that NEEDS you to BE HEALTHY and STRONG too!!!!

I want to teach you how to make being healthy a lifestyle.  So starting on October 3rd, for 30 days I am going to teach you how to make a meal plan, how to make healthy choices, find substitutes for the things that you love, learn new recipes, little tips on how to pack a cooler when you have endless activities and responsibilities.  Tackle the holidays, parties, social events and more with all the support you need from me!  Online closed accountability group where we will set goals that are realistic to your needs. Contact me for more information on how you can be enrolled in my 30 Day Clean Eating and Shakeology Support Group!  I promise you that it's way more than a bag of Shakeology!  It's your LIFE!!!!  It's the start of a new you!!!

You have a choice

Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Meal Plan

It is very important when exercising and trying to lose weight that you eat 6 small meals per day.  This helps you to keep your blood sugar levels steady.  It also helps your body maintain its muscle mass and fuels your body for your daily activities.  Always eat breakfast within 1 hour of rising!  And more importantly ALWAYS EAT BREAKFAST!  Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  It starts your metabolism and gets your body ready for the activities you have to do during the day.  If you are not losing weight it could be because you are not eating a healthy breakfast with complex carbs and protein.

Also, make sure you always pair complex carbs and protein at every meal.  I recommend
Tosca Reno's Eat Clean Recharged Book!  She really explains the entire history and science behind eating clean and why you should pair your foods strategically together to get the results that you want!
Before I eat my breakfast I get a large glass of warm water and squeeze 1/2 fresh lemon into it.  I drink the entire thing before I eat.  This helps cleanse your body, improves digestion, and helps the body shed toxins.  Lemon water is a natural diuretic.  Each morning I eat oatmeal of some sort.  My usual recipe is:
1/2 cup oatmeal
1 handful of blueberries
1 tbsp flaxseed.
4 hard boiled egg whites
1 cup black coffee (optional)
2 1/2 hours later I have my mid morning snack:
1 apple with 2 tbsp all natural almond (or peanut) butter.  You can also do any one of these options:
  •  20 grapes and 1 low fat string cheese.
  • 2 plain (no added salt) whole wheat rice cakes with 1 tbsp all natural nut butter and 2 tbsp raisins.
  • 2 tbsp low fat roasted red pepper hummus and carrots and celery.
  • 1/2 cup plain (no fruit) greek yogurt with fresh berries on top with a drizzle of honey or agave nectar and a scant handful of raw unsalted slivered almonds.


Chocolate Shakeology with 1 tbsp of all natural almond (or peanut) butter, 1 banana, 1 cup almond milk or water and ice.  I blend mine in this handy little Ninja single serving blender!  AMAZING!

Before I drank shakeology I would eat: 
1 piece of grilled chicken on a salad.  I would add every veggie I had in the fridge.  Carrots, cucumber, tomatoes, peppers, feta cheese, slivered almonds and low fat balsamic vinaigrette dressing (1tbsp). 
Always drink a big glass of water!
Afternoon snack
Fruit and a glass of water.

Usually chicken of some sort and veggies.  I use sweet potatoes a lot of times and brown rice, quinoa and orzo.  Check out my eating clean recipes for more ideas.

 If I am still hungry in the evenings I will have 1/2 cup greek yogurt with fresh fruit and a dab of honey!  Green tea to drink!  Green tea has these awesome natural antioxidants that help to fight off hunger and shed your body of toxins! 

Message me for customized meal plans and additional ideas!  I'd love to help you reach your weight loss goals!

Do you really want to get down to the STRIPPED version of this meal plan?  Message me for the
STRIPPED PLAN and exactly how I implemented it to lose those last 10 pounds and tighten up before vacation.

Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Pumpkin Pancakes

I can't wait to try this recipe, it sounds amazing!  Just in time for the fall season!

6 egg whites
1/4 cup canned pumpkin
1/2 cup cottage cheese
1 tsp. vanilla
1 cup whole rolled oats
1 tsp. pumpkin pie spice
Real Maple syrup.

Mix all ingredients together.  Spray pan with clean cooking spray (I prefer coconut cooking spray) and make pancakes!  Top with maple syrup!

Renee Smith

Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

Saturday, August 27, 2016

How to Improve Motivation

Something that lately I feel like I come across over and over is that people start out strong in their health and fitness journey even their Beachbody business but then they lose steam.  They struggle to be successful and really reach their goals. 

Maybe you've felt the same way. Maybe you've struggled to eat better, workout more, or take care of yourself in a way that creates hurdles that prevent you from living the life you want. Maybe you don’t know any other reality.

I spent a lot of time figuring out what had changed for these people. How they went from living off of motivation to one searching for sources. And what I discovered wasn't groundbreaking, but it was something often overlooked.

What will make the difference?

Find what makes you happy. This is the real secret to motivation.

If you struggle with motivation--and we all do on some level or in passing moments--it's important that you put your role in this world into context. That's why I recommend making declarations that acknowledge your deficits and areas where you'd like to improve.

Most of us settle in life. Settle for what's easy. Settle for what's convenient. Or settle for the only reality that we know. Improving motivation means changing that reality and becoming aware that there’s more in life that you want.
Here are 10 simple strategies that can help with your awareness:
  1. Write 5 things you want to improve
  2. Create a list of what you love--and then assess how many of those items are actually part of your life
  3. Email your friends and share your goals that you haven't achieved
  4. Set deadlines for personal, non-work-related goals
  5. Ask your friends to list off areas in your life that you overlook
  6. Visit your doctor and ask for a thorough physical of your health
  7. Take a “before” picture of yourself
  8. Set a challenge--it could be anything or join my next 12 week challenge.
  9. Plan out a list of future goals for your career, health, and social life
  10. Make a bucket list

There are an endless number of ways to create motivation. All of them revolve around a simple mindset: Pursuing the life you want. But creating a list is just the start. From here, most people typically take the
wrong approach.
They condemn themselves for the existence they created; place undue pressure and stress on achieving these goals. This is not a sustainable way to stay motivated. After all, stress is the poison--not the elixir. You should be moving towards mastery, not masochism.
So what should you do you do with your awareness?

First, realize that motivation is individualistic in every sense because it’s ultimately driven by one of two things: fear or happiness. Both work, but I prefer to focus on the latter.

When you find what's missing (by using any of the strategies above or others), don't focus on the negative. Research has shown that unhappiness and rejection is the quickest way to
kill your motivation, not ignite new life.

So stop making yourself feel bad. You're human. You're going to have some bad days. Instead, identify all of the positives that can result from making a change. The joy you'll feel when you look in the mirror. The extra time you'll be able to spend with your kids. The desserts that you want to enjoy without guilt or fear of the harm it might do to your overweight body. The thrill of crossing an item of your bucket list. It can be anything.
You must identify the aspects that make you feel better, and then identify the steps that will allow you to include them in your life. When you are happy, you are motivated. I realize that this can be difficult as some things in life that make you happy might not be "good for you." Create a fine line between the two and find a balance.

Feeding my natural drive, in turn, made me more motivated to improve in the other areas of my life. It's a self-perpetuating process.

Life is about happiness and fulfillment. In fitness and health we oftentimes lose sight of that because we try forcing actions--like going to the gym or eating well--that feel like a burden, rather than patiently creating habits.

It's much more effective to create a world where every action--in and of itself--is an achievement. This is about building positive habits, feeling good about your life, and taking a step in the right direction. The more steps you take, the better you'll feel and the more motivation you'll have.

The sooner your life carries less burden and is more driven by an internal desire to be happy, you'll find that your motivation--and your life--will improve in more ways than you ever imagined.

Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Back to School, Back to You

What am I super excited about?

I am really excited to start my newest challenge group called, "Back To School, Back To You" in September.  I am going to be helping my customers with expectations for the group, how to check in daily, what to post and share, how to meal plan and prep and navigate the app for the group.

I am also really excited about the Beachbody Health Bet that will be starting next month.  What is the Health Bet?  Well it is a way to give you some incentive to do your workouts and focus on your nutrition and be rewarded for getting results.  Beachbody is giving away over $1 million and you can be automatically eligible to split a piece of the prize!  Basically all you have to do is be enrolled as a customer in MY challenge group through the Challenge Tracker App {which is on your phone}.  You must meet the weekly tracking requirements starting on September 5th and ending the week of October 2nd.

So what do you need to do?

1.  JOIN:  Talk to me about becoming my customer so that you can get included in the group!  You must have a coach and be enrolled in their challenge group to be eligible.  If you do not have a coach make me your coach by completing this application.

Download the My Challenge Tracker App here.  

2.  TRACK YOUR PROGRESS:  Use the app to log at least 5 Shakeology drinks with photos and three Beachbody workouts during all FOUR qualification weeks.

3.  QUALIFY:  Log your Shakeology and workouts by 11:59 PM on the last day of each contest week:

Week 1:  September 5-September 11
Week 2:  September 12-September 18
Week 3:  September 19-September 25
Week 4:  September 26-October 2

4. CASH IN:  Meet all the requirements and you'll automatically win an equal share of the cash pot.  As an extra incentive, Beachbody will add $5 to the initial $1 million prize for every challenge pack sold on Team Beachbody between July 27th and August 31st, 2016 up to $3 million total.

If you would like to be added or eligible start by filling out the application here:

Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Shakeology Peanut Butter Cups

Talk about totally to die for!!!!  When we just need a chocolate peanut butter fix this is the way to go!!!  It's not exactly the best nutritional value but it beats eating trans fat and empty calories.  At least you get some healthy benefits of Shakeology and peanut butter to curb your cravings!!!  Enjoy!!!!

Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

Sunday, July 17, 2016

What Is Country Heat By Autumn Calabrese

Do you like Country Music?
Do you like dance cardio?
Do you want to spice up your cardio?
Do you DISLIKE working out?
Do you need your workouts to be fun in order to do them?

No matter what your reason, if you are looking for something to spice up your fitness regime or you want to get started this could be the program for you!

Beachbody is releasing a BRAND NEW fitness program on July 28th 2016 to the network!  COUNTRY HEAT is going to knock your socks off!  At first I was a little skeptical of a country music workout because I didn't think line dancing was much of a workout, I'm not very coordinated and I just want to get in, get my workout done and get out.  I really wasn't excited about this new program!  BUT..... that all changed when I got the chance to do the Sneak Peek!!! This program had me literally DRIPPING sweat and I didn't feel lost or confused by the moves.  Anyone can do it!  It is not hard at all.  Plus my legs were on fire, my core was burning and I could tell it is way more than cardio.  It's great for your entire body!  

I am really excited for the launch of this program and I'm going to be walking a select group of people from beginning to end through the program!  I'm going to be making sample meal plans, giving you recipes, tips and guidance on how to rock this program!  The people in the test group are getting incredible results and one even lost over 60 pounds in 90 days!!! That is so cool.

So lets talk about WHAT this program actually is?

First of all it features all of the hottest country music!  There is NO CHOREOGRAPHY to remember, just follow along for the 27-30 minute workout!  This workout program is high energy, low impact dance workout that is super fun and easy to follow.  Autumn Calabrese created this program and has also created the 21 Day Fix, 21 Day Fix Extreme, Co Creator of Hammer and Chisel, author of the Fixate cookbook, mom and bikini competitor.  She has her certifications from the National Academy of Sports Medicine and the American Fitness Professionals and Associates. She is extremely talented and gifted at getting you results.

There are 5 high energy, cardio based dance workouts, 1 dance conditioning workout, and the portion controlled eating plan! 


First of all it is a workout you will actually stick to!  Autumn makes it fun and easy.
You get 5 high energy dance workouts and 1 dance conditioning workout to give you all the calorie burning benefits of a great cardio workout while using every muscle in your body to fire up your metabolism.

There are no complicated moves, NO WEIGHTS OR EQUIPMENT required.

Autumn uses her portion control container system and meal plan to help you lose weight by eating what you want in the right amounts each day.  


ANYONE from beginners to 21 Day Fix Graduates to those advanced in their fitness that want something different and fun!  It is great for all ages and sizes!  People who like Zumba, people who want to lose weight and are looking for results in 30 days!  People who generally don't like to exercise or who want a lifestyle change, but aren't sure where to begin!  {DOES THIS SOUND LIKE YOU??}  

This workout is great for people who have tried and failed at complicated diets and exercise programs.  The reason is that it's easy to follow the portion controlled container system and you have ME as your coach to guide you every single step of the way!  I will teach you how to meal plan, prep, and stick with the workouts from beginning to end.  Plus the workouts are fun and you don't even know you are working out!!!  

If you want to lose weight then yes that is accomplished in the program!  I encourage everyone to do at least 2-3 rounds of the program. The reason is that in the first 30 days you are just learning the ropes.  You are getting a good handle on your nutrition and understanding the portion controlled containers.  As you dial in your nutrition you can increase your results!!

This program is great for those that like to dance but are intimidated by choreography.  THAT IS ME!!!  I have two left feet and I want to get in, sweat and get out!  So I'm pumped for this!


When you purchase your Country Heat you will get:

- 6 workouts on 3 DVDs in 30 minutes or less.

-7 Color coded portion controlled containers to efficiently help you portion out your food

-Country Heat Nutrition Plan which is an easy to follow guide that has recipes, tips, and more to help you get results.

-30 Days of Shakeology in any flavor 

-Quickstart Guide- This is a simple 3 step guide that preps you for your fitness journey by giving you the low down on the nutrition plan and workouts.

-30 Day Calendar so that you know exactly what workouts to do in what order to maximize your results.

-Plus when you get the challenge pack you get access to Country Heat On Demand which means unlimited access to stream Country Heat and all the other workouts to any desktop, laptop, tablet, TV or mobile device.  So you can start your workouts the minute you make your purchase.


Did you know you can get it right here from me?  

Plus I am going to be launching my first official COUNTRY HEAT TEST GROUP on Monday August 1st and workouts start on the 8th of August!  You can get personal, 24/7 mentoring, guidance and support from me in a closed online accountability and support group!  I am going to basically walk you through the entire program from beginning to end.  I will teach you how to navigate the nutrition plan, how to choose healthier snacks, swap out your bad habits for better choices and how to truly make a lifestyle change vs. a crash diet.  

I will be there to help you stay accountable, to track your food, to keep you motivated when you are not feeling it!  My job is to be your support system and sounding board!  I don't want this to be another program you invest in and don't complete!  This time it will be different!! TRUST ME!!

All you need to do is get your name on the list to be the FIRST to know about the program launch!

If you DO NOT HAVE A COACH the first step is to make me your FREE COACH.  Click here to sign up for free.  If you already have a coach that you work with please reach out to your coach for details on their launch groups!

If you do not have a coach and would like to be in the official test group then complete the application below to be considered for a spot in the group.  I will be hand selecting a group of people who are committed, dedicated and ready to make some changes in their health and fitness!  So don't delay, spots will absolutely fill up fast.

Are You Part Of The Facebook EVENT?  Stay up to date on launch details and information by joining here!

Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach