Saturday, June 25, 2016

Fed stage and Fasted stage of your Metabolism

There are two types of phases that your body goes through: the fed stage and the fasted stage. Your body is in the fed state when it’s digesting and absorbing food. That fed state starts when you begin eating and lasts for three to five hours as your body digests and absorbs the food. In this stage it’s very difficult for your body to burn fat because your insulin levels are elevated.

After those three to five hours of digesting, your body goes into what is known as the post–absorptive state, which is when your body isn’t processing any food. This stage lasts until 8 to 12 hours after your last meal, which is when you enter the fasted state. It’s much easier for you body to burn fat during this time because your insulin levels are lower. When you’re in the fasted state your body can burn the fat that has been inaccessible during the fed state.

So for me since I eat from 10-6pm, I am a fat burning machine from around 2-10am (especially since I exercise in my fasted state). Too many people have a “late night snack” and then wake up and eat right away…never allowing their body to really dig into those fat stores.

Contact me to join my next accountability group!

Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Can Shakeology Help with Migraine Headaches?


What is a migraine and how does it affect people? Well, if you look up the word in the dictionary you will get a definition like this…”An extremely severe paroxysmal headache, usually confined to one side of the head and often associated with nausea.” If you ask someone that suffers from migraines the definition would be more like this…A migraine is a massive headache that makes you feel like your head is going to explode. The pain can be so excruciating that you might actually wish it would at times. Everything hurts your head when you have a migraine. Bright lights, noise and physical activity are all things you try to avoid. Some people experience nausea and vomiting. The headache normally affects one side of the head and doesn’t let up very easily, sometimes lasting for days at a time. Prior to getting a migraine, some have been known to perceive an aura. This in itself can be very scary if you have never had one before. A close friend of mine recently experienced this for the first time and didn’t know what was happening. She was driving her kids to school when it started. First her vision just seemed weird, not right. By the time she got back home, she was experiencing flashing bright lights, vision loss and couldn’t see to read. The migraine soon followed and her vision returned to normal but not before scaring her to death.

There are many triggers that contribute to migraines. Stress, hunger, fatigue, and a mix of environmental and genetic factors are possible contributors. They are also more likely to occur during and/or around menstruation. Treatments include medication, nutritional supplements and lifestyle changes. While not everyone agrees on what triggers migraines, I am pretty sure that everyone that has ever experienced a migraine can tell you one thing for sure. The pain of a migraine headache can be debilitating to say the least!

Here are some testimonials from Shakeology users who have experience with migraines:
“Since starting Shakeology, I’ve only had to give myself 4 injections for my migraines, and taken very few other meds for them! I used to take just that in a week! AND, I finally feel good enough to start exercising again!”
“I had migraines that made me violently ill. I started drinking Shakeology and haven’t had a single migraine since!”
“I have been taking medicine daily for years due to headaches and migraines. Since I started drinking Shakeology daily five weeks ago, I rarely have ANY headaches. Geez…the money I’ve saved on medicine ALONE is well worth it! Not to mention I hardly have any cravings.”
Are you ready for some relief?  Email me for details
Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

I'm a Shakeology Kid! Can my Child Drink Shakeology?

“I’m a Shakeology Kid!” : Can my Child Drink Shakeology?

“We are Flintstones Kids, Ten million strong and growing.” These have been the lyrics heard in the commercials for Flintstones children’s vitamins since I was a little girl. But, is being a Flintstones kid really so good?

Every morning, millions of parents in the U.S. offer a multi-vitamin to their children as they’re off on their way to school, thinking that they are doing something good for their health. In reality, most children really don’t NEED a multi-vitamin, unless they have a physical condition that puts them at risk of a poorly functioning immune system or have food allergies that severely restricts their diets. But, if you feel like your child benefits from the extra nutrients and vitamins, by all means, you should give them the extra supplement.
But — you should be aware of the other things you are giving to your child by providing a synthetic vitamin, such as most of the leading brands. The majority of them contain several ingredients that I’m not pumped about giving to MY children. They include:
  • Sorbitol — Often used medicinally as a laxative, it has been linked to irritable bowel syndrome when used in food products.
  • Aspartame — Aspartame as been linked to several diseases, including cancer, and increasing the sugar addiction that contributes to the obesity epidemic in America.
  • Artificial colors — FD&C Red #40, Yellow #6 and Blue #2 are included in most synthetic children’s vitamins. They have been found to increase the chances of hyperactivity in children.
  • Hydrogenated soybean oil — These synthetic fatty acids are linked to dozens of adverse health effects, from coronary artery disease to cancer. Certainly not something you want to see in a product you think is healthy for your child.
  • Gluten — Even though most companies say they do not ADD gluten to their vitamins, they also use a disclaimer that the product may contain gluten as a result of other practices used in deriving many ingredients. Not a risk I’d be willing to take if my child was gluten-intolerant or allergic.
  • GMO corn starch — Enough said.
If this isn’t enough to concern you, consider this: the vitamin you are giving to your child was formulated in a laboratory. It’s not natural. It’s a proven fact that our bodies absorb vitamins and minerals best when they are derived from whole-food based sources. Your child may be taking a daily vitamin, but how much of the “good stuff” in it is he actually getting into his system?

So, now what do you do? Have you considered giving your child Shakeology? I do daily with my children.

Kids can benefit from all of the advantages that Shakeology has to offer, too. Digestion, focus, energy, strength, etc! This is all good for children!

Shakeology junk foodAlso — think about your child’s diet. Even though you may push healthy lean meats and lots of fruits and veggies, they also get by with pizza, chicken nuggets, ice cream, candy and French fries, don’t they? Of course! They are kids!

Shakeology can help them digest all of that junk that seems to naturally find its way into their diets. It helps with digestion, reduces bloat and helps them get reduce their cravings for more junk. It contains easy-to-absorb vitamins and nutrients. And, you don’t have to worry about all of those artificial colors and sweeteners (which is a HUGE bonus, especially if your child shows tendencies to have ADHD).

Will your kids like Shakeology? If you just shake it up with water, probably not. But, if you make it like an event to concoct a treat every time, they will ask for it. Create fun around making it as a delicious milkshake, with fruit or other fun flavors. And, for many parents, it’s a quick version of breakfast that can be taken on the go, for those mornings that just don’t leave you enough time to get everything done. Whether for breakfast or a mid-afternoon snack, it’s much healthier than a honey bun, toaster pastry or sugared-up cereals.

* For smaller children they only need 1/3 to a half scoop of Shakeology

Have more questions?  Email me

Renee Smith

Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

Saturday, June 4, 2016


Frozen Yogurt Grapes

Oh the summer sun is getting hot here in Texas and we absolutely love it! One thing is for sure kids are hungry often in the summer and when they get to the point they recognize their hunger enough to stop playing it's as if they behave like they've never seen food before in their life! I'm sure it's a mix between being very active and a little dehydrated between swimming in the pool and different outdoor sports. It's a delicate balance when it comes to 'cool down' treats. It's so easy to direct them to the box of ice cold frozen popsicles in the outdoor fridge- but lets be honest, I'm just wanting to keep their wet feet & dirty hands out of the kitchen! 

My BIG goal for the summer is to not let my kids go too long in between HEALTHY snacks during these hot summer months not only to really cut down on those sugar loaded frozen popsicles BUT to make sure they are getting the nutrients they need during the days... especially because they are sweating a lot in this heat. 

So I've been collecting ideas for easy, healthy & refreshing summer snacks for these sizzlin' days ahead. One thing I really want to focus on is easy enough for my kids to help prepare & easy as a grab & go as well.

These YOGURT COVERED FROZEN GRAPES are delicious and so refreshing & easy!

Below is the step by step instructions on how we prepared this snack. The kids are absolutely loving them! They actually are reminding ME about their HEALTHY snack time! One bag of grapes and one single serving of yogurt sure goes a long ways. I can get at least a dozen half cup servings of frozen yogurt grapes out of one batch, if not more.

I hope you'll MAKE & ENJOY!  Share with your friends!


Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach