Saturday, December 26, 2015

You Have OPTIONS!!! - New Year NEW YOU!

You have options!!  Welcome to the end of 2015.  So no matter what has happened to you in the last 12 months put it behind you.  It's ok if you fell of the healthy band wagon.  It's ok if you gained a few too many pounds.  It's absolutely ok!  You are human and we all make mistakes!  I know I've had too many sweets these last few days!  It's definitely time to step up my game and get back in high gear!

So as your Beachbody Coach and someone who LOVES working out and Eating Healthy I have decided that options are the way to go!  Not everyone loves the same workouts, meal plans, recipes and motivational style.  So that's why options are really important.  What I do keep the same is MY commitment to you!  That is, I will help you set realistic, measurable, timely health and fitness goals and we will work together to achieve them one day at a time.  We will work together for however long it takes, good, bad and ugly!!!

So what are your options???

You can join my December FIX Beachbody Challenge Group and together I can mentor you through a fitness program and help you transform your life into one that is healthier, more energetic and confident. You can be surrounded by other people who want to do the same and never feel like you are alone in your struggles.  You will have the ability to workout on your own in your home to one of Beachbody's fitness programs which I will help you choose the right one for you.  You can log into our closed group and receive the BEST support and guidance and really get amazing results on your own time! 
Your second option is to do the 21 day Reset.  The 21 day Reset is an amazing cleanse that is going to clear out the junk in your body, teach you how to eat healthy and help you shed some pounds so you can start feeling better about your body.  Honestly, there are just times when we can't control our cravings, we don't know what to eat and we have no idea where to start.  This group is going to guide you each day in a 21 day reset back to the way God intended our bodies to be! 

Your next option is to do a 60 Day Shakeology and Clean Eating Group.  This group is great for someone who isn't ready to commit to a fitness program but still wants to change their eating habits.  It's for someone who wants to learn more about clean eating and wants to give Shakeology a try.  I will provide you with weekly meal plans, recipes, motivation and tips.  I will share how I plan my weeks, prepare my snacks, deal with traveling, social gatherings and much more.  This group is all done through the closed facebook group as well.

Your last option is to join the brand new Hammer & Chisel 60 day Challenge Group!  This group is going to kick some serious booty!!!  It's brand new, it's mixed weight training, cardio, intensity and endurance!  Same format as above but all geared towards Hammer & Chisel and getting the BEST results in 60 days!!!  You can check out the new program here as well.
So now that you have heard the options it's time for YOU to ask questions!  The best way for you to figure out what program is best for you is to contact me.  What I will do is ask you some questions to find out what your own personal health and fitness goals are.  I also want to know what workouts and weight loss programs have you done in the past.  What worked and didn't work?  Why do you want to do this challenge group?  How much time do you have to devote to working out each day?  Lastly, what workouts do you like to do?  Do you like Zumba, Strength training, running, aerobics, etc..?  By us having this discussion I can really determine if this program will work for you!  I am not afraid to be honest, because I truly want to help you.

So it's ok if you ask all the questions and decide it's not your thing!  But at least you explored your options.

 So before you go joining a gym and paying out the wazoo for something you may use for 2 weeks and then be done with, give this a shot!  It just might change your life, FOREVER!!!!

Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

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