Thursday, November 6, 2014

How To Eat Healthier By Planning Ahead

Everything is easier with a plan and eating is no exception.  If you are trying to lose weight or eat healthier, having a plan can make all the difference.  Planning ahead can help when it comes to food.  We all get busy and sometimes we just eat what is at our fingertips, or even worse, stop by the local drive thru for some fast food.  Let's talk about attacking our cravings with a game plan:
1. Stock your house pantry, fridge and work desk with healthy food:  When hunger comes along, what do we do?  Head straight for the refrigerator or pantry (or desk drawer at work) and eat whatever we can get our hands on. Get rid of all of the junk and unhealthy foods and replace it with healthy foods and snacks.  This will force you to eat healthier.
2. Write down your "why": Why are you trying to eat healthier?  Is it because you want to live longer?  Is it to save money down the road on medical expenses?  Or maybe you just want more energy?  Whatever your "why" is, be sure to write it down as a constant reminder of the big picture on why you would like to make this lifestyle change.  This helps you hold yourself accountable and motivated to keep on track with clean eating.
3. Join up with a buddy: Having someone that has the same goal as you can make things a lot easier.  If you know someone trying to eat healthier as well, talk to them about your goals and provide support for one another.  You don't have to be alone in this.  Find someone to help motivate you and hold you accountable and help each other reach your goals.
4. Find a meal planner:  Use a meal planner to help you stay on track.  These will portion out and suggest healthy meals for you.  This will help you know exactly what to shop for at the grocery store, what to eat, how much, and when.  There are several meal planners to choose from online.
Just like anything else in life, when you have a plan and the desire, you will succeed. Please ask me about our Beachbody meal planner to get you started.   Good luck in your goals in eating healthier.  

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