Monday, April 27, 2015

30 Days of Insanity and Lives are Changing!

Today is a very special day!  I am officially 30 days into my "Summer Slim Down Challenge Group".  These women are amazing!  Not only are most of them moms but they have their own struggles that they are going through as well. I usually post final transformations on my blog but this one really hit true to my heart.  Brandy is actually one of my customers in which I have never met!  She was given to me through Team Beachbody's customer lead program.  She lives all the way in MI and we connected through email and facebook!  She purchased Insanity and her goal is to get off the weight she gained from her 3rd pregnancy.  Brandy really is an amazing mom and individual.  She truly cares about her family and really never put herself first!  She is super shy but I'm working on busting her out of her shell!  She always adds value to the group and I couldn't be more proud of her so far!  She has lost 12 lbs and 15 inches in 30 days by doing Insanity, replacing 1 meal a day with Shakeology and learning the clean eating principles.

Here is a background on Brandy:

I am a mother of 3 very active children: Two girls and the middle child is a boy , I also have been married for 7 years. I am getting ready to start Insanity and I want to do this challenge to motivate me to get to my goal weight and to start working out on a regular basis again (because nothing feels better than a great workout). I also would like to create healthy eating habits that I can share with my family to help them to make wiser food choices.

Why are you doing this challenge?  I am doing this challenge to lose the unwanted pounds that packed on during my 3rd pregnancy. I gained about 100 pounds during this pregnancy and had never been overweight as child/teenager so this was a new place fore me to be with my body (although I can never remember being completely comfortable with it). My daughter is now 6 years old and I have been trying to loose this weight since her birth. I have lost and gained many times that past six years. I have recently had some major medical issues and I feel I am to young for these types of health issues. So NOW is the time to loose it and keep it off. I would like to loose a total of 55 lbs. and keep it off. I also would just like to be comfortable with my body (maybe one day see abs) and teach my daughters how to be comfortable with themselves. As a family we also like to run and being active comes naturally to us but I dont feel that we fuel our bodies properly and If I can learn to eat clean I can defintlely interpret that into our family meals and snacks. I also feel that if I can teach my children this now, by example, they wont struggle with it as adults. Overall I just want to feel good about myself, my food choices and what I feed my family.

Choose a goal to reach one week from your start date: I will be on track with my nutrition plan and loose around 3 lbs.

Now break it down into a 30 day goal: I will be in a routine with food preparation and journaling and also be down 10 lbs.  

What’s your 60 day goal: I will be working out daily; start running again. Give up diet coke and down 17 lbs.

What’s your 90 day goal: I will be able to run 6 miles, complete Insanity, know what clean eating is and introduce it into the family menu and  be down 25 lbs.

What is the biggest challenge for you: My biggest challenge is nutrition and being able to comfort myself with something other than food. I also struggle with being able to say "no" when in family situations (such as family gatherings, going to grandmas for dinner...)  and feeling "ok" when I reject food that my hinder my progress.

Can I just tell you that Brandy is blowing her goals out of the water!  By no means is it an easy process but with the support and motivation of the challenge group she is breaking down walls, building a more confident self esteem and doing amazing things for her body and her family!  It's so important that we set a good example for our kids and family because these are the tools that they are going to someday teach their own children!  So it's never to early or too late to start taking care of yourself and setting a good example.  I promise to keep you posted on her progress and the end result of the 90 day challenge!

If you would like to receive support like Brandy is then please message me to find out when my next challenge group is starting and together we can transform your health and fitness one day at a time!!!
Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

Thursday, April 23, 2015

You Are Who God Says You Are

I have learned a lot from Charlie Brown, which is a little scary. Here is one truth that his psychiatrist, Lucy, taught me. She is counseling Charlie Brown at her lemonade-stand-counseling booth. Charlie Brown is all ears.

Frame 1: “Your life is like a house, Charlie Brown.”
Frame 2: “You want your house to have a strong foundation, don’t you?”
Frame 3: “So don’t build your house on the sand.”
Frame 4: (A strong wind swooshes by and blows Lucy, Charlie Brown, and the makeshift stand into a heap of rubble.)
Frame 5: Lucy’s final advice: “Or use cheap nails.”

There’s a lot of talk about self-worth in our culture. But true self-worth is not an issue of giftedness, talent, intelligence, or beauty. Those are cheap nails. When we base our identity or our worth on the accomplishments, opinions of others, or appearance, we are in danger of crumbling to pieces with a word of criticism, a bad hair day, or hint of rejection. We will always fall short in our quest to be better, look better, or accomplish more.

Self-worth is really an identity issue. When you base your self-worth on your identity in Christ and His finished work of redemption on the cross, it is unconditional, unshakable, and unchangeable.

Listen, the devil will do anything and everything he can to keep you from believing the truth about who you are, what you have, and where you are as a child of God. Make no mistake about it, he knows that you are a chosen, holy, dearly loved child of God who has been forgiven of all your sins and created to fulfill a great purpose that God has already planned for you. He knows it, and he hates it. His goal is to keep you from believing it. And if he can keep you from believing the truth about who you are, what you have, and where you are as a child of God, then he has won.

You can access the power of God’s promises about who you are, what you have, and where you are in Christ to consistently subdue and eventually erase feeling of inferiority, insecurity and inadequacy that keep you stuck in a mediocre faith. You can replace the devil’s overbearing lies and replace them with God’s overriding truth about your identity in Him and His power in you.           

If we base our significance, self-worth, or self-esteem on anything other than the strong nails of our identity in Christ, then we are at risk of collapsing when the strong winds of adversity come our way.  The truth is: you are who God says you are.

If you would like to join our team, then contact me and we will put a plan together to help you succeed.  

Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Why Beachbody for Support

I saw a fellow Beachbody Coach post this today and it really hit home!  I felt compelled to share it with my readers.  I started my fitness and health journey a year ago.  April 9th marked the 1 year anniversary in which I took the challenge to change my life forever!  At that time I had no idea what Beachbody was!  I had heard about Insanity and P90X but never Shakeology, Brazil Butt Lift or even coaching!  I just knew at that point in my life I needed to get in shape and I had no idea where to start.  So when I decided to do the 21 Day Fix it was perfect because it came with a schedule, it told me what workout to do each day and I had a community of support to keep me on track.  Just this morning as I was standing in the bathroom and a friend texted me and commented on how she was surprised that I was awake and did my workout.  It would of been so easy to just take the day off from my workouts.  But to be totally truthful, that would have just been an excuse.  Instead, I knew that other people were counting on me to get out of bed, press play and check in on them to make sure they were up too!  So without even thinking twice I got up, put my clothes on and headed to the playroom to do my workout!  I did my 21 Day Fix Extreme and I must say I love that workout!  I feel like superwoman when I finish my workouts! 

So back to the reason why I posted this picture!  When I first started coaching and working out people thought I was crazy.  They thought it was another fad or phase I was going through.  But now that I am almost a year into coaching and working out I feel even more compelled to share this with you!  As an Independent Beachbody Coach I am not here to just sell you Shakeology or a fitness program.  My job is to help you transform your life, to make eating healthy and exercising a regular part of your daily routine.  When I first signed up as a coach all I wanted to do was help 1 person transform their life, like I did to mine.  I wanted to teach others the principles I learned through this challenge.  I didn't set monetary goals, I didn't want to be top coach of the year I just wanted to change lives!  Because I put my customers and friends first and poured my heart and soul into my customers and my first challenge group I learned the value of compassion!  I learned that when you care about others and truly do what's best for them then the rest will follow!  Because of the time I invest each day I am successful.  People ask me all the time why my services are free!  I could charge an arm and a leg for my personal consultation, motivation and support but instead I don't!  I honestly care about you just getting healthy and fit!  Sure I get a 25% commission from all beachbody programs and Shakeology I sell but I am not going to recommend something that I don't think you will or can stick with!  It's about you finding your "Soul MATE" workout and LOVING it!  Exercise should feel rewarding and empowering and you should feel good when you are done!
I love that Beachbody offers this kind of support and that they developed the Beachbody Challenge groups!  What better way to stay on track other than to be surrounded by people who want the same things!  I love love love checking in everyday and seeing the progress my challengers are making!  I have gone through the same struggles that they have and it's empowering to know that if I can do it with 4 kids, a husband, family and busy life then you can too! 
This support system is amazing and I love my beachbody family!  Out of all the other fitness or weight loss programs I have seen this doesn't even compare to the quality and sheer dedication that goes into it!  I am so proud to be a part of this organization and I hope that if you are reading this and are at a point in your life where you have hit rock bottom you will reach out to me for help and support!  I am here for you, I can help you in your journey and together we can be better and tackle anything life has to throw at us!  When you feel good about yourself you are a better mother, wife and friend!

The best part about all of this is that I truly stand behind Shakeology and their fitness programs!  Shakeology changed my life and you can't put a price tag on happiness!  The energy, improved health and weight loss were worth it all!  To know that I am putting something that is whole and not processed into my body makes me feel amazing!  The results are the truth and I have the results and the results of many others to prove it! 
So have a wonderful weekend!  If you are at a point in your life where you need support, I'm your girl!  Send me a
message or sign up for a free account and I'd be glad to strategize and develop a plan to get you to the picture in your mind!  We can do it, together!!!!  You WILL SUCCEED!!!
Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

Thursday, April 16, 2015

My New Identity in Christ

My New Identity in Christ

I am the salt of the earth. Matthew 5:13

I am the light of the world. Matthews 5:14

I am valuable to God. Matthew 6:26

I am indwelled by Christ.  His Spirit lives in me. John 14:20

I am a branch of the True Vine. John 15:15

I am Christ’s friend. John 15:15

I am chosen and appointed by Christ to go and bear fruit. John 15:16

I am justified by Christ’s blood. Romans 5:9

I am reconciled to God through Christ’s death and saved through Christ’s life. Romans 5:10

I am set free from sin and a slave of righteousness. Romans 6:18

I am free from condemnation. Romans 8:1

I am free in Christ. Romans 8:2

I am a child of God and a co-heir with Christ. Romans 8:17

I am more than a conqueror through Christ. Romans 8:37

I am accepted by Christ. Romans 15:7

I have the mind of Christ. 1 Corinthians2:16

I am a temple of God.  His Spirit lives in me. I Corinthians 3:16

I am washed, justified, and sanctified through Christ. 1 Corinthians 6:11

I am a temple of God. 1 Corinthians 6:19

I am part of Christ’s body. I Corinthians 12:27

I am the fragrance of Christ. 2 Corinthians 2:15

I am a new creation. 2 Corinthians 5:17

I am righteous in Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:21

I am an ambassador for Christ and a minister of reconciliation.  2 Corinthians 5:20

I am redeemed from the curse of the law. Galatians 3:13

I am a child of God and an heir of God. Galatians 4:7

I am a saint. Ephesians1:1

I am blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ. Ephesians 1:3

I am adopted into God’s family. Ephesians 1:5

I am redeemed and forgiven through Christ’s blood. Ephesians 1:7

I am chosen by God. Ephesians 1:11

I am sealed by God with the Holy Spirit. Ephesians 1:13

I am now alive with Christ. Ephesians 2:5

I am God’s workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good works which God prepared in advance for me to do.  Ephesians 2:10

I am a fellow citizen with God’s people and a member of God’s household. Ephesians 2:19

I am able to do all things through Christ who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13

I am a citizen of heaven. Philippians 3:20

I am complete in Christ. (NASB) Colossians 2:10

I am rescued from the dominion of darkness and brought into the kingdom of light.  Colossians 1:13

I am holy in God’s sight, without blemish and free of accusation. Colossians1:22

I am chosen by God, holy, and dearly loved. Colossians 3:12

I am hidden with Christ in God. Colossians 3:3

I am of a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God to declare the praises of him who called me out of darkness into his wonderful light. I Peter 2:9,10

I am an alien and stranger in this world. I Peter 2:11

I am an enemy of the devil. I Peter 5:8

I am forgiven of my sins. 1 John 1:9

I am now a child of God. I John 3:1, 2

I am born of God and the evil one (the devil) cannot harm me. I John 5:18

I am the bride of Christ Revelation 21:9

Renee Smith

Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

Saturday, April 11, 2015

3 Square Meals A Day Doesn't Cut It Anymore!

There are so many people who think losing weight is about cutting your daily caloric intake to an extremely low amount. There are so many people on roller-coaster diets, probably too many to count, and most of these people are unsuccessful in their weight loss efforts. These low-calorie diets are not successful because they slow down your metabolism, and this causes your body to enter into “starvation mode.” In starvation mode, the body burns very few calories because it is attempting to store the few calories it is being fed for energy. These diets can cause extreme fatigue and hunger, which is the reason for their lack of success. 
Successfully losing weight is a learning process. It involves making healthy food choices, paying attention to portion sizes, and eating small frequent meals throughout the day. The average female adult consumes 1,500 or more calories per day, depending on her activity level. To determine exactly how many calories your body needs daily, calculate your basal metabolic rate (BMR). Basal Metabolic Rate is the energy (measured in calories) expended by the body at rest to maintain normal bodily function. The calculating formula is different for men and women and also changes with age.

In order to lose weight, caloric intake should be less than caloric expenditure. 
The formula for calculating BMR is as follows:
Women: 655 + (4.35 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) – (4.7 x age in years)
Men: 66 + (6.23 x weight in pounds) + (12.7 x height in inches) – (6.8 x age in years)

The activity level of a person must also be considered. To include physical activity, follow this formula:

Multiply the BMR by:
1.2 if sedentary (little or no exercise)
1.375 if you exercise 1-3 days per week
1.55 if you exercise 3-5 days per week
1.725 if you exercise 6-7 days per week
Once you determine your BMR, you can divide the calories into five or six small meals per day, to increase your metabolism. By eating foods high in protein, and decreasing your consumption of fats and complex carbohydrates at each of your five or six meals, your metabolism will become extremely efficient at burning calories. 
To maximize the metabolic aspects of your food intake, you should incorporate five or six evenly-portioned meals throughout the day. The first meal should be within one hour of waking up, and each subsequent meal should be spaced two to three hours apart for the remainder of the day. People have to abandon the thought process of three meals a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. Instead, get into the habit of adopting a nutritional pattern of Meal 1, Meal 2, Meal 3, etc. The reason for this is that traditional meal titles in this country are associated with eating certain patterns such as; breakfast should consist of eggs, bacon and bagels, while dinner should be meat and potatoes.
So how does splitting your daily caloric intake into five or six small meals a day increase metabolism? The human body’s metabolism is like a furnace. If you eat three meals a day, the furnace will begin heating up at the first meal and then die down until lunch, where it will heat up again, cool down until dinner, where it heats up one more time. By eating five or six small meals during the day, the furnace will continue burning throughout the day without the cooling-down periods. This means your metabolism is functioning at an increased rate all day with little fluctuations.
Another way that eating small meals frequently will help contribute to weight loss is by a mechanism called the thermic effect of food. When you eat a meal, your body begins the process of digestion, and this process requires the use of energy. The body actually burns calories while it is digesting food. This is sometimes the reason why people’s body temperature increases when they eat. It makes sense that if the body has to digest more frequent meals throughout the day, then the daily caloric expenditure will be increased. 
Another advantage of eating small frequent meals during the day is it will help to balance blood sugar levels and prevent hunger attacks. This is in direct contrast to the low-calorie diets that cause blood sugar levels to experience increases and decreases through the course of the day. Frequent meals also regulate insulin levels, which is necessary for muscle growth and glycogen storage. One of insulin’s roles in the body is to transport glucose and amino acids into the muscle cells, where they can be used for energy and muscle growth.
Adopting this type of lifestyle will require a bit of meal planning and preparation, but it is certainly worth it. Purchasing some Tupperware and a food scale and following this weekly meal plan can help get you started. This meal plan is based on 1,500 calories per day, consisting of 25 grams of Fat, 179 grams of Carbohydrates, and 127 grams of Protein. Once you calculate your BMR, you can adjust serving sizes to meet your individual daily caloric needs.
Day One
Meal One: 1 cup cooked oatmeal, 8 oz. skim milk, 1 scoop whey protein and ½ cup blueberries
Meal Two: 1 protein bar (15 grams protein/20 grams carbohydrates)
Meal Three: 6 oz. grilled chicken, 4 slices fresh tomato, 2 pieces Ezekiel toast
Meal Four: 1 medium peach
Meal Five: 6 oz. baked tilapia, 1 cup grilled zucchini, 1 cup steamed asparagus
Day Two
Meal One: 4 egg whites and 2 slices Ezekiel toast.
Meal Two: 1 medium apple, 6 oz. nonfat plain Greek yogurt (no fruit in bottom)
Meal Three: 6 oz. tuna and 1 cup raw vegetables, 4 Tbsp low-fat raspberry vinaigrette dressing
Meal Four: ½ cup low-fat cottage cheese and 12 almonds
Meal Five: 6 oz. grilled salmon, 1 cup steamed green vegetable of your choice
Day Three
Meal One: 6 oz. nonfat Greek yogurt (no fruit in bottom) and 1 cup sliced fresh melon
Meal Two: 1 protein bar (15 grams protein/20 grams carbohydrates)
Meal Three: 6 oz. turkey, 1 cup cooked quinoa
Meal Four: 12 unsalted cashews and 1 large plum
Meal Five: 6 oz. turkey burger, 1 cup steamed spinach, 2 cups green salad, 4 Tbsp vinaigrette dressing
Day Four
Meal One: 4 egg whites, 1 cup cooked rolled oats (not instant).
Meal Two: 1 scoop whey protein, mixed with 8 oz. skim milk/almond milk (or water) and 1 cup fresh strawberries
Meal Three: 2 cups chopped lettuce salad with ½ cup chickpeas, 4 oz. chicken, 2 Tbsp low-fat dressing
Meal Four: 2 pieces string cheese and 12 almonds
Meal Five: 6 oz. baked cod, 2/3 cup cooked lentils, 1 cup steamed broccoli
Day Five
Meal One: 2 Ezekiel toast with ½ Tbsp natural peanut butter and ¼ cup blackberries
Meal Two: 1 protein bar (15 grams protein/20 grams carbohydrates)
Meal Three: 2 cup lettuce, 6 oz. cooked shrimp, 2 Tbsp low-fat dressing, 2 pieces Ezekiel toast
Meal Four: 1 cup cubed melon, ¼ cup unsalted walnuts
Meal Five: 6 oz. grilled lean sirloin, 1 cup acorn squash, 1 cup cooked couscous
Day Six
Meal One: 4 egg whites, ½ grapefruit
Meal Two: 4 Tbsp low-fat hummus, 1 cup raw vegetables
Meal Three: 6 oz. tuna, ½ pita bread, dijon mustard, 1 medium peach
Meal Four: 12 almonds, 6 oz. nonfat Greek yogurt
Meal Five: 6 oz. grilled chicken, 4 oz. baked sweet potato, ½ cup sugar snap peas
Day Seven
Meal One: 6 oz. nonfat Greek yogurt with ½ cup low-fat granola, ½ cup raspberries
Meal Two: 2 pieces string cheese and 12 almonds
Meal Three: 4 oz. chicken, 2/3 cup cooked brown rice
Meal Four: 1 scoop whey protein, mixed with 8 oz. skim milk (or water) and ½ banana
Meal Five: 4 oz. baked flounder, 4 tomato slices, 1 cup acorn or butternut squash

Do you want more meal plans and ideas like this one?  Join my team with a free beachbody account and you can customize your meal plan and print out a grocery list!  Plus get customized support from me as your coach! 

Renee Smith

Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach


Thursday, April 9, 2015

Give a Hoot for Yacon Root

Yacon Root. What the heck is it? It looks kind of like a sweet potato, but it is so much more. Yacon is one of the supernutrient-packed superfood ingredients found in Shakeology. Why is it awesome? I’ll tell you!



The yacon is a perennial plant traditionally grown in the Northern and Central Andes from Ecuador to Argentina. It is known for its crisp, sweet-tasting, tuberous roots. Its texture and flavor are very similar to jicama, except that yacon has slightly sweeter undertones, attributed to a sweet substance called inulin. Until as late as the early 2000s, yacon was hardly known outside of its limited native range, and was not available in urban markets. However, press reports of its use in Japan for its low-glycemic properties made the crop more widely known in Lima and other Peruvian cities. And the word has continued to spread; we are now seeing product offerings such as yacon syrup, juices, jams, and teas. All products are popular among diabetics and those trying to manage their weight.

Supernutrient Powers

Yacon contains fructooligosaccharides, an indigestible natural sweetener.

Fructooligosaccharides (or FOS) taste sweet, but break down slowly, passing through the digestive tract unmetabolized, and thus have very low caloric value. As an additional nutrition bonus, these FOS have a prebiotic effect, meaning that they are used by “friendly” bacteria (probiotics) that favor colon health and digestion.

Probiotics are the good, healthy bacteria strains that live in your intestines, help to digest food, and help keep you “regular.” These healthy bacteria need special nutrients called prebiotics to grow and thrive.

Yacon is known to contribute to better digestion, colon health, and healthy immune function. It’s a powerful antioxidant, and studies show that yacon may help support ideal blood sugar levels and healthy cardiovascular function.

There are few published studies on the health benefits of yacon, due to its more recent “discovery” and commercialization.

Here are a few highlights:

  • Yacon syrup has been shown to have beneficial effects on obesity and insulin resistance in humans. 
  • A study published in the European Journal of Nutrition, conducted by the Institute of Organic Chemistry, suggested that four different components of yacon each provide their own “potent antioxidant activity” and have been shown to reduce blood glucose levels in rats. 

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Easter Candy Temptations

Easter is quickly approaching and Easter candy is starring us in the face each and every store we go to.  I have been talking to some friends about buying Easter candy and what our favorites are.  My favorite Easter candy has always been the chocolate bunnies and Starburst jelly beans.  Then, I realized that I haven't even bought 1 bunny or 1 bag of jelly beans this year.  I also realized that I didn't even care!  The thought never crossed my mind and I didn't crave them.  I don't feel like I'm missing out either!  My kids certainly don't need it because they only get more hyper when I feed them stuff like that!  Plus, they get it when we go to friends and families house so no worries they aren't deprived of their childhood!

It's easy to get caught up in the Easter holiday as it is with Christmas and Thanksgiving as well.  Each time we have a holiday all our rules go out the window because we think we deserve it or we will just get right back on track.  But let me tell you it is harder than you think.  Sugar is one of the most addictive things you can put in your body.  The more you eat it, the more you body craves it!

Years ago, I would indulge without thinking twice about it. In fact, I’m not sure you could even call it indulgence, as sweet treats were a part of my daily life I had the candy dish always in plain site and chocolate chip cookies were a centerpiece on my kitchen table. They were more of the rule rather than the exception. However, after struggling with my weight, eating habits and exhaustion, I learned a few things about the effects of eating sugar that motivated me to overhaul my nutrition. That said, I admit that turning away delicious sugary goodness can be difficult, especially during social situations and holidays. When I start to break down and crave sugar, I keep the following points top of mind and I find it much easier to stay away:
1.) The positive effects of refined sugar are very temporary. Indulging in refined sugar provides short-lived joy. Yes, the taste is delicious, and it even gives you a little energy boost and emotional high. However, these effects wear off fast. Once your insulin spikes and your blood sugar plummets, you will feel terrible (see next point).

2.) Refined sugar does not facilitate your best. You’ll be a less fabulous version of yourself once the physical and mental side effects of the sugar crash begin to surface. For example, headaches, mood swings, depression and guilt, to name a few, are common side effects of indulging in sweet treats.

3.) “A little” can easily become “a lot,” “A little” refined sugar is rarely enough. A taste of it seems to awaken an inner beast that demands MORE. This inner beast is, again, a result of the blood sugar drop that I described earlier, which keeps your body in a cycle of sugar cravings.

4.) For the same calories, you can eat a lot more nutritionally dense food. Candy is high in calories and not very nutritionally dense; thus, it does little to feed and satiate your body. When considering eating some kind of refined sugar junk, I try to think of its opportunity cost. In other words, “What could I eat that would cost the same calorically?” For example, I could eat ½ cup of oats, 1 tablespoon of peanut butter and ½ of a scoop of protein powder or I could eat two Cadbury Eggs for the same calories. Not only would I feel more full, healthy and satisfied eating the oats, PB and protein, that choice is also working toward my goal for improved health and a lean body rather than against it.

5.) Sugar is not a “beauty” food. In David Wolfe’s “Eating for Beauty,” he discusses how sugar damages the skin by disrupting the function of collagen and depleting one’s B vitamins, which can cause chapped lips and wrinkles. Also, sugar is widely known to cause inflammation in the body, which leads to water retention and puffiness.

If after considering all these points, you choose to do a little indulging this Easter (I get it…we all need a treat from time to time), do it smart: (1) Eat the sugary treat(s) with a balanced meal to slow down the digestion of the sugar, which will help minimize the extreme rise and fall of your blood sugar and insulin, and (2) Pre-determine a limit on how much you will consume, so you do not mindlessly and unknowingly eating thousands of sugar calories throughout the day.

No matter what you choose to consume this holiday weekend, I hope you are “taking in” time with family and friends, as that is what holidays are really all about and what will provide us true happiness and satisfaction. 

So no matter what you decide to do about indulging in sweet treats do it mindfully.  I am planning on taking some healthy side dishes to my family events, enjoying the meal, drinking water, having a small piece of dessert and exercising just as normal.  I'm not skipping and I'm not making excuses!  I love my healthy lifestyle and I wouldn't change it for the world.

Have a happy Easter!!!

Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach