Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Can Shakeology Help with Migraine Headaches?


What is a migraine and how does it affect people? Well, if you look up the word in the dictionary you will get a definition like this…”An extremely severe paroxysmal headache, usually confined to one side of the head and often associated with nausea.” If you ask someone that suffers from migraines the definition would be more like this…A migraine is a massive headache that makes you feel like your head is going to explode. The pain can be so excruciating that you might actually wish it would at times. Everything hurts your head when you have a migraine. Bright lights, noise and physical activity are all things you try to avoid. Some people experience nausea and vomiting. The headache normally affects one side of the head and doesn’t let up very easily, sometimes lasting for days at a time. Prior to getting a migraine, some have been known to perceive an aura. This in itself can be very scary if you have never had one before. A close friend of mine recently experienced this for the first time and didn’t know what was happening. She was driving her kids to school when it started. First her vision just seemed weird, not right. By the time she got back home, she was experiencing flashing bright lights, vision loss and couldn’t see to read. The migraine soon followed and her vision returned to normal but not before scaring her to death.

There are many triggers that contribute to migraines. Stress, hunger, fatigue, and a mix of environmental and genetic factors are possible contributors. They are also more likely to occur during and/or around menstruation. Treatments include medication, nutritional supplements and lifestyle changes. While not everyone agrees on what triggers migraines, I am pretty sure that everyone that has ever experienced a migraine can tell you one thing for sure. The pain of a migraine headache can be debilitating to say the least!

Here are some testimonials from Shakeology users who have experience with migraines:
“Since starting Shakeology, I’ve only had to give myself 4 injections for my migraines, and taken very few other meds for them! I used to take just that in a week! AND, I finally feel good enough to start exercising again!”
“I had migraines that made me violently ill. I started drinking Shakeology and haven’t had a single migraine since!”
“I have been taking medicine daily for years due to headaches and migraines. Since I started drinking Shakeology daily five weeks ago, I rarely have ANY headaches. Geez…the money I’ve saved on medicine ALONE is well worth it! Not to mention I hardly have any cravings.”
Are you ready for some relief?  Email me for details
Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

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