Saturday, January 31, 2015

Women's Insanity Results

I am super excited to announce that my Insanity challenge has ended!  Let me tell you that I have never seen a MORE motivated group of individuals than these 3 ladies!  Each and every one of them was up at 5:30 am or earlier to get their workout in, shower and be on their way to work each day!  They made exercise and eating healthy a priority and because of that they had absolutely amazing results!! 

The first women in the group is Kayla Leventry!  She started this challenge because she was buying a dress for a friends wedding and absolutely hated what her body looked like.  She couldn't believe that she had let herself get to this point!  She made a commitment that day to change her life for the better!  To make this a lifestyle change and not a diet! She committed to completing Insanity and each and everyday she got up and worked out!  Together we came up with a meal plan to meet her needs and we worked hard to fine tune her program!  Because of her hard work and dedication here are results!
Her stats were as followed:
Measurements: Chest 39 - 37
R Arm 11 3/4 - 10 1/4
L Arm 13 1/4 - 10 3/4
Waist 34 1/4 - 34
Hips 43.5 - 42
R Thigh 24.5 - 23
L Thigh 24.5 - 25
Weight 159.2 - 147.2 !!!!!
Kayla's Insanity Results
Kayla just started her next challenge and is doing Insanity Max30!  I'm super excited for her and she is on a mission to lose 25 more lbs!  So let's support Kayla and help her reach her goal weight!  She is doing an amazing job and is already paying it forward by coaching her own group through a beachbody challenge!  Way to go KAYLA!!!!
Next, we have Katie!  She is a brand new mother to a totally adorable little boy!  I beleive that he is only 4 months old!  She was depressed and disgusted with her body and she saw my before and after pics and thought to herself, "That's a real person with real results and it's someone that I know!"  So she decided that she was going to take the challenge and set her sights high and do the same!  Katie is so intrinsically motivated and knew she wanted to push for the best results she could get!  Katie signed up as a beachbody coach to get the discount and began the Insanity Challenge.  Katie's husband works long hours and Katie also works a full time job.  Most of the time she is on her own!  Katie did an amazing job at dealing with a newborn and a husband that is super busy!  She killed it, stayed focused and therefore got amazing results!!! 

Katie's Insanity Transformation
Measurements: Chest 34-31
Arms 10.5-9.5
Waist 30-25
Hips 40-34
... Thighs 21.5-20.5
Weight 128-113
Pants size 6-0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am super proud of you ladies and I can't wait to see how many lives you can impact with your amazing story!!! 

If you would like to participate in my next challenge group please message me today to reserve your spot!  If you would like more information on exactly what a beachbody challenge group entails I'd be glad to walk you through the steps of how to transform your life with me as your coach!!

Renee Smith
Independent BeachBody Coach

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Panko Crusted "Baked not Fried Chicken"

I have 3 children who LOVE chicken fingers and I really am working hard to transition my entire family over to eating clean but it is VERY HARD!  It's so easy to just grab some frozen chicken nuggets, mac and cheese and hot dogs and go!  So in an effort to begin on my journey of transitioning my kids as well I found this recipe in the TurboFire nutrition guide that came with my TurboFire fitness program.  It was a hit and the sauce was yummy!!
  • 8 5-oz boneless, skinless chicken breasts (pound thin if too thick)
  • 3/4 cup panko (whole wheat panko bread crumbs, I found at McGinnis Sisters)
  • 1/4 cup Dijon Mustard (may sub with spicy Asian mustard)
  • 1/2 cup nonfat plain yogurt
  • 2 tbsp sesame oil (may substitute with peanut oil)
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 1-1/2 tbsp dried parsley
Wash chicken breasts, pat dry with a paper towel, and set aside.  In a large bowl, whisk together mustard, crushed garlic, yogurt, and sesame oil.  In a separate bowl, mix parsley with panko.  Dip chicken into mustard mixture and then roll it in breadcrumbs.  Place on a Cookie sheet sprayed with nonstick spray and bake it at 475 degrees for 20 minutes, or until coating is golden brown and the chicken is no longer pink.  Use a meat thermometer to test chicken, or pierce the thicker portion to make sure juices run clear.  Serve with Dijon sauce.

Calories:  231, Protein 31g, Carbs 9g, Total fat 7g, Fiber .5g

Dijon Sauce
  • 1/4 cup Dijon mustard
  • 1/4 cup nonfat plain yogurt
  • 1 tsp. sesame oil
  • 1 tsp. low sodium soy sauce
Calories:  17 protein, .5 carbs, 1g total fat, Fiber 0g

Renee Smith

Independent BeachBody Coach

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Mother of 4's Weight Loss Transformation

Jessamyn Patterson's transformation story hits close to home for me for a lot of reasons.  First of all she is a mom, but to 4 kids!!!  Although I also have 4 kids, I had a hard time fitting in my workouts with 3 at home, so I can't even imagine what it must of been like for her!

We both have a lot of love marks from our little kiddos but they are worth it all!  So I felt compelled to share her story with you because we see a lot of women in bikinis that have had 2 and 3 kids that bounce right back.  But a lot of that is hard work and genetics.  I just wanted you to know that there are woman out there like you and me that can lose weight and have love marks left over and be totally 100% ok with who we are! Losing the weight and getting in shape is more about how you feel on the inside and outside and for the rest of you life knowing that it was your hard work and dedication that made it possible.  When you lose weight you can do so many more things that you never thought imaginable, like play on the floor with your kids or grand kids and run up the hill to play tag with your kids.  It's all about the simple pleasures in life!

Jessamyn's story: In Jan of 2011 I had a friend come visit me from jersey she is a BB coach and in perfect shape. We went to go skydiving and upon arrival I found out I was too big and was going to have to pay $1 for every pound over 225 and be weighed in like a meat scale! I was MORTIFIED!!! I guess I never realized how big I had truly gotten. I weighed in at 263lbs. Something in me clicked that day. I never really had my weight as a factor of holding me back it never impaired anything in my regular life. I would simply buy a larger size, wear more layers, or compensate through personality or makeup! Gaby and I started working out that week. My first mission Cowles Mountain. Highest peak in San Diego. It took me 3 hours the first time, in complete tears the entire time. Over the next two months I struggled drastically, I joined a gym and would work out like a mad man but then I would come home and be so hungry I would eat it all back in pointless carbs. I wasn't educating myself on the proper weight loss and I was ultimately doing more damage.


The first 6 weeks I didnt loose a single pound. I was broken and lost and frustrated. I went in for a lapband consult. 2 hours in that place changed my world, this was NOT for me, there was a better option. I rerouted myself. I started reading up on what worked for me, educating myself on fitness and health, what to eat, when to eat, how to burn belly fat, how to boost metabolism, and how to boost energy. I dropped 100lbs in 8 months! No excuses no tricks no pills no surgery. I have 4 kids and no personal trainer. I started on Beachbody at the 60lb mark, fell in LOVE with Shakeology which took me from drinking [2] 5hr energy shots a day to none! I am now stronger, fitter, and healthier than I ever have been and RUN Cowles mountain 2x every Sunday back to back 40 minutes each route!

So there is a true story about how the power of beachbody support groups and Shakeology can change your life!  Do you want to transform your life starting now?  Take the beachbody challenge and together we can get fit forever!

This is not a DIET...It's a LIFESTYLE Change!

Take the challenge and let me coach you to reach that perfect body you have always wanted.
Renee Smith
Beachbody Coach
Renee Smith
Independent BeachBody Coach

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Something to Sweat About

How often have you put off getting in shape for one reason or another? Life gets busy, but if you don’t take action to shape up your body and your health, you are only delaying the positive outcomes of an active lifestyle. Next time you feel like saying, I’ll do it later, when it comes to your fit lifestyle, remember:

1. Think of a get-healthy task you don’t feel like doing. Ask yourself, “Why not?” Take a moment to jot down the reason below.

For me I would love to run a 10k.  I just do not like to run and I would have to get up very early to run before my husband leaves for work.  I really have no desire to go outside in the cold and run!  I would much rather do my videos instead.

2. Write down the best possible outcome if you complete the task listed above, and the worst outcome if you skip it.

The best possible outcome would be that I would complete the training and run the 10k and accomplish a goal I set for myself.  The worst possible outcome would be that I never meet that goal and I become just like all the other people who say I shoulda, woulda, coulda!

3. Ask yourself, “By putting it off, am I helping or hurting my situation?” Make note of your thoughts below.

I am only hurting myself, if it is something I am really passionate about then I should just make the decision to run and DO IT!  I find myself coming up with excuses, such as its to cold or I don't have the right shoes or music.  I need to download the right app so I can train accordingly.  These are all excuses for my lack of motivation to run.  At this point, my main focus is on completing Insanity Max30.  It's not like I'm not doing any form of exercise.  So instead of beating myself up over it, I am going to complete Insanity Max30 and then decide whether or not the 10k or half marathon is my next goal!  Until then, I will continue to exercise and eat clean to maintain my goal weight!

Renee Smith

Independent BeachBody Coach

Monday, January 12, 2015

Sunset chicken


3 to 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
1 (14.5 oz) can diced tomatoes
1 tbsp chili powder
1 (15.5) oz can pinto or black beans
1 1/4 cups frozen corn
1/4 cup sliced green onions
1 small can diced chiles
Salt and pepper to taste

Possible garnishes: Cheddar cheese, avocado, lime, cilantro, salsa, sour cream.


Combine chicken, tomatoes and chili powder in large pan. Cook over medium high heat for 30 minutes or until juices run clear from chicken. Add beans, corn and chiles. Season with salt and pepper. Simmer for 5 to 7 minutes. Garnish with green onions and serve with whole grain brown rice.

Renee Smith

Independent BeachBody Coach

Sunday, January 11, 2015


After 30 days of exercising and drinking protein shakes and eating healthy I felt like I was at a plateau and needed to kick start my weight loss again. I kept talking to my coach who kept encouraging me to try Shakeology. I kept putting it off because of the cost. I got on the website and read all about it and became really interested in it. It kept saying it was equivalent to eating 6 salads. It not only helps repair your muscles, boosts your immune system, improves your mood and reduces cravings but it tastes great too. It is like drinking a milkshake! After much procrastination, I decided that I was going to buy a months supply of Shakeology! It was $120 but I joined as a coach and got 25% off and it only costs me 89.00 a month. That's less than $3 per day!  I could easier save that by not eating out 1-2 times a month.  I got my shake on home direct which got me free shipping also. It said I could cancel it at any time during the month and it has a 30 day bottom of the bag guarantee.

I made my first shake with almond milk and a scoop of chocolate Shakeology with ice and blended in a blender. IT WAS AMAZING! I drank a big glass of water with it and I was full for at least 3 hours. I had a ton of energy to complete my workout and keep up with all of my kids! After drinking it for breakfast every day, in a week I dropped another 2 pounds! I wasn't the type of person to drink my meals but this is yummy and filling too! As a busy parent, this is an easy way for me to grab a healthy meal and jump in the car and head to the pool or park and not worry about what I am going to eat. I don't want to eat that fast food when I have a milkshake in hand.  I even have my husband and kids on it now!  It has dramatically reduced the sickness in our household with 3 kids in school bringing every "bug" home.

If you are interested in trying it out check out for more information. Or you can always send me a message! I'd be glad to help, like I said, I wasn't a believer until I gave it a try!
Renee Smith
Independent BeachBody Coach


Saturday, January 10, 2015

Motivation to change

It just amazes me how many people out there don't want you to succeed. Everyday we are surrounded by people who don't exercise and eat garbage all day long. When you pull out your salad for lunch with your measured out home made salad dressing you get all sorts of crazy stares. WHY? Why wouldn't you want to take care of the body God gave you so that you can keep up with your kids for another 50 years? Why wouldn't you want to fit in that pair of skinny jeans neatly folded in your closet that you haven't been able to wear for a couple of years? Why would you want to feel bloated and gross after every meal because you put over processed, fatty, greasy foods into your body? Every day we are met with resistance when trying to change our bodies for the better. We are constantly surrounded by negativity in this world. Which makes it even harder to stay focused on our goal because we already have low self esteem about our body image. I know that when I started working out, everyday I would look in the mirror and hate my body. Even after a workout I would catch a glimpse in the mirror and think, my body is never going to change. Even after 3 weeks I was still doubting that the Insanity workouts were going to make a difference. I was surrounded by people telling me that, I needed to wear a "sucker inner" around my waist or take pills to lose the weight. I also got, "I thought you would loose this weight quicker". I would just beat myself up day in and day out about my body. Everyday, I would push myself harder! Every time someone would shift their gaze to my stomach while talking I would work harder! I wasn't going to let other people's negative comments stop me from reaching my goal.

Now several months later I have lost 35 pounds and I still wake up and look at myself in the mirror and say I need to tighten my stomach or I want to gain some muscle, but at least I can now fit into those skinny jeans in my closet that I haven't worn in 2 years! I can put on a shirt that was once to tight and say, "I did this!" I worked hard so that this shirt looks awesome! I can honestly say that the help of my beachbody coach, Miranda Asmussen was priceless! Without her support, the support of the team and the support of my husband, I couldn't have done this! I spent every evening reading other peoples posts and researching recipes and motivation so I would stay focused. My husband would make fun of me for spending so much time on the computer but it kept me in check! Because of that I am a better wife, mother, and friend! I hope that I can help other people change their lives too, because I see what an awesome effect it had on me!

It wasn't an easy road and I still have a long road ahead but at least I feel like I can live with the person I am now when I look in the mirror!

What's your motivation!
Renee Smith
Independent BeachBody Coach

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Committed to Getting Fit

9 months ago I was at a very different point in my life than I am today. I was 30+ pounds overweight and very depressed about my body. I knew I had to do something but going to the gym everyday just wasn't practical for me and my family. I needed something I could either do with the kids or at home while they were sleeping. I started doing the Insanity workouts and was immediately hooked. I could hardly get up off the floor at the end of the workouts and I was sweating profusely but I loved it! Every day I would get up before the kids and go to play room and do my workout. My husband was very supportive and watched the kids when he was home so I could workout. It became a routine and I was just watching the numbers drop on the scale. I started to have more energy and I was doing all right.

Unfortunately, I hit a point about 30 days in where I stopped losing weight. When I took my 30 day pictures I was sad that I didn't see more of a change. I was discouraged and frustrated with it. I was working out so hard and watching what I ate but I couldn't drop the pounds. I was introduced to the principle that your weight loss is 80% nutrition, 10% exercise and 10% genetics. Then, out of no where a friend of mine messaged me on Facebook and told me about her slim down challenge and asked if I wanted to be a part of it. I agreed to give it a try. I signed up with a free account on and started my profile. I took pictures of myself so that I could have something to compare to. I didn't share the pictures with anyone, but I kept them to myself for motivation. I was added to the slim down challenge Facebook group where I was provided with tons of motivation and support from other people who were doing the same challenge. I am addicted to eating clean and when I don't eat clean my body feels sluggish and heavy. I have totally changed the way I shop for food and cook my meals. After 60 days I could tell a huge difference in my body.  I had finished Insanity and I chose to start the 21 Day Fix and Shakeology. I completed 2 rounds and lost 32 pounds!!  I have gained my self confidence back.

Because of the great support I got from the group I decided that I wanted to do the same thing for other people. It is so hard to make the choice to commit to changing your life and exercising. I did it and I want to help others do it too. I want to be your support system and motivation to stay focused. I love helping other people and this is just another way I can share the knowledge I have gained about weight loss and nutrition with others. If you are interested in getting fit and healthy please email me at and I can help you set up an exercise program and meal plan to meet your needs.

Team Beachbody also has a "Beachbody Challenge". You can win prizes for the biggest transformation. All you have to do is create a free account at and choose me as your coach. Enter your goals and your before picture and choose a workout program (P90X, Insanity, ect). Then log your workouts into Wowy supergym weekly to earn prizes. If you would like additional information on workout programs that Beachbody has to offer let me know and I'd be glad to help you customize your workouts to meet your specific needs. Beachbody has a long list of programs to target all areas of the body. They also have a great product called Shakeology. You can either use it as a meal replacement or a snack. So far I love it and I am going to use Shakeology to help me lose those last few pounds. Check out my site for additional information on Shakeology,

I hope that you can make the choice to get fit because you will feel amazing! It's totally worth the blood, sweat and tears!
Renee Smith
Independent Beachbody® Coach