Monday, April 4, 2016

Meal Planning and Preparation for Successful Weight Loss

Happy Monday!  It's a beautiful day here in East Texas.  My kids are out of school and outside enjoying the weather while I am sitting down to write to you about something very near and dear to my heart!  Besides my family, it's health and fitness!  I truly believe that you can own every fitness program on the market, have a personal trainer, fancy gym membership and gym equipment but if you don't have proper nutrition then you are doing yourself a disservice.  You have heard it a million times.  80% of your results come from your nutrition. 

You can give me every excuse in the book, like my kids kept me up last night, I ran out of time, or I don't have money to buy healthy food.  Well, it costs a whole lot more to take care of a sick person versus a healthy person.  You have so much more energy to play with your kids and do the things that you want when you are healthy and vibrant.  When you get regular physical activity and proper nutrition you can live your life to the fullest.  One of the way that I make sure to keep myself and my family on track is through sitting down each Sunday, making a meal plan, grocery shopping and then taking the time to prep my snacks for the week.

It takes me less than 30 minutes to make a meal plan and compile a grocery list.  I have a template on my computer that I pull up and update each week with my 5-6 meals a day.  Then, I check the pantry as I develop my game plan and write down anything that I need to pick up.

My meal plan is something I share with my customer and challenge groups each week.  A big part of my program is planning.  You cannot be successful until you have a focus.  This plan gives you a starting point.  When you know what you are eating each night it takes the guess work out.  You know that you have something in mind already and there is no room for the common excuse "I don't know what to make so lets just eat out".

After my meal plan and list are ready we headed out to our favorite place!  WalMart!  I would love it if we had a Costco close but our choices are limited since we live in the country.

We always buy our fruit and meat in bulk.  Since we go through so much ground turkey and chicken it makes sense to do it this way.  We eat a lot of eggs also, but we are blessed to raise chickens and so we always have a supply of fresh eggs.  At the store, we load up our cart with the basics. 

On my grocery list this week was:
Greek Yogurt (plain)

Frozen chicken no added sodium
Cottage cheese
Bananas for my Shakeology
Frozen Blueberries for Kelly's Shakeology & Oatmeal
Spring Mix Salad
Natural Peanut Butter
Almond Milk (Unsweetened Original)
Whole Grain Santa Fe Tortillas

Now it's back home to do some prepping for the week!

I spend some time cooking some hard boiled eggs for quick grab and eat protein.  You can also put the eggs on your salad if you aren't a fan of chicken.



I have apples and 2 tbsp all natural peanut butter as a snack.  Oranges and unsalted almonds (14) and veggies and hummus.
I also have some grilled chicken salads and individual servings of dressing ready to go!
My Shakeology for my lunch or afternoon snack is always with me.  The blender bottle is genius.  If you don't have a small blender this has a wire ball inside that you add your water and packet of Shakeology to, then you literally shake the living daylights out of it and you are good to go!

Now when I wake up in the am, I just open the fridge, grab my snacks, lunch and put it in my tote and out the door I go!

Do you want to learn more about meal planning and preparing food?  Do you want to know how you can change your lifestyle, lose weight, have more energy and fuel your body for energy and not just for comfort?  Join my 30 day Shakeology and Clean Eating closed online support group.  In this exclusive group, I will teach you one on one my tools and tricks of the trade.  How to grocery shop, plan your meals and be successful.  Everything from eating out, traveling, surviving parties and more!

It all starts with you and a choice to make the change!  Join me starting April 11th on the best journey of your entire life!!  A healthy one!

Get Started now!  Spots will fill up fast!

Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

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