Saturday, October 17, 2015

Couple takes on Turbofire & P90X to lose 37 lbs total in 12 weeks

As I finish up my summer slim down challenge I have had an amazing group of challengers who committed to changing their lives with my Beachbody Challenge group and really went at it full force with passion and power!!!  I can't say enough wonderful things about this power couple!  Holly and Jesse are the proud parents of 2 adorable kids.  Last year, Holly was pregnant but was always inquisitive about what I was doing as a Coach.  After she had her adorable baby girl she decided it was time to get back into shape!  So she chose Turbofire and Jesse chose P90X!  They both replaced 1 meal a day with Shakeology for the duration of the challenge.  Holly has an amazing story and I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to share it with you.  I hope that this story can inspire you or someone you know to take the leap of faith and put your health and fitness first!

Holly's Story:  To say I had low self esteem would be an understatement. Ever since high school I was so upset and saddened by what I saw in the mirror and it escalated by the time I was a junior year in college. I ended up abusing laxatives and purging in order to keep my weight down. I had become so hooked on laxatives I was taking 8 a day easily. I ended up meeting a wonderful guy that year named Jesse who I am now blessed to call my husband. When Jesse and I started dating, I was in the beginning stages of getting help for my eating disorder and developing a relationship with Jesus Christ. Through the amazing grace of God and the love and support from Jesse, my family and therapists, I ended up putting an end to the laxative abuse and purging. Fast forward 6 years and 2 kids later and the feelings from back in college slowly started to return. I wasn't turning to the unhealthy weight loss like I once was but the negative feelings that I had when I looked in the mirror were present once again. I couldn't shake them.  Renee approached me about her Beachbody challenge group, I was interested and wanted to know more but not interested enough to do anything about it until mid-July. 

Jesse and I were on our way to Ohio and I told him that I wanted to do a challenge group with Renee. He was extremely supportive and even suggested doing it with me. Jesse played college football and during the 2004 season he hurt his back and had to get a lumbar fusion which left him sedentary for months. He gained over 50 lbs and by the time we got engaged in 2008 he was up to 265. Through his weight gain he too had very low self esteem and got down on himself frequently. He has always been great at working out and eating right but his problem was that life got in the way or something(me, the kids,vacation, etc) would mess up his routine so he would stop working out. So needless to say, he was thrilled when I was on board for Renee's challenge group. He thought it would be a great way for him to stay on track and what better way to be held accountable than being in this group with his wife. I felt the exact same way and was so excited that we could share in this journey together. 

We started the group on July 20th and I am so excited to say we rocked it. I did both Turbo Fire and P90X and lost 15 lbs and 13.5 inches. My stud-muffin husband killed this challenge doing P90X and making healthier food choices along with incorporating Shakeology into his day. He lost 22 lbs through this challenge but since his all time high weight of 265 in 2008 he has lost a total of.....drumroll please......68 lbs!!!!! How awesome are those results!?!? For the first time in a very long time we are happy with ourselves and healthy! We are going to continue with the program's graduation group and Jesse plans to do another round of P90X followed by Body Beast and I am continuing P90X possibly followed by Les Mills Combat.  

Women's Turbofire/P90X Results
Before P90X
P90X transformation
Are you ready to start your own transformation story?  Are you ready to take the leap of faith, gain confidence and finally have the support that you need to make a change?

Sign up for a FREE Account with me as your Beachbody Coach and we can discuss the steps necessary to get started!!!  :)

You COULD BE NEXT....The choice is yours!!!
Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

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