Saturday, September 17, 2016

Don't Get Lazy THIS FALL!!

September is in mid swing and ahhh a breath of fresh air or fall air I should say!!!  I have noticed everywhere that I go the last thing people are thinking about is their health and fitness.  Everyone is talking about Pumpkin Spice Lattes, Hot Chocolate, Pizza and football party food.  Our families schedules are just jammed full of running errands, being the taxi driver for our kids activities and still trying to maintain our job, our home and our personal sanity.  So if you are like me, the first thing to go is my sanity when life gets crazy!  Thank goodness I have a good fitness and health routine going because that is the last thing that I would give up.  But maybe that isn't the case for you.  Maybe you are the person that rationalizes that you are not important or that we should sacrifice ourselves for our kids.  I have to say that while that sounds so humbling, you are actually doing them a great disservice.  Think about it.  When you don't take care of yourself what happens?

How to Get Rid of your Muffin TopYou feel gross in your clothes, your muffin top hangs over your pants, you are tired, your hair and skin feels blah.  You become irritable because you are not happy with how you look and feel and in turn you take it out on your kids. Then fast forward 10-20 years.  Your kids are grown, maybe grandchildren and you want to play with your grandkids but a lifetime of poor eating habits and being overweight have wrecked your body.  You now have sore joints, high blood pressure and cholesterol.  You are easily winded and your metabolism is slowing!  Now what if you would of made the changes now?  Would you be able to keep up with those grandkids or even just spend time doing fun activities with the ones that you love?  Most likely the situation would be different if you made different choices now!!!
Fitness Motivation Quotes

But WAIT you say!!!!  I don't have money to eat healthy!  It's so expensive and I have to cook 2 meals!!!  I don't have money to buy Shakes!  I don't want to drink my food!  I don't like to cook!  I don't have time to cook!  I'm afraid this will be another thing that I sign up for and FAIL!!!  I just don't want to do it!
Benefits of Healthy Eating and Exericse

STOP for one minute and think about the residual benefits of leading a healthy life!!!  I know for me I want to be around for my kids and I want to teach them how to be healthy.  It's time for me to think about my family too!  It's not just about you, it's about everyone that you come into contact with on a daily basis.

It's crazy to think that 1 person (YOU) can have such a positive influence on others!!!  So instead of thinking about yourself and all that YOU have to DO...think about everyone else that NEEDS you to BE HEALTHY and STRONG too!!!!

I want to teach you how to make being healthy a lifestyle.  So starting on October 3rd, for 30 days I am going to teach you how to make a meal plan, how to make healthy choices, find substitutes for the things that you love, learn new recipes, little tips on how to pack a cooler when you have endless activities and responsibilities.  Tackle the holidays, parties, social events and more with all the support you need from me!  Online closed accountability group where we will set goals that are realistic to your needs. Contact me for more information on how you can be enrolled in my 30 Day Clean Eating and Shakeology Support Group!  I promise you that it's way more than a bag of Shakeology!  It's your LIFE!!!!  It's the start of a new you!!!

You have a choice

Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Meal Plan

It is very important when exercising and trying to lose weight that you eat 6 small meals per day.  This helps you to keep your blood sugar levels steady.  It also helps your body maintain its muscle mass and fuels your body for your daily activities.  Always eat breakfast within 1 hour of rising!  And more importantly ALWAYS EAT BREAKFAST!  Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  It starts your metabolism and gets your body ready for the activities you have to do during the day.  If you are not losing weight it could be because you are not eating a healthy breakfast with complex carbs and protein.

Also, make sure you always pair complex carbs and protein at every meal.  I recommend
Tosca Reno's Eat Clean Recharged Book!  She really explains the entire history and science behind eating clean and why you should pair your foods strategically together to get the results that you want!
Before I eat my breakfast I get a large glass of warm water and squeeze 1/2 fresh lemon into it.  I drink the entire thing before I eat.  This helps cleanse your body, improves digestion, and helps the body shed toxins.  Lemon water is a natural diuretic.  Each morning I eat oatmeal of some sort.  My usual recipe is:
1/2 cup oatmeal
1 handful of blueberries
1 tbsp flaxseed.
4 hard boiled egg whites
1 cup black coffee (optional)
2 1/2 hours later I have my mid morning snack:
1 apple with 2 tbsp all natural almond (or peanut) butter.  You can also do any one of these options:
  •  20 grapes and 1 low fat string cheese.
  • 2 plain (no added salt) whole wheat rice cakes with 1 tbsp all natural nut butter and 2 tbsp raisins.
  • 2 tbsp low fat roasted red pepper hummus and carrots and celery.
  • 1/2 cup plain (no fruit) greek yogurt with fresh berries on top with a drizzle of honey or agave nectar and a scant handful of raw unsalted slivered almonds.


Chocolate Shakeology with 1 tbsp of all natural almond (or peanut) butter, 1 banana, 1 cup almond milk or water and ice.  I blend mine in this handy little Ninja single serving blender!  AMAZING!

Before I drank shakeology I would eat: 
1 piece of grilled chicken on a salad.  I would add every veggie I had in the fridge.  Carrots, cucumber, tomatoes, peppers, feta cheese, slivered almonds and low fat balsamic vinaigrette dressing (1tbsp). 
Always drink a big glass of water!
Afternoon snack
Fruit and a glass of water.

Usually chicken of some sort and veggies.  I use sweet potatoes a lot of times and brown rice, quinoa and orzo.  Check out my eating clean recipes for more ideas.

 If I am still hungry in the evenings I will have 1/2 cup greek yogurt with fresh fruit and a dab of honey!  Green tea to drink!  Green tea has these awesome natural antioxidants that help to fight off hunger and shed your body of toxins! 

Message me for customized meal plans and additional ideas!  I'd love to help you reach your weight loss goals!

Do you really want to get down to the STRIPPED version of this meal plan?  Message me for the
STRIPPED PLAN and exactly how I implemented it to lose those last 10 pounds and tighten up before vacation.

Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Pumpkin Pancakes

I can't wait to try this recipe, it sounds amazing!  Just in time for the fall season!

6 egg whites
1/4 cup canned pumpkin
1/2 cup cottage cheese
1 tsp. vanilla
1 cup whole rolled oats
1 tsp. pumpkin pie spice
Real Maple syrup.

Mix all ingredients together.  Spray pan with clean cooking spray (I prefer coconut cooking spray) and make pancakes!  Top with maple syrup!

Renee Smith

Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach