Saturday, March 28, 2015

Is Success Your Only OPTION?

So this week has been a particularly trying week for me personally.  I really don't like to get to personal but I feel like sharing this with you.  A year ago I found my coach, Miranda and I found Insanity (the workout)!  I also discovered that treating my body with respect and giving it what it needs has brought me a lot of happiness inside and out.  I have found that I can drastically change my body by eating healthy and regular exercise.  In addition to changing the look of my body I also started sharing my knowledge with others as a Beachbody Coach.  I have been met with some adversity along the way and I'm starting to realize that the secret to being successful isn't that you just have this bright idea!  It's all about hard work, sacrifice, learning and being an excellent student!  It's about doing!  I see a trend in today's society where people have this sense of entitlement.  Some think they should just be given a million dollar business because they went to college and graduated or because their parents owned a business and they should be handed down the benefits!  Instead of having that hard working, I deserved this because I put in the man power!  I am sorry, but life isn't like that!  To be honest, being successful and standing up for what you believe in takes time, effort, tears and defeat!  It's not all fame and glory!  So I found this article and I just had to share it with you because I feel like it truly speaks to my situation and where I am at in life.  I have always been a hard working individual.  When I get something in my mind there is no stopping me, no matter how big the obstacle is.  I am a RUBY personality at heart!

What separates those that succeed from those that don't is the DRIVE TO WANT IT!  You have to have the desire to be better and greater and to settle for nothing less!!!

The 10 Things Successful People Live By Before They Make It

1. They didn’t use excuses.

We all have two voices. There’s the voice that tells us to work hard, to focus on the task at hand and to finish it before we move on to the next. And to finish it well.We also have the voice that tells us to take a break, to think about what’s on TV, or to visit a site that we like to visit that entertains us – whether it’s or facebook.
In life we’re the victim of injustice from time to time. It could be a promotion that we deserve but don’t get. No matter who we are, we’re going to be treated unfairly at some point. We can either feel sorry for ourselves, or push forward and put it behind us – even use it as
Nelson Mandela could have used his unjust imprisonment as an excuse to give into his anger. Instead, he used it as an opportunity to learn, grow, and eventually free others.
Listen to your excuses. Understand why you have them. Then figure out how you can use them for good.

2. It wasn’t just about them.

‘Things’ can be a motivator, they can even be a reward, but they can’t be the motivator. The truly successful in life always get there because they created change in the lives of others, not just their own.
If something drives you that is greater than just the ‘ends’, we’re going to work harder, longer, and we’re going to give more of ourselves to our project.
Yes we can make money when we have the primary goal of making money. Some might even use that money for good – which is awesome. But there’s no fulfillment in simply making money. And isn’t that the point?

3. Early mornings and late nights.

People who have achieved true success in their lives have worked for it.
This might come at the detriment of other areas of their lives, such as your social life. But their mission is first and foremost. Until it’s complete, everything else comes second.
There’s literally no substitute for hard work. Abraham Lincoln said, “Things may come to those who wait… but only the things left by those who hustle.” If you want to be successful, you’re going to have to out hustle everyone else.

4. The greatest commodity.

Energy is a huge commodity that is often not talked about. Yes, energy in the sense of fuel and electricity is talked about everywhere, but I’m talking about our own energy levels.
The fact is that the more energy we have, the easier it is to focus, and the higher the quality of our work is.
One of Richard Branson‘s ‘key’s to success’ is staying in great physical shape. So would raised energy levels be the greatest benefit to working out? It may be.
Keeping physically fit gives us greater blood-flow to our brain, enhanced alertness and improved focus. Make training a routine part of your life and increase your chances at success – in every meaning of the word.

5. Principles.

History will be kind to me. For I intend to write it.
Winston Churchill had principles. The difference between him and the rest of us, is that he stuck to his principles at all costs. He didn’t waver when they weren’t popular – an extreme rarity in politics.
What are your principles? All of us should have them, know what they are, and live our lives by them.
One of Apple’s principles is to bring change to the world through technology, and they do it with every product they release.
Identify what principles you have that guide your life through tough times, and when things couldn’t be any better. They shouldn’t change, and at your core, neither should you.

6. Wavering, yet unbreakable faith.

We all have moments of doubt. Even the best of us question if our dream is going to come true. The one thing that separates the truly successful from those who never reach their true potential is an unbreakable faith in the fact that what they’re doing is right.
Even if they have moments of doubt, they’re soon quelled, where other’s listen to that doubt and let it eat them up and finally they quit.
Have your moments of doubt. You’re human. Just don’t let that doubt eat you up. Instead let it motivate you to prove your optimism right.

7. A reason.

Many of the greatest accomplishments in the world were accomplished by insecure men and women, people who had something to prove to others. A desire to elevate their status and create change that was so strong, that failure is simply never and option.
Abraham Lincoln‘s reason(s) had to do a lot with his view of himself in relation to how other’s viewed him. Where others saw a poor, illiterate boy, Lincoln saw someone capable of achieving more, even if he had to do it completely on his own. He also saw the need for change. A nation that preached freedom wasn’t free. He saw something fundamentally wrong with this and set out to change it. His why wasn’t about him. Which in turn made him one of history’s great men.
Understand why. You have that reason to work when others sleep, to sacrifice a safe life for a risky one with no ceiling. Find it by asking why, and not stopping until you hit your core, emotional reason for wanting to change your status, or the status of others.

8. They persevered when others didn’t.

How does the guy who quit on his dream know how long it would’ve taken him to become a success? He doesn’t. None of us do. It could be tomorrow, or ten years from now.
What separates a lot of the great people we read about in our history books from those we’ve never heard of is the fact that they never quit. Quitting was never an option. They only stopped when they reached their dream. And even then, they created a new mission.
Take James J. Braddock, or even Nelson Mandela, for example. They didn’t achieve their greatness or success early on in their careers or in life like some. They achieved it after surviving. They survived while others literally died, or quit. In their cases it wasn’t just that they were the best, but they were the best because of what they endured. They were the last one’s standing.
We don’t know when our breakthrough will come. So don’t guarantee your failure by quitting. You can adapt, change, and evolve, but never, never, never quit.

9. Great people relentlessly studied their craft.

Tony Gwynn and Mike Tyson studied their craft as much as anyone. Gwynn spent hours upon hours studying opposing pitchers. He studied their patterns. He wasn’t the most athletic guy around, but he put his work in to be the best at what he did: hit baseballs.
When people think of Tyson, they think of an animal, but what we fail to see is the student. No one studied boxing like Tyson did. Watched more film than anyone in the history of the sport. He was a student first, a fighter second.
These great athletes studied film, but how can we perfect our craft?
Using myself as an example; much of my job has to do with writing, and obviously fitness. So, I study those two things. I read books about how to become a better writer, ways to connect with the reader, and I simply read great books written by authors who are much better at writing than I am. If you’re in sales, read and study sales. If you’re a marketer, then do the same with marketing.
Being a drone that simply goes through the motions is no way to achieve greatness. Assuming success is something you want, you have to study your craft, whatever it may be. Learn it inside and out. Build a wealth of knowledge. It’ll help you create great, inspiring, and unique work.

10. Risk.

No risk, no reward. Yes it’s an over-used, cliché of a phrase. But it’s true. Those who have achieved real success have often risked the most to get there.
There have been billions of people throughout history who have had the ability to achieve greatness, whether it was the talent or smarts, they had it. What they didn’t have was the guts to risk the life that they were living. They also didn’t have the work ethic to see their talent realized.
The greatest tragedy in life is wasted talent ~ A Bronx Tale
Your big, audacious dream might be to marry the girl of your dreams and have a family with her. You risk might be to leave the career that you love in order to support her and your family. Your dream might be to help millions live longer, healthier lives. Whatever your dream is, give it enough of a chance to be realized.
Risk if you truly want to see the reward.

Find your dream. Then risk everything to get it.


My call to action:  Please share with me what you think has been your key to success in your business, personal life and life in general.  Was there something that just clicked in your mind with you, a saying or quote that you live by?  Please share with my readers and inspire someone with you own experience!


Renee Smith

Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

Monday, March 23, 2015

Fat Burning Techniques

7 Fat Burn Techniques without Muscle Killers:

1. Calculate Your Intake: When most people want to drop weight, they eliminate fats or they eliminate carbs. In our case, we will eliminate neither. We will continue to consume a balanced diet with healthy fats, complex carbs, and high quality proteins. The reason is simple…The goal is not to lose weight, the goal is to burn fat.

How Many Calories to Burn Fat
Your bodyweight in lbs (x) 14 = Daily Caloric Intake
For Example: 185 lbs (x) 14 = 2590 Calories Per day

These calories should be broken down into 40-45% Protein, 40-45% Carbs, and 10-20% Fats.

2. Mixing the Proper Macros: Fats (healthy fats from peanut butter, nuts and oils)  and carbohydrates (from fruits, veggies and whole grains)  should never be on the same plate (unless it’s a fish oil supplement). Although there are some healthy choices you can make that contain both macronutrients, it is not optimal. You see, carbohydrates manipulate insulin levels and insulin is a storage hormone. The last thing you want in your bloodstream while your insulin has spiked is fats. Why? Well, if insulin is a storage hormone and fat is available in the bloodstream, the fat will more than likely be stored. If we are trying to reduce fat, then you obviously want to avoid this from happening.

Meal Schedule Example:
Meal 1: Fats and Protein
Meal 2: Protein and Carbs(from fruits and veggies)
Meal 3: Protein and Carbs (from fruits and veggies)
Meal 4: Protein and Carbs (from fruits and veggies)
Meal 5: Protein and Carbs (from fruits and veggies)
Meal 6: Fats and Protein

3. Train with Weights: Weight lifting is not only a crucial step to keeping your muscle and possibly building more while in a caloric deficit, but it is also the best way to trigger muscle building hormones that promote fat loss.

If you’ve seen the documentary by Stuart McDonald called “I want to look like that guy”, you’ll know that lifting weights while keeping a mindful eye on your diet will yield fat burn.

Now although weight lifting is an anaerobic activity, it is one of the best ways in speed up your metabolism for maximum fat loss.

4. Short Rest Periods: Keeping short rest periods in between sets (40 seconds) is a great way to intensify your workout for maximum fat burn. The short rest periods will not only intensify the training but they will also increase the production of GH (growth hormone) which allows your body to literally burn fat in your sleep.

Other training methods for short rest periods
• Super sets
• Drop sets
• Giant sets

5. Afterburn Training: Afterburn training refers to methods and techniques that cause your body to burn fat AFTER the training for hours and even sometimes days.

Afterburn Techniques
• Weight lifting with short rest periods- P90X, P90X2
• HIIT- TurboFire, Insanity, Asylum
• Circuit training Routines

6. Meat & Nuts Breakfast:
This style of breakfast was introduced to me by the author of “No Nonsense Muscle Building” Vince Delmonte and was introduced to him by IFBB pro and creator of “MI-40” Benjamin Pakulski. It’s simple, every morning you will avoid carbs and will consume only meat and nuts. The meats and the nuts will both be rotated regularly. One day you may have turkey burgers and the next you may have steak. One day you may have almonds, the next day you may have cashews.

Benefits of the Meat and Nuts Breakfast
• Increased mental focus
• Less craving
• More focused energy
• And decreased body fat

7. Carb Timing: Believe it or not, the only time your body NEEDS carbs is surrounding your workouts. Any other time they are practically useless. This is why you should surround your carb intake around your workout on training days. Carbs in your pre workout will aid with a steady stream of energy while training. Carbs in your post workout will aid with keeping your body in an anabolic state and avoiding muscle wastage. Lastly, carbs in the 2 meals following your post workout shake/meal for optimal recovery.

Look at the meal example above.
Meal 2 = Pre workout
Meal 3 = Post workout
Meal 4 = Recovery meal 1
Meal 5 = Recovery meal 2

7 Techniques for Fat Burn without Muscle Killers
Notice one thing…every technique has its own unique way of promoting fat burn…but they also all play a huge roll in increasing your metabolism. A speedy metabolism is essentially the best and ONLY way to get abs that pop out from under your shirt while keeping muscle.

If you stick to these simple techniques, you will literally burn fat in your sleep while maintaining 100% of your hard earned muscle mass.

Renee Smith

Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

Monday, March 16, 2015

Shamrock Shakeology

Shamrock Shakeology!
I stumbled upon this recipe not to long ago and thought, well I love Shamrock Shakes and I love the benefits of Shakeology so I will give it a try!
Let me just tell you that I didn't have high hopes for it!  But it was really really good!  I totally enjoyed it!  Now it's not the exact same as a shamrock shake from McDonald's but I would rather not sabotage my hard work and the insane amount of calories and fat.  Could I have drank it, YES!  I certainly don't have any weight to lose.  But it doesn't make me feel good about myself and I could care less!  I don't feel like I was depriving myself of anything!  I am actually proud that I have enough self control to find alternatives to my favorite guilty pleasures!

So I hope you enjoy this as much as I do!  If you don't have any
Greenberry Shakeology and would like to try it, email me and I will get a single serving packet out to you asap!!


  • 8 oz Skim, Rice, Almond or Soy Milk
  • 4 oz ice and water
  • splash of peppermint extract or some mint water
  • 1 tsp all natural pb
  • 2 tbsp vanilla sugar free instant pudding mix
  • 1 packet of Greenberry Shakeology
  • Blend and enjoy!!!
Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Shakeology as a Post Workout Supplement

Whether you're trotting up the stairs to your apartment after a five-mile jog or pounding out that last set of curls, there is nothing like that post-workout feeling. You've busted your tail and now it's time to relax. 
Or is it? A little couch time might seem in order, but that doesn't mean the work is done. After a hard workout, your body becomes super receptive to nutrients, so proper eating in the hour after is crucial. Don't slack off now. Hit the kitchen for your Shakeology recovery shake within the first 10 minutes of wrapping up, and allow 30 to 45 minutes for it to absorb before eating anything else!

When Nietzsche said, "That which doesn't kill us makes us stronger," he could have been talking about a good workout. First of all, exercise burns through your blood sugar as well as your glycogen, your body's back-up sugar supply. Meanwhile, it drains your electrolytes and fluids and causes micro-trauma to your muscles. That last one typically happens more often with weight training, but just about any intense exercise breaks down (and subsequently builds) muscle to some degree. Just look at a swimmer's shoulders or a jogger's legs if you doubt this.

When it comes to a serious workout, one of the many reasons trainers like P90X's Tony Horton and RevAbs' Brett Hoebel recommend drinking Shakeology is because your body is in a state of depletion, so many people make the mistake of eating too many calories afterward.

How many calories you should consume post-workout depends on your size and how hard you blasted it, but the general range is 100 to 250 calories post-workout. At 140 to 150 calories, Shakeology fills this requirement perfectly, and if you need more calories we recommend adding a banana or some nut butter for extra protein.

Protein is critical after a tough workout because it works to repair your muscles. This is due to the fact that protein is comprised of amino acids, which serve as building blocks for muscle. If you can get some protein in your body fast, it can jump-start the recovery process. With 16 to 18 grams of quality protein in each serving, Shakeology works great as a muscle building tool and is absorbed perfectly after a work-out because your body in its depleted state is extra receptive to the nutrients.

The next mode of action is replenishing your blood sugar. In order to do this you need carbs. There are 17 grams of carbs in each serving of Shakeology, which when taken with protein post-workout, can both replenish your body and keep you satisfied, so you don't overeat or suffer through that "I'm starving" feeling, which can lead to unhealthy meal choices.

The final two pieces of the recovery puzzle are electrolytes (specifically potassium, sodium, magnesium, and chloride) and water, all of which you lose when you sweat. The magnesium, sodium, vitamins, minerals, and enzymes in Shakeology will boost your electrolytes, and if you want to get even more, make your shake with coconut water. As for rehydrating, I hear there's a new thing out there called "water." You might want to research it. :)


Enjoy and score your Shakeology at my website and get my customized support by going to


Renee Smith

Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Why High Intensity Cardio?

Have you ever met someone who exercises on a regular basis (approx. 3-5 times a week) but really hasn't made any progress, especially with all their time and effort for many years? Did you ever take note of the type of cardiovascular training that person was doing? More than likely it was some form of low-intensity cardio, i.e. walking, jogging, running, etc. The problem with this type of cardio is that it doesn't take long for your body and metabolism to get accustomed to the low-intensity training. Your metabolism will adjust and soon enough it will only burn calories for the duration of your workout.

Another issue with low-intensity cardio is that over time it will take you a longer duration to burn the same amount of calories. For example, what took you 30 minutes to burn 200 calories might take you 40 minutes to burn 200 calories over time. I'm sure you can agree with me on this one but I prefer to the burn the most amounts of calories in the shortest period of time and continue to burn calories long after I have completed a cardio session. Low-intensity cardio will only burn calories during the duration of your training. On top of that it will take up much of your precious time only to receive minimal results, which is not the goal for anyone.

High-intensity cardio is effective cardiovascular training that is going to shoot your fat loss and muscle gains through the roof. Studies have shown that subjects on a high protein and moderate carbohydrate diet who completed high-intensity cardio were able to gain extra lean muscle mass and lose more body fat compared to those subjects completing low-intensity cardio. What is so unique about high-intensity cardio is that it increases your muscle oxidative capacity (your muscles ability to produce mitochondria), which in turn will allow your muscles to increase in size. Mitochondria are the energy producing units in your muscles; this is where ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is made and fats are burned. The more mitochondria you can produce the more fat you burn and increase lean muscle mass. Sounds amazing, right?

What separates those who get maximum results and those who don't...maximum intensity! High-intensity cardio increases the amount of mitochondria in the muscle and will continue to increase the more intense you push yourself during each cardio session. When doing high-intensity cardio it is an all-out-effort that should be challenging for you from start to finish. You will need to prepare your self mentally and physically before every session because it is intended to push you over the edge. This is a big reason why people choose not to do it or come up with an excuse as to why they shouldn't do it.

High-intensity cardio is meant to be conducted in short duration, I would say anywhere between 15 to 20 minutes would be a sufficient amount of time to get you started. This may not seem fancy on paper but believe me, more time doing cardio does not necessarily mean it is better for you. If you can do more than 20 minutes then I guarantee you are not pushing yourself hard enough during the 20 minutes. As I said earlier, high-intensity cardio is an all-out-effort from start to finish and it should never be easy. You should be huffing and puffing the entire time and basically living from second to second, minute to minute, until you finish your session. This is going to require that you use every last bit of mental and physical toughness to get you through.

You must also not forget to keep asking more from yourself. Once you have reached your goal then set a higher goal and go for that, once that goal is reached and you are comfortable, set another one. This is a never-ending process and you have to keep progressing or you will keep getting the same results. If 20 minutes is not enough time then increase the level of resistance on the machine you’re using or try using no hands. Do not increase the time without raising the resistance level first.

Some of the best cardio interval training workouts are Insanity and TurboFire.
Insanity provides you with high intensity cardio interval training workouts.  The program is 60 days long and does not use any equipment.  Just your own body weight.  The workouts focus on speed and agility, you do a lot of plank, push ups, knee ups and plyometrics.  Great overall workout and it was the first beachbody program I did and I loved it!

Turbofire is also a high intensity cardio interval training workout that follows the same idea.  Turbofire is cardio kickboxing choreographed to high energy and fun music.  It's like a dance party in your living room for 90 days.  It also has a tone, sculpt, and abs workout that comes with the program.  The workouts range from 15 minutes to 55 minutes.  Plus I love Chalene Johnson and her upbeat fun attitude!

If you have questions about the workouts or how to score your copy to start burning fat fast for the fast approaching summer season go to my site and create a free account and we can start customizing your plan today.

Renee Smith

Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

Kati's Brazil Butt Lift Transformation

Shout out to a member of our awesome accountability team, Kati.  She is preparing for her upcoming beachbody vacation to Mexico and is kicking it into high gear with Chalean Extreme and Brazil Butt Lift.  She is pulling double workouts and eating super clean.  You can't go to Mexico not looking top quality so Kati knew exactly how to take it up a notch and seriously she looks AMAZING!  I really never even knew she had that much to lose because she always looks great.

Do you want to hit it hard for the next few months to get your body beachbody ready?! 
Message me today to be a part of an amazing life changing challenge group that will take your health and fitness to a whole new level and put you on the fast track to success and confidence!

Way to go Kati, you totally rocked it!  Talk about motivation!

6 week BBL and Chalean Extreme Workout Results

Do you want to do your own Brazil Butt Lift Workout?!  Click here to order your copy today and I will mentor you through the process!

Renee Smith
Independent BeachBody Coach