Saturday, February 21, 2015

Amazing Week

This week has been absolutely surreal in more ways than one!  Ten months ago I never thought I would be in the position that I am today.  When I started my fitness journey in April 2014 I was 35 lbs overweight and absolutely disgusted with the person looking back at me in the mirror.  Bathing suit season was 2 months away.  I needed to do something drastic!  I found the 21 Day Fix and my coach Miranda reached out to me and invited me to take the 21 Day Fix Challenge.  At that time, I was willing to do anything because I couldn't stand myself!  I took my before pictures and measurements and CRIED when I saw them!  I couldn't believe that was my body!

Everyday I pressed play completing the 21 Day Fix and then completing a second round!  I never missed a workout, I never made excuses!  I was determined to change my body!  The more that people posted in the support group about their weight loss, the more I pushed myself to be better.  I actually don't even remember doing the first round of 21 Day Fix for the most part because I just blocked it out.  I knew it was hard but I didn't complain, I didn't push pause and I didn't quit!  I finished every workout and gave it my all.  At the end of the 42 days I had some amazing results to show for it!

At that point I decided to take the leap of faith and share my knowledge with other people and become a beachbody coach!  Plus, I really didn't want to pay full price for my Shakeology.  So basically I became a discount coach.  But once I started reading about coaching and started listening to the coach training academy webinars, the more I became intrigued.  I also was sharing my knowledge with other people and I was helping others to lose weight by my own experience.  I formed my first challenge group in 2014 and that was the start of something amazing!  I set goals for myself and have surpassed quite a few already. 

In a matter of 10 months I went from no income to a significant income this week.  I reached Diamond status last week, I have multiple challenge groups going, success stories to share, people's lives are being changed by ME!!!  I am making a difference!  I'm actually DOING something good for others!  We are getting fit and losing weight together!!!  I have a team that is growing underneath me and they are amazing!  I am participating in the Team Cup for Beachbody and we are ROCKING it!!!

Sitting in my living room signing up to be a beachbody coach 10 months ago I would have never dreamed that I would be here today!  I have met some amazing women and men!  Have changed my outlook on life and my families health and I am helping other people to be healthier and happier!  I seriously can't tell you how blessed I feel!   GOD IS GOOD!!!

I just can't tell you how excited I am to see where this journey takes me!

I encourage each and every one of you to step out of your comfort zone and push yourself a little further to reach for your dreams.  Set goals that are uncomfortable!  Because you ARE capable of more than you THINK!  I am walking proof!  I am no different that you or anyone else out on the streets!  I just wanted it bad enough that I was willing to put in the hard work each and everyday to see the return on my investment.  I wanted more out of life and I WANT TO LIVE TO THE FULLEST!  So each and everyday I thank GOD for my blessings and for giving me the ability to push through adversity and break through doubt and anxiety!

Go out and change someones life today!  You will be amazed at how good it feels!  IT'S CONTAGIOUS!

Join my team and change even more lives each and every day!  Let me mentor you through the process and help you to change your life too!!!

Message me for more information on becoming a coach and transforming lives and ending the trend of obesity!  I'd love to chat with you about how much I love my job!

Renee Smith
Independent BeachBody Coach

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