Saturday, June 27, 2015

Healthy Tilapia Recipe and Why Fish is So Important to Our Diet!

I have some fresh fat burning tilapia that I picked up at the store today and I'm feeling like I need something quick and easy!  Fish is a great source of lean protein and is has so many wonderful health benefits.
Tilapia has a mild flavor that holds seasoning quite well, making it perfect for dieters who claim to loathe fish. What’s even better is that the 2 best cooking methods for tilapia also happen to be two of the healthiest: grilling & baking.
Let’s start with why tilapia is rock star among fat burning foods—protein. One serving of tilapia (4 ounces) has 29.5 grams of protein, which is more than 50% of your daily value of protein, meaning your body will be burning fat like crazy trying to process the protein!

Tilapia nutrition facts include large amounts of essential nutrients necessary for basic human functions, such as vitamin B12. The amount of B12 in tilapia makes up more than 30% of your recommended daily value! Niacin is yet another nutrient in tilapia, giving you nearly 30% of the niacin your body requires each day.
Selenium is one mineral that really gives tilapia a health boost, making up nearly 80% of your daily value in just one serving!

With no carbs, no sugar and very little fat you can eat tilapia to burn fat without feeling guilty.  Now that's my kind of food!!!
One of the most notable health benefits of tilapia is its low calorie count, which is ideal for anyone looking to shed a few pounds. With just 145 calories per serving, you can pair tilapia with a wide range of vegetables for a truly low-calorie and fat burning meal.
Tilapia is also a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, which can help you maintain a healthy blood pressure and keep heart disease at bay. This is important because many of us with too much fat on our bodies are highly susceptible to these illnesses.

In addition to being loaded with protein, tilapia has plenty of potassium to help prevent post-workout muscle cramps. Other nutrients tilapia contains in abundance includes vitamin B12, which helps keep you mentally alert; niacin, which is necessary to keep your body functioning at an optimal level, and selenium a nutrient known to decrease your risk against cancer and heart disease.

So in addition to being quite low in calories, the health benefits of tilapia include fat burning, improved heart health and good cholesterol (HDL), and a decreased risk of weight-related illnesses.

So now for a great recipe to cook up some Tilapia of your own!!!
• 1/4 cup / 60 ml best-quality olive oil
• 3 cloves garlic, minced or pressed
• 1 tsp / 5 ml paprika
• 1 tsp / 5 ml ginger
• 1 tsp / 5 ml fresh ground black pepper
• 1 tsp / 5 ml dried mustard
• 1 tsp / 5 ml oregano
• 1 tsp / 5 ml chili powder
• 1 pinch cayenne pepper
• 4 tilapia filets, thawed
  1. Preheat your oven to 400ºF/ 205ºC. Line your baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. In a medium sized bowl combine olive oil, garlic and seasonings.
  3. Dip each filet into the seasoning and place it on the baking sheet.
  4. Pour any remaining seasoning over the filets on the sheet and place the baking sheet in the oven.
  5. Bake for 10 minutes.
I serve my fish with a side of steam asparagus, green beans or broccoli!  Sweet potato's are another great addition to the mix!  Enjoy!!
Nutritional Value for One Filet
Calories: 183.25
Calories from Fat: 78.5
Total Fat: 9 g
Saturated Fat: 1.7 g
Total Carbs: 2.6 g
Fiber: 1 g
Protein: 23 g
Sodium: 153 mg
Cholesterol: 57 mg Sugar: 0.2 g
Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

Sunday, June 21, 2015

I Will Never Be Good Enough So I Migh As Well Give Up!!

Sound familiar?
This is one of those lines of thought that I think so many people have when trying to lose weight or change eating and exercise habits.

No matter what I do, it's never good enough.

The first question to ask yourself is "Good enough for whom?"  Who are you trying to please?  Who gets the ultimate say on whether or not you are good enough?

If your answer is "them, the world, the universe" then you are right.  There is nothing you can do that will ever please everyone.  There, that burden is lifted from your shoulders!  You will never please them all.  But don't give up on your dreams, just give up on trying to please everyone else and focus on you.  It's incredibly freeing.  Try it.

The only person you really have to be good enough for is yourself.  So if your standards you have set for yourself are impossible to meet because you require perfection of yourself at all times, the only reasonable solution is to lower your standards.  Stop expecting to be perfect, stop thinking you already know everything, and open your mind to learning and moving forward through an ever changing process.

I remember one particular moment when I was laying in bed after a long day of working out, taking care of my kids and doing my wifely duties that I just broke down into tears.  I just thought to myself, my body is never going to change!  I am never going to get that BODY that I so desperately want.  My husband just looked at me like I was crazy and said, "I don't care about your body or what you look like, I love you no matter what!"  But as amazing as that compliment was I just didn't believe him!  How could anyone love me when I looked this way!  Especially when I remember how awesome my body was when we first started dating and got married.  I just had to keep pushing, I just had to do more!  I was in the zone!!!  Even though I had my doubts I just wasn't giving up.

There were definitely times that I thought to myself, "No matter what I do it will never be good enough so I may as well give up."
Because in my mind I was trying!  I was eating clean and I was exercising!  I was doing the same things I had been doing for months.  Yet it wasn't working anymore the same way it had been.
Ah, silly me.  If only I had known then what I know now I would have known that I answered my own question.
Obviously, I did not give up.  I had the temper tantrum, cried, and the next day I adjusted my calorie intake and got in the zone and really hammered out my workouts and I eventually met all of my goals, so we see that clearly it was good enough after all.
I learned a few important lessons.  First, doing what you've been doing doesn't work forever because your body adapts.  I had become fitter so I needed to push myself harder.  I had become thinner so I needed to adjust my caloric intake.  Doing what you've always done really isn't good enough.  You have to accept that you much continually evolve to keep making progress.

I also learned to listen to my husband about things like this because he really was very rational about the whole thing in ways it took me many months to master.  There is a lot of emotion tied up in excess weight and I think that emotion comes out when you lose it.

Either that or eating less calories than you burn causes temper tantrums.
Good enough is not perfect.  In fact, there's no such thing as perfect.  There's only a little better than before.

So its dedication and hard work and not giving up that brings you the results!

----------- >>>WANT SUPPORT, MOTIVATION AND ACCOUNTABILITY TO KICK YOUR BUTT IN GEAR?<------- Take my next Beachbody Challenge, 12 week program to transform your mind, diet and body forever!!
Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Shakeology Cleanse - 5 lbs in 3 days!

Alyssa is a challenger in my Challenge group.  She is almost 60 days into Chalean Extreme and is having amazing results.  Alyssa works full time, just began her own Beachbody Business and is committed to getting into the best shape of her life.  In any weight loss journey there are times when you feel like you have hit a wall and need to spice things up!  That means either you need to change your diet, increase your exercise or decrease calorie intake.  So another healthy option is to do the 3 day Shakeology Cleanse.  Alyssa along with a few other challengers embarked on this journey and here is her story!

"This was my first time doing any sort of cleanse so I can tell you I was really nervous at first, because I was on a limit of what I could eat. Day 1 was hard, by 9am I was craving my mid-morning snack because that is when I am used to eating it, but on the cleanse you are allowed 2 pieces of fruit a day so I  grabbed my piece of fruit. I was also starting to feel lightheaded and sick to my stomach, but I was determined to finish this cleanse and told myself I could do it. I got a huge water bottle and probably filled it about 6 times through out my day. By 5pm I was starving I had no idea what to do, and it is partly because I worked out after work and I wouldn't suggest doing that again!  If you are going to workout then choose something low impact such as Yoga, walking or Tai Cheng.
Since Day 1 was a little rough I took it easier on the second day.  I knew what to expect so it was a breeze to get through, but I was feeling a little exhausted and that is because of the low calorie intake, but I just pushed right through it.  The Shakeology cleanse is a calorie restricted cleanse.  So you are still eating it is just restricted to a low number of calories which can lead to low energy.

On day 3 I was absolutely exhausted and I felt like the day was never going to end. Time was moving so slow and no matter how much water I drank I could not stay full. I thought I was going to be stuck on Day 3 forever. Overall, Day 1 and 3 were the hardest, but I had the mindset I was determined to do this and stick with it and I knew this was going to benefit me and make me feel better after completed. I lost a total of 5lbs in 3 days!! Never thought I would have come close to losing that much weight in 3 days.  Afterwards I felt a great sense of accomplishment and I felt great about my body. Next time I do the cleanse I know what to expect.  I know what kind of mind frame you have to have, but I would drink way more water than ever, get lots and lots of rest, and certainty take it easy on the intense workouts for those three days."- Alyssa

Another alternative is the 3-Day Refresh. 


If you've ever done a juice fast or an all-liquid cleanse that's high in sugars and low in protein, you may have found that you felt weak and sluggish. And any weight loss came right back. That's because liquid fasts can tax your organs, and crater your metabolism.
The 3-Day Refresh is scientifically designed to do just the opposite. It detoxifies and cleanses, while supporting your metabolism with easy-to-prepare, nutritious whole food to help your vital organs reenergize. That's why you feel so good when you do the Refresh, and still lose weight at the same time! Your body functions more efficiently, and it helps burn fat.

Instead of leaving you depleted from fasting, after 3 days you feel energized, lighter, REFRESHED!

Renee Smith
Independent Diamond BeachBody Coach